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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. since we havent heard back from Dave..I assume he is 1,in litigation and cant talk about it. 2,decided to part the bird out ,pay off the loan and move on,or is attempting the repair on his own and is realizing how much work it was...The question that came to my mind is the timing of the discovery of corroision so severe that rivets are failing in tension from structural overload.He states the ppi and purchase was done 18 months prior to discovery of corrosion by current shop doing annual.That was in april but presupposes the last annual inspection was done at that time..or that c model would have been seriously out of annual 18 months later when the corrosion was found.If the last annual was sooner..say 12 months after he purchased the c..who did it?My question was when was the last annual done..assuming this c has been inspected every 12 months ,I do not understand how it got this bad without a logbook entry..hope it turned out well and I believe the last ap/IA is doing a carpet dance at his local flight standards office..kpc
  2. been there as others have stated FILE NASA asap.Also do not talk to anyone else about this nor talk to anyone from the FAA other than initial call on the ground.Any more "coperation "you provide to faa will be used to strengthen their case against you.If they decide to violate you,you will get the letter and than you unfortunately will need some legal advice.My aviation atty buddys tell me if there was a seperation incident between you and the other "reporting" aircraft ,you are looking at a 90 day suspension and maybe a 409 checkride.The nasa report will prevent the imposition of the sanction (suspension )but the violation still goes on your record come insurance time.Hate to be the bearer of bad news but if there have been more than one discussion with atc/ faa ,I think you need an aviation atty now!Also anything you have stated in this forum is also admissable...use your edit function to cover your back trail...sorry for your trouble...pm me for my issue with atc..goodluck kpc
  3. Don..I am curious as to why you ars not going the 1090 es route.Doesnt your 231 K model routinely fly above 18k.Do you currently have a WAAS gps installed??Or do you plan on selling the 231 prior to 2020??regards kpc
  4. Had the same problem two weeks ago left mag failed after 300 hrs (from last 500 hr check)...yep it was left impulse coupled slick mag that mag shop in Redding identfied slow speed misfire ....did 500 hr and replaced coil.....seems to be a bad batch of Slick coils...normal high speed runup though..kpc
  5. also in moderate icing conditions ,buildup occurs at the cowling inlets...than flys off unexpectably throwing occasional wads at the windshield....kinda like when it comes off the hood of your car...main thing is make sure your system is primed (about 5 min with low pressure warning flashing) before entering an icy looking cloud.Make sure pitot heat is on prior to any cloud penetration...90 min duration is about what you can expect.I found max rate removes any buildup than switch to low...icing always starts at the stall triggers first ,and last to come off.Keep at least a couple gals of tksb on board in summer time and prime sytem monthly to keep foam membrane behind tks panels from completely drying out in summer..regards kpc
  6. Aftermarket!!
  7. ibdid the opposite..I went from a 69 d55 (300 a side) burning 30 gals for 195 kts but could haul 4 with baggage to a two person w baggage burning 19 gal for 205 kts but better equipped...yes sometimes I miss being able to throw minibikes in the back or 1500 ft permin sea level climb...I donot miss the annual inspections or the time it takes to uncowl a Baron.I tried to keep multi current but fortunately never had to test vmc skills
  8. The increased heart rate is pretty typical at altitude...92 % perfusion is also typical...you were just feeling apprehensive due to the new experience...still kind of low for magneto misfire..or time for magneto inspection..or automatic rough..kpc
  9. The combo of turbocharging and fiki have allowed us to complete pretty much 99% of our trips .High altitude ,high oat takeoffs have never been an issue and the abilty to outclimb or handle most weather we have encountered has proven a huge stress reducer.Since owning the Bravo that replaced a nonturbo,nondeiced Baron ,true IFR flights have become the norm vs many weather induced cancellations.Maintance costs have been (completely predictable so far)nothing out of the ordinary with no Turbo maintance issues,the tio-540 is smooth running,shows good compressions at 100 hr inspections..
  10. nah..I was thinking of a 120 ft Feldship sport fisher with a hot tub and all female crew!
  11. Rbridges..executive autopilots has two in stock..give them a call at ksac...
  12. what a great way to fund a private south seas island hopping vacation...give me all your money people so I can look for capt Nemo!!
  13. yeah..I am not surprised it is backordered..mine was part of a shipment of 10 last December to aircraft Spruce.after software upgrades...system is working well...getting full tisb ground station traffic info now on portable gdl 39 to portable Garmin 696 in panel mount.Traffic also bluetoothed to ipad...so if you have an existing 430w530w and king 76a or c...this was cheapest solution
  14. Call frank at sterling avionics ,concord ca..k
  15. Fantom..I take you will not be installing ads-b equipment anytime soon??I just did mine and may live to regret it but I believe it wont be going away.I bought my Mooney to travel long distances ,frequently IFR.So if that means loss of privacy so be it.Since I fly IFR anyway...anyone who wants to can ID me.I do believe there will be pilots opting to hang it up just like they did 20 yrs ago when all the voluntary TRSA s became manditory class c airspace.The guys who want to just stick and rudder and avoid the airspaces dont really even need a Mooney.A lightsport or even ultralight will work for the 30 or 40 mile lunch run.Will ads-b be the nail in the coffen ?.Hope not..but who knows..I like you have seen a lot of changes to general avation...regards..kpc..ps...have you thought of self publishing and selling thru amazon/kindle avation themed adventure novels..I bet you could do well at it.
  16. We have a few m20j at ksac..
  17. No problems...Mulege as you know is packed clay with just a few rocks at south end.Lopez Mateo I am not familiar with...The big change since you last went down..is Mexican Eapis flight notification...talk to BBP..I think they can handle that..k
  18. Hey Wakeup..hope you are not too cheap to do good annual inspections or afford gas and oil...I mean cheap is cheap but ultimately its your butt on the line!...regards kpc
  19. i have and do not replace the yray..kpc
  20. Mine is placed using mount just forward of copilts side pocket..external antenna a comant 105 blade mounted 3 ft aft of the transponder ant on second belly panel..I/a logged antenna install..gps remote ant under glareshield...works well..tis b and weather recieve from ground stations over 100 miles.
  21. i agree...the confusion re support for these Garmins is the original 430/530 pre waas units...the 430/530W units use a newer motherboard and with the 5.10 software updates are stc ed (garmin ads b +) as position sources for garmin/trig/bendix king transponders.I have heard 50000 430 530 s were sold with probably half converted or sold new as waas models.They are no going away anytime within the next two decades in my opinion.k
  22. if like my 225...there are two servos horizontal attitude and one for roll...I believe you have a bad pitch servo ( could be rpm sensor or the global moter)these are about 1200 to 1800 rebuilt exchange from midwest...I had an intermittent roll servo that liked to roll me inverted while in imc...self test frequently wont reveal a bad servo..
  23. You need a new mechanic cause he placed switch from arm position to on position when he replaced unit after battery change.!Tune com radio to 122.5 and listen to the pretty music
  24. One might be stormscope display clear
  25. interesting enough the one accident of a cirrus over sugar bowl calif that haunts me...the pilot flys into weather at night..gets some icing ( it had tks) and instead of continuing downhill to warmer temps of the valley...gets scared and deploys the parachute without slowing it down...the results were that the sudden opening shock destroyed the aircraft .....he would have been better to embrace his fear,and continued to fly the aircraft...
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