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Everything posted by Pinecone

  1. This why I like my JPI 830, if things are not in the green, they are flagged in flashing red. So a quick glance tells me things are OK. One gripe though, is you set the max RPM to 2600 (for my plane) it flashes red AT 2600. IMO, it should be when it EXCEEDS the set value. So I had to set max RPM on the JPI to 2610
  2. No, an overboost is running OVER rated MP. The only two things that over work a turbo it to high of RPM, which can be approximated by too much difference between input air pressure and output. And heat, as in too high TIT. And this one is the real killer.
  3. A tri control aircraft??? ;D This was something discussed many years ago, before the FAA said the instructor had to be at a control station. I know the USAF and I think the USN also does, put two students in the front two seats and the instructor in the jumpseat. But they fly under different rules, but I bet most of them log that time for airline jobs. The question that I don't know, is, if you have a 3 crew A/C, when the captain is in the back sleeping, he can still log PIC, but is one of the two upfront also PIC? I know that at least some airlines have "Cruise Captain" positions.
  4. Hmm, would owner produced replacements have to be the same soft alloy or could you use something less like to bend and dent? If so, it might be a worthwhile thing to set up a water jet or CNC cutting of replacement ones, with the owners ordering the sheet metal for them
  5. I would not be upset if there was a once or twice email reminder that the 1 year time was coming up
  6. For the TSA issue, invest $85 or $100 every 5 years for Pre-Chek. You don't have to take things out of your bag, you don't have to take off your shoes, and you can even leave a light jacket or sweater on. AND shorter lines. You get Pre-Chek for $85, but for only $15 more, you get Global Entry which speeds things up if you do any international travel at all.
  7. If it is a multi crew aircraft, the Captain can log PIC time while sleeping. So pilot flying under the hood. Safety Pilot. CFI instruction and Captain (PIC).
  8. At $1.75 an ounce, and being Mooney owner, I can't do that.
  9. Updated guidance is that engines over 200 hours are exempt and may continue to be flown. And Cirrus only grounded the airplanes they own and stopped delivery. They cannot ground planes owned by others. Only the FAA can do that.
  10. Back many years ago I was on a flight out of IAD on United. At the time, you could dial up Channel 9 on the audio and listen to the cockpit radios. It may have been a 727. Right after take off, the crew declares and emergency due to over heat light. They make an announcement that we are returning due a warning light. Fire trucks were waiting, and chased us down the runway. They made another announcement about nothing to worry about, probably faulty sensor, but can't ignore it. We get to a gate, and after about 15 - 20 minutes, we are deplaned and moved to another aircraft. HMMMM, doesn't sound like a faulty sensor.
  11. There have been a number of pulls that were NOT saves. Mostly because of being out of the envelope.
  12. No, there is never one right answer for all conditions. But the rule of thumb works for most people most of the time. You just need to realize when it does not. But do you know your stopping distance from say 50 knots on wet grass???? If you don't have that data, you have no way to figure out what to use to consider an abort.
  13. No, it tells you how much you did add. It does show you how much AS you add. The bottle linked above allows you to tilt and put a certain amount in the small part and then pour that into the engine or an oil bottle. I like to add half a quart, then add the Cam Guard to the remaining, then shake and then add to engine.
  14. I went on the CamGuard page, used their Contact Me to suggest this to them.
  15. A lot of cancellations you can blame on Congress. Because of one highly publicized case of people stuck on a plane for a long time (and it was more the issue with the airport not the carrier), if you are on the plane for longer than X, you get compensated. So instead of boarding, if there may be a delay, they just cancel the flight. And if it is due to weather, the carrier does not have to supply food or lodging. Win-win for them, but the passengers are stuck and it may be days before they can get another flight with the higher load factors. I had a series of flights (had one, cancelled, the replacement was cancelled, and the next replacement was cancelled). So I ended up having to overnight in MCO. Not a big deal. I had been rebooked on a flight early the next morning, complete with my upgrade. And I had a pretty high status with that airline. Which waiting for the airport shuttle, I started talking with a family of four. They had been originally booked on the last flight I had been moved to. They were booked out THREE DAYS later.
  16. My first airline flight was at about age 2, and SEA to HNL and the airplane had pistons. I don't really recall that flight, but I do remember later ones in the early 60s. And even as I child, I was dressed up. With dress shoes, pants, and a tie (probably a clip on, but a tie). And my mother wore a dress, with stockings, and heels. I know some of the Asian airlines have age limits for FAs. I was talking to a few that were now working for a US carrier, because they aged out (at just over 30) from the initial FA job.
  17. The way it works for stopping is simple. The airplane stops better than it accelerates. If you abort, still on the ground, at the half way point, you will stop before the end. No math needed. 252/Encore, at max gross at sea level, zero wind, 15C OAT, it is a 1750 foot ground roll. Same conditions, the landing distance is 1200 feet. So if the runway is 3500 feet long, and I abort at halfway, I will be just at liftoff speed. But can stop 550 short of the end of the runway.
  18. I was just thinking of these. I have seen other products in them. Maybe we should ask CamGuard to offer their product in this package. Thanks.
  19. Status light is nice. Separate breaker is not so good. I plan on an emergency bus when I go my panel
  20. Based on the experience with Cirrus, TRAINING. Aircraft specific training by instructors experienced in the aircraft, with a defined, proper syllabus. Basically the same way airlines and the military do things.
  21. Yeap, it really does help to have airline status and upgrade. But even in economy, some airlines provide good service with a smile
  22. There are several threads on Pilots-n-Paws forum. But there here is a link (from that forum) from a law firm about deducting expenses as a charitable donation. https://www.pilotsnpaws.org/forum/download/file.php?id=3833 According to them, you CANNOT deduct fixed costs (annual, hangar rent, insurance). Only fuel and oil, pilot fees (landing/ramp/parking), rental costs, additional costs for insurance for this activity. "No Charitable Deduction for Fixed Costs of Flights for Charitable Purposes While the FAA now appears to permit aircraft operators to perform some charitable flights and take the associated tax deduction, the IRS only allows a charitable deduction for variable costs of transportation for charitable purposes.8 “Only those expenditures incurred for operation, maintenance, and repair, which are directly attributable to the use of such aircraft” on a charitable flight can qualify as charitable deductions. Examples of costs that could be “directly attributable” to a charitable flight include (a) the cost of fuel and oil for the flight, (b) pilot fees incurred solely for the flight, (c) rental charges for an aircraft used only for the flight, and (d) extra liability insurance incurred only for the flight."
  23. But so far, the only engines to have issues are 550s. As I understand, 3 of them. 2 on the ground, one in flight. One of the ground ones only had 25 hours.
  24. DUH. I was wondering how to add when adding oil. I actually have as syringe designed to measure oil for premix. I would add the Cam Gaurd to the oil in the bottle, shake it, then add to the engine.
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