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Everything posted by Cruiser

  1. FYI all of you struggling with Moritz engine gauges in your panel. The lighting is dual purpose. There is a set of incandescent bulb for night lights that are controlled from the panel light dimmer switch. There is also a second set of incandescent bulbs for day time back lighting that are internally controlled Two sets of "grain of wheat" bulbs are T-1 style BUT.... the night time bulbs (those with blue light) are 28v the day time bulbs are 5v.
  2. If the hangar fairies take the screws out of the face plate and remove it, rub really, really hard on the backside of the glass, all the frosted coating will come off.
  3. there is a raised lip in the center of the mounting bracket that a spring loaded tab snaps into. This holds the unit in place and it must be pushed down to release the unit for removal. It is not the panel instrument cutout.
  4. check the nozzle for the prop slinger. These have been know to break off from vibration and/or need re-positioning. Also, the slinger ring on the backplate can get clogged. To thoroughly clean it some disassembly may be required.
  5. Aspen recently partnered with L3 and has been offering some very attractive discounts on ADS-B installs. You do not need to have nav data on the MFD. The Seattle Avionics chart/plate data is all I have. In "hard" IFR I want all my navigation data in front of me on certified equipment. I have been told (but not personally seen) the new MAX screen is awesome.
  6. how was the impending failure determined?
  7. It was a very expensive option;
  8. soon to be removed for an upgrade. The beautiful PS Engineering PMA7000M-S audio/marker beacon panel from 1999 M20R/S Ovation. Excellent working condition. Like new. Available soon. Includes tray, connectors and manual. Offered here first to a fellow Mooney owner. No asking price, Make an offer. Image can be seen in my photo album. TomK
  9. I would suggest you get the avionics installer involved. They should be responsible for the proper configuration and assure correct operations.
  10. Does anyone need one of these? It was removed during my panel upgrade. Computer only, it was piggy backed on the OEM fuel transducer. Includes connector and user manual. This system is also capable of transmitting the fuel information to the GPS navigation receivers, for additional calculations and display of fuel management data. Model 912041T-D 14-28 VDC.
  11. uh oh, it's the flux detector.
  12. Every business has happy and disappointed customers. The hope is (for the company) that the happy ones vastly outnumber the disappointed ones. Sometimes disgruntled customers are unreasonable customers but happy customers are never mistaken. So the balance gets skewed a bit. Anyway, as a business grows in age and experience it develops a reputation. Over time if the driving force behind the reputation changes, the reputation is likely to change also. A couple of things. 1. A good mechanic is usually not a good communicator. 2. Smart mechanics have good communicators in the office talking on the phones (this costs money) 3. Happy customers need both.
  13. I am sure you have seen pictures of the wiring behind a panel. Installing anything is bound to move most of those wires. It may or may not be related. If the shop actually had all the avionics on and operating (as they should have to complete the install) then I would suggest it was properly wired. Look for exposed or damaged wires/connections. (still could have been done by the shop) Or it was just the A/Ps time. (RIP)
  14. The IO-550 is very well balance from the factory. You should be able to get at least .5 gallon spread or better. You definitely have something wrong, an air leak or clogged/bad injector.
  15. First it is no longer necessary to do the flight test for the FAA that was only for the rebate installations. NO ADSB or no ES messages are indicating that there is not a valid GPS position source available to the transponder. Either the configurations are wrong or the wiring is not correct. Did it ever work?
  16. Has anyone else got one of these? I am guessing it is computer generated but still, a great heads up. Based on my JPI 830 flight files Savvy says my oil pressure is too high compared to the 2428 other flights by a cohort of 57 other M20 (S/R) aircraft. I run 65 psi in cruise. I went back and checked it has been this way since I got the plane. The POH says 30 - 100 psi on oil pressure but Continental IO-550-G specs say 30 - 60 psi Any thoughts?
  17. I would suggest you layout two scenarios the first as you describe in the initial post and the second with the Aspen Pro and a IFD440 (or some similar setup to get quotes on the install. YOu might be surprised at the costs. If I read your intent to spend the least about required to get IFR capable. You might want to consider the pay me now or pay me more later adage. The Aspen is upgradeable and the IFD is current technology. YOu would most likely be set for a long, long time.
  18. This is a legitimate problem. The right side of the center stack and the left side of the copilot side stack are back to back so there is no room (between) the rails to put a rivenut or a locknut or even a tinnerman The connection must go through both rails and clearing what is being mounting opposite of each other. I was able to space the center stack and the right side stack trays to lineup and avoid the interference but they are riveted together.. The only solution I can see is to remove the entire rail on the center stack side of the right hand side stack, put the flush side of the rivet or bolt in from the rail side and attach on the inside of the tray. Mount all the trays to the left side rail then slide the entire right side rack 'assembly' in the panel as one unit and attach the rails at the top and bottom. The same space (clearance) problem exists on the right side rail next to the circuit breaker panel.
  19. In the winter there is ice ever where there are clouds. In the spring there are massive fronts with lots of rain In the summer there are huge Tstorms In the fall there is a constant layer of clouds between 3000 and 5000' hiding the hurricanes off shore. In short there is no good time to fly the East Coast.
  20. From past experience Garmin's position was/is that the OEM connecting to Garmin equipment is responsible for the STC and compatibility. i.e. IF you are connecting (name widget here) to a Garmin product you get the approval from (name) not Garmin. Now whether Garmin is providing the necessary technical specs to do that is unknown to me.
  21. If that is important enough to you to pay a lot extra for the wasted space. In the videos I have seen it looks like about 40% of the TXi screen is blank, nothing in it but background.
  22. remind me again, how much does it cost to upgrade a G500 to TXi ?
  23. First you set the altitude on the Altimeter tape by pushing the right knob in to select ALT at the bottom right (HDG is displayed in light blue in the picture). You can see the solid bug at 6000 and the window at the top is set at 6000. There is a hollow bug to the right of the HSI on the vertical speed tape. When you push the VS soft key the bug turns solid and you use the right knob to select the rate of climb or descent. A small window pops up with the numerical display until you finish and the bug moves up or down the tape as selected. With the ALT pre-selected and the VS set you push the ALT and VS buttons on the autopilot and sit back. The Aspen will automatically slow the rate as it approaches the Pre-selected ALT and the sonalert will sound to alert you. I will get pictures next time.
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