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Joe Zuffoletto

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Joe Zuffoletto last won the day on November 22 2023

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About Joe Zuffoletto

  • Birthday 05/06/1964

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  • Location
    San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
  • Interests
    Flying, photography, computers, drumming

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  1. Hello to all my friends at MooneySpace! I haven’t been here for a while since I sold my Acclaim in 2018. I sold my RV a couple years later and haven’t flown since. I just wanted to give you all a shout out from Mexico. My wife and I are retired and we moved here about two years ago. We split our time between Puerto Vallarta and San Miguel de Allende. I really miss flying Mooneys. Did so for 25 great years, as the proud owner of an Encore and then an Acclaim. I hope all of you who are still flying are keeping the flame alive and enjoying these incredible aircraft. I’d be curious to know if any of you have ever flown your Mooney to Puerto Vallarta? I flew my Acclaim to Cabo several times, but never to anywhere on the mainland. I get a tiny taste of aviation every day because the skydiving concession in Puerto Vallarta is right next door to my condo. They land about 40 single and tandem jumpers on the beach in front of me every day. Pretty neat. Fly safe, my friends, and enjoy your Mooneys! Saludos, Joe Zuffoletto, aka José de México :)
  2. The TKS fluid is really going to mess up your carpet - hopefully you won't encounter any icing conditions. :)
  3. I've restarted piano lessons after a 10 year hiatus and have done a ton of jigsaw puzzles.
  4. I grew up watching the astronauts in the Gemini and Apollo programs and caught the aviation bug then. Got my license as soon as I could afford to, at the tender age of 21. Best decision I ever made! Never aimed to fly in the military or commercially because I was too colorblind. I wanted to do it strictly for the challenge and for fun.
  5. Why wasn't N6XM repaired? Did the costs exceed the value of the plane?
  6. In a long body, be VERY careful if you need to go around. Trim for landing is nearly full aft, while trim for takeoff is slightly forward. If you don't get that trim moving aggressively forward while adding power, you could be in for a departure stall.
  7. This is an upgrade I performed on my 1998 Encore back in 2010. Before: During: After:
  8. I bought an extremely well built RV-8 from its builder back in 2013. By far the funnest airplane I've ever owned. Climbs like a bat out of hell and handles like a dream. It feels like you're flying with your own wings. The gent who built mine spared no expense; the paint job and the fit and finish are definitely up to certificated standards. I rarely fly it on long trips, but I've done a few. Denver to the Bay Area took about 6 hours and two fuel stops. Sonoma County to Orange County took a bit less than two hours nonstop. For both flights I was sipping fuel at about 9gph. And you can't beat the cool factor of taxiing in with the canopy open and your elbow hanging over the side!
  9. Yes, Yes, No. In 1986 my girlfriend's (at the time) parents and her dad's CFII were killed during an instrument training flight in the Seattle area. CFIT in IMC conditions. In 1995, my CFII and his student died the same way near the Hayward, CA airport at night. Both very sad losses for me and many others.
  10. I didn't stop the prop, but I did go soaring in my Encore back in 2004 when the alternator shook loose and all the oil went overboard.
  11. Slowest year ever for me due to COVID and two foot surgeries. Only managed 15 hours in my RV.
  12. The weather in New Mexico in February is very different from in the summer. Keep an eye on winds aloft over the mountains... that's what causes turbulence in the winter. In summer it's convective activity. I've flown my Acclaim from Denver to Phoenix (Chandler) and it's a fairly steep descent, but not unmanageable by any means. If you're arriving IFR then ATC will step you down. As far as your return flight goes, out climbing the terrain is not a problem in a turbo. Enjoy your trip!
  13. Greg, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well! Our only tradition is a gluttonous turkey dinner with family. This year my parents will be joining my wife and I for dinner in our new SoCal home. Was hoping our son would come but he's swamped driving an Amazon Prime delivery van up in the Bay Area. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
  14. Well, I'd say the Mustang called about 10 miles too late!
  15. Bonal, ain't that the truth! Can't wait to leave 2020 in hindsight.
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