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Everything posted by Mcstealth

  1. You have friends????
  2. If the plane I fly wasn't down, I would be tempted to come get it.
  3. Couldn't have said it better.
  4. Search on this site for the Mooney specific, pedal extension drawings. Laser may even have a set for sale. The "C" is a wonderful bird. Being biased, I will say almost all Mooney birds are wonderful.
  5. Man, there is a funny just waiting to be said. Maybe @Marauder would like a go?
  6. There is a thread here a few months old, that tells the sad story of a pre-buy with a thumbs up, and then the first annual, with the same A/P, that found a lot of corrosion a few weeks or months after the pre-buy. A cautionary tale.
  7. A crawler, if the surface is smooth enought to roll around on your back while inspecting the underneath.
  8. I had an old girlfriend like that Not @Marauder though.
  9. I guess Mr Carter has the market on my question? Anyone else?
  10. I sent all the replies directly to his phone. He said he did get it started thanks to you guys!!!!!! Good job folks.
  11. Joe is his name. 214-893-6791 If any one can help him.
  12. Did cough a few times.
  13. Anyone around that can help a C model owner in Fredericksburg, T82? Won't start. Will turn over. Sunday 6pm
  14. More better?
  15. The mechanic pulled the prop on the Aero Commander Darter I am (was) flying and said there is corrosion on the exposed part of the crankshaft. He then espoused almost gleefully of the impending teardown. I'm looking down at the color on the exposed journal with a skeptical grimace. I can barely feel anything with my fingernail. A friend has done some light reading on this subject, and says there is a procedure with dye and black lights to peer into the hole to see if there is any internal corrosion on the crank. Anyone have thoughts on this, or has done this procedure. Lycoming 320. Thanks David
  16. Correct. Go look at the IFR takeoff procedures for 03. Purty yucky.
  17. Not knowing the level of knowledge the pilot had of KERV withstanding, 03 was second closets but that runway has yucky terrain with sharp hills and elevation changes in the approach. No fields to put down in at on 03 either. There are fields on 12. In fact, the most "landable" fields for an off airport near KERV are in the vicinity of the accident approaching 12. But yes, 30 makes the most sense sitting here speculating about it.
  18. Mcstealth


    Congratulations on the fix and a thumbs up to the tech that found it.
  19. Hey folks. Here is a picture of some spots on the outside of the Darter that I rent. Is it corrosion? The location is about left rudder pedal distance from the spinner, but lower and behind the firewall. I will need to remove the floor and what appears to be some glue-on insulation to get to the exact location from the inside the cabin. David at Dugosh, who's mechanic is performing the 100hr, brought our attention to the area in question. I will attempt to have more pictures and info soon. On a funny/sad note along with the previously posted motor mount crack and two weak cylinders, we've discovered a five year old 100% NAPA aviation battery under the cowl. Sure does work well I am here to attest. Hope its replacement works just as well. thanks in advance. David
  20. DVT? I will look it up. Ignorance is bliss.
  21. The shop that built this is still in operation? For the Darter 100? Please advise.
  22. The shop that built this still in operation? For the Darter 100? Please advise.
  23. For anyone that has driven the length or width of Texas can attest, your first word when you cross the State line is "Finally!" I bet it is the same for in the air.
  24. But per the laws of flying, you turn around and go back at some point
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