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Everything posted by N601RX

  1. I don't remember the number, but there is an old AC that give the guidance that a non certified switch may be acceptable if it isn't powering somethings that failure would be critical to the flight. It states if it is critical, then an approved switch must be used.
  2. The original Brittain PC system will keep the wings level. Came installed from the factory for many years Brittain Accutrac- Upgrades the PC system to allow it to track a GPS or Nav radio Brittain Accuflite- Upgrades the PC system to allow it to follow a DG heading An altitude hold upgrade is also available. The B5 and B6 are also available as a separate system but are rare. They will fly a heading or track, some have altitude hold. These are great systems and cheap to keep operating. They cost a fraction of what anything S-tec cost to install or maintain.
  3. If you fully disengage the pins on each side they will come out. After the pin is pulled move that side of the seat forward. You may also need to release the recline mechanism.
  4. The brass I mentioned above will almost look like a gold dust or powder. It will be visible if you unfold the filter in direct sunlight. Some of the older pin caps were aluminum and did make the same dust. It was only present at the 1st oil change which was around 8 hrs. All the ones after that have been completely clear.
  5. Expect to find a small amount of metal at the 1st oil change. Also expect some very fine brass filings, it will be noticeable in sunlight. It will clear up after the 1st change. Its from the piston pin caps going up and down against the sharp crosshatching marks on the cylinders. As the rings seat and dull the sharp edges of the crosshatch down, it will stop.
  6. I'm pretty sure we used to make them where I worked before. Does it have a sticker on it or can you post a picture. If it is check with the repair station at Globe motors in Dothan, AL
  7. I didn't realize the numbers were that bad. I know of few of the younger guys that have took jobs oversees. Pemco a large Jet repair facility here closed down a couple of years ago and dumped around 400 A&P out into the workforce. Sikorsky also has a large production and repair facility here that has been cutting back its workforce. Of course there are some you want to avoid, but their reputation usually proceeds them.
  8. I'm close to a military base that employees a few hundred A&P's. Many have doing it 30-40 years and happy to earn a few extra bucks. $30 hr is about the same they clear on their day job. The quality of work isn't always related to price.
  9. In my area there are plenty of A&P who are happy to work for $25-$30. Most prefer cash.
  10. Has anyone tried 3M industrial Velcro around the edges?
  11. What problems did you have with it? I could see a problem if it collapsed the filter instead of puncturing it.
  12. If I remember correctly there was a couple of thing. Missing spark plug from cylinder. Blocked Fuel Vent Line Incorrect Prop- had to much pitch even when on low stop and would not let engine develop full power.
  13. I've been the gallon ziplock bag trick and it works well as long as you keep it pulled up tight around the filter adaptor. I've also thought about getting or making something like this. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/draintool.php?clickkey=5469 or this http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/topages/oilfilterdrainer.php
  14. Someone had sent me an article about this a few months ago, If I remember correctly they were using 2 stroke Hurth engines. I've done 2 experimental before and the last 10% of the work is really 90% of the work.
  15. I recently bought some used parts and this is some of the leftovers that I don't need. These are factory units, not owner produced. You can see the Mooney stamp and part number on the side. The Pedals are included as I don't have any use for them by themselves. They don't have any noticeable wear on them. I'll take $200 and cover the shipping. PM me if interested. These have been sold. Thanks, Mike Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  16. If I remember correctly from when I from several months ago when I looked, Spruce sells the weldon pump for around $900. Someone needs to post the Mooney drawings. I've saw some of their other drawings that provide all the necessary dimension and material spec to fabricate parts from. Hopefully these do also.
  17. The previous owner put condors on our plane about 10 years ago. They have several hundred landings on them now and are still in good shape.
  18. Interview with pilot in the plane that lost a wing. http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/11/08/21351778-no-control-skydivers-pilot-recounts-death-defying-leap-from-burning-plane?lite
  19. Do you have a copy of the drawing in your logs?
  20. I've posted the details before, but originally sent it to FF. That turned into a 3 month nightmare. Through a 3rd party I finally learned that FF did not own the STC and located the owner of the STC. Once dealing with him directly I had the cam back in a few days. I have been flying it almost a year with no problems
  21. I just noticed that there giving $25 and $40 gift cards with most Ipad purchases also. It makes upgrading a no brainer.
  22. What I posted above was referring to a Hartzell. To clarify I was not saying take a zerk out on opposite blades and pump until it came out the other. I was saying to take the zerk out on the same blade you are pumping grease into.
  23. I've been told by well respected prop shops that If done slowly it will simply come out the open opposite hole from the grease fitting you are using. It seems you have the direction the piston is pushed reversed. If done fast a couple of pumps is to much.
  24. Here is the most complete video I have saw as well as interviews with them. http://www.today.com/video/today/53465188/#53465188
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