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Everything posted by N201MKTurbo

  1. I have never thought touch and goes in the Mooney were particularly difficult. The only thing is to get all over the trim before you bring the power up. As with anything, do what you are comfortable with. If you don't feel comfortable doing touch and goes then don't do them. As for me, I use this darn thing (mooney) to commute to work and have been for almost 20 years. So I don't think much about how to take off and land I just do it. One thing that I have noticed about quite a few Mooneys I have flown is that the idle speed is set way to high. This can cause the plane to float forever. You should have the idle set at 500 RPM (IO-360). This can be acheived if the mags and fuel injector are set up right.
  2. I just got back yesterday from a trip from Phoenix to Indianapolis. I stopped at Neosho, MO where they have cheap gas and courtesy cars (Crown vic with spotlight) that they will let you use over night. I drove up to Joplin, MO to spend the night. it is only about 8 miles north. I liked that town it had everything i needed.
  3. When I bought my current mooney it was way out of rig. During a BFR I did a power on stall and it almost snap rolled. Shortly after that I re-rigged the plane, gained 15 knots and now it stalls nice and straight. The point is that a Mooney mis-rigged bad enough might actually roll inverted during a power on stall.
  4. If you lubricate them at every annual you will not have this problem.
  5. I haven’t used flaps for take off sense '84 ~5000 hours of Mooney flying. Except for very short or soft fields. My plane will take off virtually hands free with the trim set to the TO position.
  6. I had my alternator fan come apart once and it was kind of like what you describe. It was on my F model and the piece that left the alternator hit the oil cooler and made a small hole. I landed about 8 min. later to see what was going on and had only 2 Qts of oil left. There was a massive oil streek alonge the left side of the plane just below the window, I couldn't see anything from the cockpit.
  7. I have them on my 77 201 and they are nice to have. I flew a 67 F for 19 years before i got the 201 and never had a problem. I have had them deploy asymmetrically a few times which will get your attention, but you can roll it back level with one up.
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