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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. I am sure it has been discussed here before, just not finding it on the search function. It seems fairly straight forward, nothing too intricate. Are there naysayers to the flush procedure? Any reason not to do it? savvy-oil-control-ring-solvent-flush.pdf
  2. I'm going to remember to bump this thread next year. No forgetting.
  3. Very well said. Merry Christmas to all.
  4. You thought you were wrong once, but you were mistaken.....
  5. Working through all that now. Thank you.
  6. I didn't ask many questions in that reguard. I was out voted from the get go, so I didn't push one way or the other.
  7. Thank you for that. Appreciate it.
  8. 31st, this year. The decision happened quickly, just two weeks ago and the CPA said finish it by the end of the year to avoid having another tax return.
  9. We are not going to sell the name. To us the children, we for some reason are not comfortable with that. Undecided if we want to lease, owner finance, or sell outright. Not sure which makes the most sense.
  10. Just by chance, I heard my sister say something about Mooney. She once overheard my dad talking to a guest about his time at Mooney. Apparently dad was a major contributing engineer on the retractable step. I asked her some specific questions, and what she remembers hearing is something about the manual retractable mechanism. That is all I have to go on. I saw Barry and Jonny and asked in their spare time if they could dig around in the paperwork for some evidence. Would there by chance be any names mentioned in any manuals for the birds with retractable steps? Just wondering. Dad did not talk about Korea or Mooney for some reason so I have had to get my information about him from the stories of others. David
  11. Only slightly aviation related.. My family has decided to retire The Cowboy Steak House in Kerrville. My two older sisters are the pushers for this, and I don't exactly have enough money to buy them out fully, so retirerment of the brand it is. Very mixed emotions for me. How this relates to aviation is now I will have much more time to become more than just a practice pilot. I look forward to that. Wish me luck.
  12. Ah, the long range adventures of stinky pants.
  13. Sure it was a prior owner.....;)
  14. Show off! Haha. Thank you.
  15. Past NASCAR champion Matt Kenseth owned and flew the eagle painted Acclaim I believe. Let me see if I can find picture.
  16. I am working on organizing a club here in Kerrville. I have the trainer lined up and am working on a local J owner to supply the traveler. Wish me luck. David
  17. Fairly well known in Hawaii. Fried Spam and eggs on breakfast menues. Not so well known in the 48.
  18. I don't remember this being discussed. I'm sure someone will chime in soon.
  19. Good luck. Someone with experience will chime in soon.
  20. This is sad news. My condolences to the family.
  21. Here locally, there is an AP school called Hallmark. I noticed in their curriculum, there really was not much taught toward avionics. Why is that? On a related note, the local avionics repair shop techs said they were apprenticeship taught? Also, two of the techs are not AP's in the avionics shop. Is this normal?
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