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Everything posted by N201MKTurbo

  1. I just got back yesterday from a trip from Phoenix to Indianapolis. I stopped at Neosho, MO where they have cheap gas and courtesy cars (Crown vic with spotlight) that they will let you use over night. I drove up to Joplin, MO to spend the night. it is only about 8 miles north. I liked that town it had everything i needed.
  2. When I bought my current mooney it was way out of rig. During a BFR I did a power on stall and it almost snap rolled. Shortly after that I re-rigged the plane, gained 15 knots and now it stalls nice and straight. The point is that a Mooney mis-rigged bad enough might actually roll inverted during a power on stall.
  3. If you lubricate them at every annual you will not have this problem.
  4. I haven’t used flaps for take off sense '84 ~5000 hours of Mooney flying. Except for very short or soft fields. My plane will take off virtually hands free with the trim set to the TO position.
  5. I had my alternator fan come apart once and it was kind of like what you describe. It was on my F model and the piece that left the alternator hit the oil cooler and made a small hole. I landed about 8 min. later to see what was going on and had only 2 Qts of oil left. There was a massive oil streek alonge the left side of the plane just below the window, I couldn't see anything from the cockpit.
  6. I have them on my 77 201 and they are nice to have. I flew a 67 F for 19 years before i got the 201 and never had a problem. I have had them deploy asymmetrically a few times which will get your attention, but you can roll it back level with one up.
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