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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. I met one of our own Friday. @mike_elliott was in Kerrville with new plane owners from Alabama. They came into the Steak House with conspicuous monagramms on their lapels. Nice guy no matter what everyone says about him.
  2. That was code for:::: All it takes is money.....
  3. Well-duh on my part.
  4. R - Word????
  5. It was an inside joke. My memory was questionable the other day.
  6. Did you remember T51?
  7. I can kick you while you are in a crouch, but I may miss your crouch. Is it between your legs?
  8. The hospital is on Punch Bowl. Cool.
  9. Great idea. Thanks. Let’s see if I can swing it.
  10. I will look them up. Thanks
  11. Yes we are in the jungle of buildings in Honolulu. Can’t even tell you are on a tropical island from here. All letters after A and before J had my dads fingerprints on them. He stared upstairs as a one of their draftsman? Drawing schematics or something like that? He hand drew/engineered a round fuselage for the M22 when they were arguing about the problems about pressurizing a roll cage. He got moved at some point down to the floor, which he loved. He wanted to punch Lopresti in the mouth for some reason but I think he was already gone from Mooney at that time. Need to get that story out of him. Got a rental car. Going to drive around today. See if I can see the water.
  12. Well, it is my first time in Hawaii, but not under good circumstances. My dad took ill on a cruise ship and got off board here in Hawaii so I came to help. I have made it to a bar though. :-) When I'm not at the hospital, what should I go and see?
  13. Stupid memory. Someone moved my memory.....
  14. Bob, never trust a 'real old guy'
  15. T51 in Fredericksburg, TX has a diner and hotel on the tarmac. The diner has an American menu along with Blue Bell ice cream soda fountain. I won't go as far to say that the food is the best I have ever had, but for a destination, and okay food, and mostly everyone in there is a pilot because the restaurant is right on the strip, it's a good place to go. The town of Fredericksburg is a tourist destination so it is worth the trip there. The Museum of the Pacific war is there and very much worth a walkthrough if you have never been.
  16. I also would have said the 310 STC but I guess I would have been wrong. I have not read the whole thing, but did the three bladed prop get added because of owner desire or was there another reason?
  17. Nice Icon
  18. Good luck. Hope you make your goal.
  19. Jason, welcome to the forum. Please introduce yourself on the main page. Tell us your history. good luck with your purchase. David
  20. Welcome to the forum. Please take a moment to introduce yourself on the main page. Most everyone here is friendly and full of knowledge. There is a reputation the wood wings have in that they fly “softer”and more compliant than their younger brothers and sisters. That being said, if you are not close to a Viking mechanic, you are asking for unnecessary trouble. As with any older plane, woodwing or not, everything still applies: PPI, AD’s, Runout engine, etc, etc would love to see an A rescued. David
  21. A long time ago, here in Kerrville, a fuel guy put 100 low lead into a kerosene burner., Plane had a mixture of both JetA and 100ll I watched the guy sit there for 3-4 hours, letting both engines run at 30% power He said it was safe for the engines?! Not my plane.
  22. That's cool.
  23. There was a Spitfire pilot named, Bader, I think, who became a squadron commander and multi ace that flew with two prosthetic legs. We'll documented account of his exploits that included being shot down and becoming a prisoner of war.
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