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Everything posted by 1964-M20E

  1. Glad that didn't lead to fuel starvation.
  2. job is not too bad, now WORK is another story altogether.
  3. I just bought the aero creeper really nice. It is the manual one not the electric on but is adjusts nicely as you go to the wing tips removing screws. Also I made some blocks from 3 pieces of 2x8 lumber stacked and screwed together with a wheel chock on each end. I put the plane on the jacks and then let it sit on the blocks while working under the plane. This gives me an additional 4.5" of clearance under the plane and it makes a huge difference.
  4. Except for local fun flights I usually am talking to ATC most of the time IFR sometimes flight following.
  5. First sounds like it is at the wing tip. My non IA opinion would be to work with your mechanic and patch it. Yes a new skin is the ideal fix but if a doubler patch is structurally sound, done in accordance with good maintenance techniques and passes inspection by an IA go for it. You can always get it reskinned later.
  6. It was summer of 1978. I was a cadet in CAP at summer encampment Barksdale AFB in N. Louisiana. I broke my arm and rather than ride 9 hours home on a 1953 old Ford Air Force bus Col. Sartess had his Mooney there and was flying back to New Orleans so I got my first look at and ride a Mooney 201.
  7. That's one reason why I don't like all glass. Can you go to ASPEN, JPI etc or combination of them?
  8. I had similar experience. I chose the farther airport. In my case it was own my own hangar for a lot less per month than to tie down outside (2.3X the $) much closer to my house. To be inside a group hangar it is even more 4.6X$. I have since built a nice office inside my hangar and it makes hangar days and annual more enjoyable for the 45 minute drive. Choose closer if all other things are close to equal.
  9. The only time I recall doing a go-around for cause instead of for training the order was the same but the speed at which it was done was quicker. I was practicing approaches weather was about 10SM, 010 OVC I was returning to my home field a turf strip. There were other factors going on during the approach and I was high and fast and the wheels touched well down the strip which was also wet at the time. Realizing that I would not be able to stop the plane before the end of the runway I fire-walled everything immediately established my climb cleared the wires at the end of the field and went around for another landing which was successful.
  10. Flying home from SnF I was monitoring Jacksonville Center and heard those famous words for someone else. NXXXXX advise when ready to copy a number for Possible pilot deviation. The pilot did do it right just took the number and deal with it later.
  11. left side is the part where the hot exhaust gases go to get de-compressed, right side is where the cool clean air goes to get compressed (becomes hot air)and the middle gets the slippery stuff that keeps everything turning.
  12. use a harness and attach to a short rope tied to tow bar behind the back seats. this gives enough to move around and be comfortable and make sure the dog stays in the back seat. it also helps if someone can sit in the back with the pup.
  13. of course now it is ambiguous as to what temperature you are measuring. Is it inlet temp? outlet temp? or internal temp?
  14. been there done that go-around,
  15. Look for police spot lights by Whelen
  16. Instead of all the headaches ou should have just bought a spare incandesent and kep it for when you decide to sell.
  17. I had to do a double take! I thought either someone grafted a Mooney tail on a C172 or photo shopped it on there.
  18. Who's planning to do Sun n Fun this year? Camping? Hotel? Daily commute?
  19. complete reseal kits for flap pumps, the leather backings are difficult to find.
  20. might be nice but my main mission flight is 3.5 to 4 hours. I tend to agree if you are going to go electric go with a new design. However, maybe a carbon fiber copy of the F model. Carbon fiber fuselage and tail section and a new carbon fiber wing. We need as strong not stronger and much lighter airframe to pack more batteries to get a 5 hour duration. I do like manual gear and B style manual flaps.
  21. materials wood, steel etc. along with everything else is high now. Start with HOA specifications and then see what building code the county is using.
  22. vacuum high and low warning lights?
  23. just do it and those dreams of skimming just above the ground will go away with the reality that you can do that without an engine and propeller blocking your view
  24. congratulations, helicopters are like crack cocaine very addictive
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