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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. I will split expenses with someone willing to take on a right seater. Thanks David
  2. I am also interested in your Bravo, but not in the price :). Please do not email me......
  3. Where in the San Antonio area? North, South, East, or West?
  4. Spock is/was special. He will be missed. DF
  5. did you keep your wind side wing low?
  6. "You are a genius." Now I wouldn't go that far............
  7. How well did you and the plane handle the cross wind? Did you have rudder left?
  8. Did they find the missing plane?
  9. How much of the original equipment is still in the plane? DF
  10. You know when, She buys you an hour of training for your birthday without you knowing.
  11. It has been said many times, that the C model is a wonderful "first and or Last" airplane. The owners of C's love the simplicity (for a complex single), ruggedness, useful load, and speed. It's utility is a wide envelope of wonderful according to everyone. That said, no one kicks their F model out of bed because of the extra backseat room. As you know, the C-E-F-G will all out pace the Cherokee, and meet your speed requirements. Annuals? Well, that is a Pandora's Box. How many squawks need fixing before you get to those $2500 annuals you read about? Price? I have watched the C-F market for a while. You can get a heck of a C if you have around $35,000 to $40,000 to work with. You will need 10 grand more for a heck of an E.
  12. I can say what I wouldn't have. One word. Cherokee....
  13. Dugosh should be open tomorrow. I called today, again, and no one was there. I will call early in the morning. David
  14. Evidently, the swap from Weldon to Dukes is more involved than a simple swap. Or so says Mr Maxwell explained to Matt.
  15. I was wondering the same thing, along the lines of the thread: What should Mooney do next. You would think that this item has come up in the think tank discussions. I question if anyone would buy a 4 seater that costs so much Df
  16. I believe a full tank of TKS fluid is 30lbs or so, and the equipment is 70 lbs. I have always heard the 100lbs also. or is it the other way around?
  17. Matt, I have nothing to report. All I have called are a dry well. David
  18. Or when you swerve to the left upon landing.
  19. Lance has an Encore with both Long tanks and Known Icing. If I remember correctly, the long tanks are actually smaller in size because of the speed brakes. With all of that, he still had over 900# UL DF
  20. Called All American. They do not have one. Called the FBO in Kerrville and no one is in the maintenance hanger. Sorry. No help yet.
  21. Call me. If you can maybe find one, I will drive it down to you. Call Jimmy Garrison maybe.
  22. Encore is Mooney's best "Overall" product IMHO. Yes, more than the J Good luck with your sale. David
  23. G.I.F.T Academy Girls in Flight Training Girlsinflight.org My brother in law( comercial rating) donates his time to this all girl student event. They have ladies from all over the USA come learn to Pinch Hit, just sit in a plane, or get their PPL. Ms Latimer is the examiner and her husband is the CFI II. I can't help with the flying as I don't have enough hours, but try and give some money. Maybe Jolie can help? Did I just volunteer Jolie
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