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Hank last won the day on March 11

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    : Eclectic, AL
  • Model
    1970 M20-C

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  1. Just finished annual and flew her home. It's was just under two weeks, and I didn't quite forget how to fly. The weather was gorgeous, mid 70s, clear skies until I took off; that haze was surprising after the clear winter days, and surprisingly low as i flew 20-odd miles home at 3000 msl, right in the brown yuck. And who doesn't like a video? My wife did this on my first takeoff, around the pattern and down, to make sure everything works right. Check out those fast gear moving up!
  2. Check your local trophy shop. For a small fee, I can carve it in cherry, walnut or mahogany if you give me the final size (preferably not too small).
  3. Do you think people take risks in an 800K plane that they wouldn't in a 300K plane?
  4. I've heard of airboats doing that, but wasn't sure if it was due to operational reasons or theft prevention.
  5. Just don't drop one of them on the tarmac!
  6. Yep. I suffer with Samsung tablets and Avare, spend the savings on burger flights. I get 2-3 extra each year that way.
  7. Wow, it's come down. My first iPad mini (and my only iPad ever( was $300-$350 more than the wifi version. But for that $150 difference, you can get a Samsung wifi tablet with GPS . . . . And still have whatever the apple costs still in your pocket.
  8. I rarely use my brakes other than engine start, runup and stopping to park. I do brake gently when exiting the runway, but rarely feel pressure to make any particular turnoff; at home (5000') there are now only three runway exits--at each end, and one spot off-center since the FAA made everyone remove ramp entrances to the runway. When landing uphill on 36, it's an easy turnoff, but going downhill on 18 I often just roll to the end, as the exit is closer coming that way. In 1000+ hours, I've replaced my brake pads once that I remember. At 2575 gross, though, I'd expect much less wear than a long body with one third higher gross weight.
  9. That's interesting. I'd only heard of oil analysis, not filter analysis.
  10. Looks to me like it's $3K for O2, and $12K for the new, larger brakes. But what do I know, my C doesn't have either, that's just how I read it [item(price) + next item(next price)].
  11. I think Lycoming's guidance is a teaspoon or two; that looks like a common magnetic retriever about 1/4" diameter, so you're still a tiny bit of the permitted amount. Watch it and see what happens in the future. Cutting the filter open at your next oil change may help, just realize that if it's at 25 hours and this one was at 50 hours, if nothing changes, you will have 1/2 of what you see here.
  12. @dkkim73, it depends on where you are. Around here, people call them "T-Maybe" due to variable service (i.e., I could call from here yesterday, but not today.) I can add a tablet (if I had one that wasn't wifi only) for $10/month to my unlimited data plan. Check with your provider, plans and options change all the time.
  13. Looks to me like an internal flaws in lone with the McCauley logo, you can see the darker color and smooth curved area. The darker part at the right edge is a typical break at 45°, from overstress.
  14. That's just crazy!! But I didn't visit their website, and I don't keep up with your itinerary.
  15. Convert from Pesos ($) to Dollars ($). Google says right now 1 Peso = $0.049, so $2000 (pesos) = $98 US. Having the same symbol makes it confusing; many places outside the U.S. use "USD" to minimize this confusion. But no one converts at the actual rate, they add profit to stay open. How much? They will each tell you their conversion rate if you ask.
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