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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. Hopefully you have a low in motion deductible. From what I have heard they will pro-rate the prop cost if a new one is required..
  2. ADSB allows GPS altitude to be reported instead of Baro altitude. There is a bit in the output that states which one you are using. There is also no requirement that it be Wass, only that it is IFR certfied and has a algorithm that implements integrity checking
  3. I've tried a gear up approach before also. I always drop gear 1st and them flaps and fly the pattern at a know power setting/airspeed. When skipping the gear and flaps and flying the same pattern as before I was still 500' above the runway which is only 2000'. To have made the landing I would have to changed the normal power/airspeed setting substantially.
  4. I think you only need FCC approval to transmit on 978. The testing necessary for FCC approval will make sure there is no harmful interference. You need FAA approval to permanently mount it in a plane.
  5. The current will be less as the lights dim. According to the wiring diagram it is a variable resistor with one end open in series with the lights. The resistance can change from almost 0 to approx 25. The difference is with the lights dimmed the power (watts) is being dissipated across the pot instead of the producing light in the bulbs.
  6. It seems it would have to be leaking fluid by the piston to automatically return to the down position. That doesn't sound correct.
  7. It uses a ungrounded Resotat which is a variable resistor. At full brightness, little if any voltage is dropped across it and it shouldn't to excessively hot. As you dim the lights the resistance of it increases and more voltage is dropped across it. The dimmer the lights, the hotter it will be.
  8. Here is the original post I started a few weeks ago. About 12 members pm'd back saying they were going to plan to come. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/10057-south-east-mooney-get-together/?hl=serfi
  9. Coax can look fine and have problems in certain frequency bands. If you shop has a network analyzer ask them to sweep the GPS coax across the GPS band.
  10. I just paid 280 for one earlier this year.
  11. I went back and read the note on Foreflights website again and It said IOS 6 or above is required for the annotations. I was still using IOS 5 is why it would not work on mine. You must have already had IOS 6.
  12. I noticed that some of the new features that Foreflight advertises were not working. After doing some reading and Installing IOS7 they started working. The features in question are the ones that allow you to draw on and post notes on Plates and Taxi diagrams.
  13. One other thought, the IO 360 rill run LOP and the O360 will not. If the original poster truly intends to keep this plane for the next 20 years that should be factored in also. What will fuel cost per gallon in 5-10 years.
  14. The list price for a IO 390 cylinder is a little over $4100
  15. The most economical way to do this would be to find a E or F that had wing damage and was up for salvage. You could sell what was left as well as the firewall forward from you C and recoup a lot of the conversion cost.
  16. Off the shelf, probably not, but I know their are some of Hacks that can be performed on some of the older Yaesu and other amature handhelds to open up the bands they will operate on. Sometimes its as simple as adding or removing a jumper or resistor. The Aviation unit I purchased above will demodulate both AM and FM, but will only trasmitt on the AM Air Band.
  17. Some of these would be expensive to do if only doing for weight loss, but if done at overhaul or when the part needed replacing would make a lot more sense. Here some of the things that have been done to my plane. It came up to around 36 lbs Lightweight Starter 10 Lightweight Alternator 8.5 remove front wheel shock or give yourself credit for it if someone else has already removed it 2.1 If the plane originally came with Bendix mags and has been switched to Slicks 4.5 PSU governor 2 Lasar Oil Cooler relocation 1.6 Remove ADF 7
  18. A few of the fields around me are handled by military controllers and it is standard procedure for them to remind you on base or final. I have been thinking about putting together something for a few months, but have not had the time. It would be battery operated, only turn on when the wheels were up and use a ultrasonic distance measurement module. It would connect back to the audio panel or headset over bluetooth. Since it would only be turned on when the wheels were up, the battery should last from one annual to the next. http://www.maxbotix.com/
  19. I noticed mine had been previously changed out with heim rod ends. It's possible Mooney may have superceeded the part number.
  20. After being on backorder for a few weeks I finally got the Yaesu 720 handheld last week. It seem to be very well built with the case being metal and not plastic. It is also very compact and the headset adapter screws in so it can't fall out. Seems to work very well.
  21. 3M caulkstrip works well for sealing up the numeroius cracks and crevices. Most autoparts stores have it. It comes in a box of strips about 1/8" in diameter and does not harden. http://www.oreillyauto.com/site/c/detail/MMM0/08578.oap?pt=N0481&ppt=C0171
  22. If one was even filled out. It looks like one of the wings was completely sheared off at the end of the flap.
  23. http://www.aigaviation.com/aviationsalvage/SalvagePictures.aspx?FileName=Salvage%20Photos.pdf&Extension=pdf&PictureId=5342 http://www.ebay.com/itm/SUPER-NICE-MOONEY-M20J-201-WITH-NEW-PAINT-AND-LEATHER-INTERIOR-DELIVER-ANYWHERE-/271282869022?forcerrptr=true&hash=item3f29b8131e&item=271282869022&pt=Motors_Aircraft
  24. The EI tach does not use a tach generator. It hooks directly to the P Lead on the Mag lead through a resistor.
  25. Spruce has this single and dual channel model that is STC'd. Also the original reostats are available from Allied Electronics. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/maxdimminid.php?clickkey=108153
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