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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. And the looks you get when hangar flying and comment about the other day while cruising at 17,000.
  2. It happens. Multi tasking, reading and posting in the morning before coffee, or in the evening after an adult beverage.
  3. That is what he said. "Many (most?) piston aircraft engines will foul a plug if they are not leaned out on the ground"
  4. Yes, but being pedantic, the force is applied at the prop (spinning disk) to the crank through the engine mount. So the NOSE is moved by the force, and the tail moves because it is rigidly attached to the nose.
  5. Of course, the most elegant solution is a newer design audio panel. The audio panel would allow pax to listen to music, but you can not have it on for you. Or auto muting when there is a radio transmission. Or everyone can listen to music and only you hear the radio with auto muting of the music. Not the cheap (Mooney) way :D, but more flexible. I think some models of PS Engineering are pretty much a swap with a King 24. And you can pick up some nicer audio panels used as people upgrade.
  6. Technically nose goes left and tail is forced the other way.
  7. Maybe you can afford to rent one once a year.
  8. https://www.lycoming.com/sites/default/files/SL270 Extended Maintenance Intervals for Engines Operated on Unleaded Fuels_0.pdf
  9. About 2 years ago, I got bids on redoing my second bath room. The CHEAPEST quote was about double what I paid to do the master bath about 3 years before that. And they went up to about 2.5x. And I felt that I overpaid for the first project as it came in about 50% over the quote.
  10. I may be able to work the set for the person donating. Yes, newer ETA switches. In the long thread they pointed to a site that prints and sells 3D printed items, but the page for the ETA switch is no longer up.
  11. I know that there used to be a 3D print model for the rocker part of the ETA switches, but it seems to have been removed. I have a friend (also pilot) who is big into 3D printing. If I can get him an undamaged one, he will model it and either supply them or supply the print file. AFAIK, the template will be returned unharmed. Thanks.
  12. If you are going to use steel wool, make SURE there is no power on them. Scotch Brite would be safer.
  13. Lycoming has already extended the oil change interval for running unleaded fuel. So, I would suspect that they will do the same for full synthetic oils. I keep track of info every time I fill up. I run in the mid-30 MPH range as an average for a tank. So 50 hours is about 1500 miles. My BMW has a base oil change interval of 15,525 miles. Or about 500 hours. But the number is dynamic. In the 90s, they went through algorithms with input of cold starts and hot starts and miles and the phase of the moon. They finally figured out that a single parameter was enough. Gallons of fuel burned. Run the car harder, you change the oil more often. Drive it gently and you can go over 15,252 miles. For reference, it gets in the upper 20 MPH on the highway. 4.4 MPG on the track being run hard.
  14. GMAIjectors were developed due to two issues. 1) The airflow in the big bore Continental engines are not even. And that due to the pressure pulses, as described, there is fuel injected for one cylinder that gets carried out into the log and into another cylinder. So even with perfect injectors, different cylinders would be at a different fuel-air mixture. 2) At the time, the Continental injectors were NOT consistent in fuel flow. So you could have a great LOP running engine, by chance, and when the injectors were cleaned and put back into different cylinders, it would run horribly. I was around on AVSIG when the first testing and development was occurring the test data on stock injectors was eye opening. So GAMIjectors are also held to very close tolerances and each injector it tested for the actual flow rate. In about 2003, Continental went to a higher tolerance on their fuel injectors and some tuning to even out mixtures. But GAMIjectors are still better. 0.5 gallon per minute difference is not in the injector flow rate, but the fuel flow where each cylinder EGT peaks when leaning. So you start leaning and cylinder A peaks at say 12.0 GPH (total flow for the engine), the other cylinders peak as you lean further, and the last cylinder peaks at 11.5 GPH flow. And it is VERY good for a stock engine. With GAMIjectors and some testing and tuning, you can get the spread to 0.2 or less. And realize, you cannot just do this to your injectors. The FAA will need to be involved. GAMI has done the work and has the approvals (STC).
  15. The bottom line is this, but there are parts changes. From previous threads: The second drawing is to mod the engine from the MB to the SB configuration which is easier than the brakes. It requires a fuel pump, controller, prop governor plus some more misc parts and then some additional Mooney airframe parts which are control surface balance weights for rudder, elevator and ailerons. Also some some imstruments need to be re-marked for different redlines and vspeeds including the IAS.,MAP & RPM gauges to complete the engine modification. My difficulty is with converting the engine from MB to SB. I understand the basic process in changing the engine specs. I have seen a logbook entry calling it a TSIO360MBcSB and another TSIO360MBSB. I think the correct way is to call its a TSIO360MBC, (C for converted) stamp a C on the data plate and list the changes in the logbook. This is text from a Lycoming Service Instruction: For all commercial engines in which the basic model has been altered or converted to another model designation, the letter “C” added as a suffix on the engine serial number indicates a change from its original manufacture. >> I found the way that continental modifies the data plate M75-6 says it will become TSIO360MBCSB Starting with the obvious things: 1) Prop & Governor - I see from a McCauley guide, the prop is identical but there is a slight difference in governor model. 2) I see from the Continental parts manual there is a different part number for the fuel pump. And a slight difference in FF setup. 3) I believe the MP pressure controller can be adjusted. 4) I have not looked at the pop off valve, other to find out that on the MB engine it was set at 41.5". So it is not as simple as adjusting the RPM and MP to the new settings.
  16. If we could get full synthetic oils (I am not going to debate the Classes), they are naturally multiweight, so do not use any or very small amounts of viscosity improvers. This one reason modern oils can run 15,000 miles in cars. And provide better lubrication and corrosion protection. Another reason I look forward to G100UL
  17. I have the 24 volt version of the charger linked. At least on my 252 the master controls the power to anything up front.
  18. A buddy was in a partnership in a Cherokee 180D. One time we were flying up to a breakfast in NY. I was flying from the right seat. He kept looking at the instruments and me and frowning. I asked was what wrong. He said, "You fly my airplane 4 knots faster at the same power setting." I have flown tail wheel aircraft, Gliders (Comm, CFI), and helicopters (Comm, CFI), so tend to use my feet when flying.
  19. IIRC, Victory has been implicated in slipping and damaged Continental starter adapters.
  20. You cannot make any assumptions about the pay rate for the bottom line worker based on the price per hour charged for their work. Just too many variables. BTW, do marine mechanics have to go through significant training and be Federally certified? There are auto mechanic certifications, but they are not Federal certifications.
  21. Could be the Beggs-Mueller recovery. Mueller published it in Flight Unlimited in the early 80s. The recovery is: Throttle Idle Release stick/yoke Rudder opposite spin direction
  22. I was all set to book this, but travel agent did not call back. So I was looking and found a different cruise to book, that overlaps. Maybe another time. EDIT ------------- Pat did try to contact me. I was actually on board Enchantment of the Seas using wifi calling. When my phone would go into lock, it would suspend the wifi connection for some reason, so I did not get incoming calls, unless my phone was open and being used. I asked her to text me, as those get queued, but she left a voice mail. Some here told her about my comment about lack of contact, so she called me and we connected. When we got into the Chesapeake Bay and I had a normal cell connection, her voice mail popped up.
  23. Yeah, just noticed he asked about electric. Reading before coffee.
  24. Problem is, this poll does not ask how many have a GFC-500 without pitch oscillations by model.
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