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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. Did you find it? The issue?
  2. Yeah. A little more specificity would help with an area that large. hehehe
  3. Hahaha ha First understatement of 2019
  4. Happy new year everyone.
  5. Agree. I edited my post. Thank you.
  6. Don't get it. Was this political?
  7. We will agree to disagree. Okay? Take political talk somewhere else. Not on this site.
  8. Let's agree to dis agree on this statement also. Take political talk somewhere else please.
  9. Siunds like a movie plot. You know the kind, all looks good on the surface, but there is a sinister sub plot perxulating in the shadows. Okay Adam, what's truly going on!!!!!!!! :).:)
  10. Without pictures it hasn't happened. Congratulations
  11. @Tracy Ball Merry Christmas and here's to a wonderful new year to you and your family Tracy. Any updates for the forum?
  12. Sorry to hear that. Good luck. Stay warm. Three dog night?
  13. My apologies to @mooneycat for poking the bear. As the bear said, if you come back, your initiation by fire will be complete.
  14. Dang it M. Don't run the new guy off!!! He just got here.
  15. Welcome to the forum. Glad you posted up. Please take a momentt and fill out your Avatar and location information. The guys (and girls) around here are a helpful bunch and a little information goes a long way. Yes All American is a well known broker in the Mooney world. I can’t say for sure but they don’t seem to disappoint very often. Any kind of question is welcome, just don’t poke @Marauder. It can get ugly if you do
  16. Search? SEARCH!!!!! How dare you........
  17. What he said please GSX-R I've ridden a Japanese 400, and raced All Americans sizes.
  18. I agree. I need to locate it on our site myself.
  19. New or not, good fortune to you in your plane search and, hopefully, joy of ownership.
  20. Happy Birthday to our Savior Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas to all on this forum. Thank you for making my life more interesting wishing you all happiness in all your endeavors
  21. Did the Albama couple take delivery?
  22. Well, that does help.....
  23. You were just here. Did Paul do well?
  24. Well. My profession of choice has so far thwarted my attempts at ownership I am sorry to say. I live vicariously through you guys, so thank you.
  25. I met one of our own Friday. @mike_elliott was in Kerrville with new plane owners from Alabama. They came into the Steak House with conspicuous monagramms on their lapels. Nice guy no matter what everyone says about him.
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