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Everything posted by A64Pilot

  1. HonestlyI wouldn’t worry about it There is only high pressure between the tank and regulator, after the regulator it’s really low pressure. You may want to inspect the tank for the hydrostatic test date, I think they are required every five years and I believe composite tanks aren’t inspected, they are replaced when they time out, and it may not be five years for them. Some metal tanks may even time out. ‘In my opinion a pre-buy isn’t much of an actual inspection, if you really want to know, buy an Annual. An Annual is legally defined and has a checklist etc. There is no such thing as a pre-buy. ‘But either way in my opinion your looking for big high dollar gotcha’s, nickel and dime stuff I wouldn’t even worry about. There will be things like that. some will bother you and you’ll fix them, others may not and you’ll just let them be. It all depends on price, and the level of perfection you expect in an older used aircraft, and of course the price should reflect condition.
  2. In my opinion being high is good, if you feel it’s too high,it’s easy correct by leaning, but if it’s a little low, you can’t enrichen
  3. This article may be of some interest to you https://www.avweb.com/ownership/the-savvy-aviator-65-whats-your-fuel-flow-at-takeoff/
  4. My 200 Hp motor is 19 at sea level and the prop governor is a little low, so yes I’m right at that .1 you speak of. ‘But I don’t know about others
  5. In Army flight school we had a acronym we memorized for self imposed stresses.’ It was DEATH Drugs Exhaustion Alcohol Tobacco Hypoglycemia All were to be avoided as they reduce performance and lead to accidents guess what Hypoglycemia is? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypoglycemia I can assure you that we had no diabetics in flight school
  6. Go to the Air Gas place or whoever fills bottles where you live, ask them and you will find that the source of ALL their oxygen is the big Dewer full of O2 outback. Some will say that Medical and Aviation has different levels of moisture etc, but no compressed O2 has any moisture, it’ seems the process of liquefying it removes it. ‘Now I’ve heard that medical cylinders are sterilized, and that may be true, but the place that fills them doesn’t sterilize them. There is a lot of misinformation about O2, I guess to justify a jacked up price? Depending on where you are, you will have to have a prescription, lords knows why, can you abuse O2? Also if there is a technical diving shop near where you are, you can get fills real cheap compared to the airport. We use O2 to blend tri-mix and for deco gas, dive shops don’t ask for prescriptions. ‘What’s different between medical bottles and I believe all others is the valve for some reason, we and I believe welding bottles etc use CGA valves. of course CGA just stands for Compressed Gas Association I think, I don’t know what the medical valves are called ‘I have a hose that lets me fill my own off a welding bottle, as you can see in the picture, both ends are the same. ‘I had to do a bunch of testing up to FL250 of a special crop duster and up that high you have to wear a mask, and a mask uses a lot of O2 compared to a cannula On edit, buy bottles from Sky Ox or other O2 kit suppliers, or just off the web, not the airport, after a quick look I think we use a CGA 540 valve, medical is called a post valve or maybe a CGA 870? Last edit I promise. Don’t let any kind of oil or grease near anything you use for your O2, a friend at a dive shop after eating lunch filled a deco bottle and when unscrewing the fitting, he must have had some chicken grease on his fingers because it burned his fingers, high pressure O2 will make anything burn it seems
  7. One on my IO-540 was not saftied, I think the adjustable ones are uncommon. The non adjustable ones have to be removed and taken apart and washers either added or removed.
  8. Bumping 5 degrees will increase torque I’m sure, the exception to that would only be say in a low compression motor running high enough octane fuel where detonation just isn’t possible and their timing was set for max torque, if that were the case then any change would be a reduction of torque Maybe you couldn’t detonate an R-1340 or a C-85 on 100LL as they were both certified for 73 min octane fuel. I’m not going to try though
  9. I would answer by saying look at the difference between 20 and 30 degrees advance to see how large that is. As a kid I built and raced drag racing motorcycles for Star Cycle in Americus Ga., I’ve put many an engine on a dyno and “played” with timing, it’s pretty universally accepted that timing advance can make a large difference in power output, and can really get you into detonation quickly and a blown motor, I mean in a hurry. ‘For turbo motors it was pretty common to have a boost retard, that is as boost built, timing was backed off, also alcohol / water injection. ‘Now aircraft won’t have a boost retard, as it’s a complication that’s not needed, because you can’t bog down an airplane the prop just slips, but a wheeled vehicle you can get pretty high boost at lower RPM. ‘Pretty sure alcohol / water injection was common in WWII to help prevent detonation from high boost. The people abdicating to advance your timing from 22 to 25 degrees really are seeing a significant increase in power, but they are also operating at a reduced detonation margin. ‘TANSTAAFL
  10. Fuel is easy, meaning additional fuel is easy, even if you heated it or even if for some reason you were to vaporize it first. ‘However higher intake charge density is desired, drag racers will run their fuel through a can with ice in it trying to gain a tiny bit of charge cooling, the heat absorbed by evaporating fiel isn’t trivial, the intake of an alcohol fuel motor can feel ice cold for instance and that cold of course helps with charge density. ‘So in other words heating fuel while sometimes is done, it’s usually done to prevent icing etc., like a turbine for example will often have fuel heaters, but it’s not done to increase efficiency or power etc. ‘The GE T-700 has a neat design, its fuel heater, is the engines oil cooler, so you get both in one device. On edit, we are not direct injection or timed injection, we have a continuous spray of fuel shot at the backside of the intake valve, what that means is that all of the fuel or almost all anyway has vaporized prior to being sucked into the engine, and the tiny bit that’s not will be before combustion. ‘Droplet size, spray pattern etc is far more important in a turbine or a Direct injection Diesel.
  11. Perhaps the Biggest reason why LOP can reduce fuel consumption is the basic operating principle of how an internal combustion engine operates. ‘Engines do not develop power from the pressure from “explosions” as many think, they develop power from the rapid expansion of heating a gas (air) Within reason of course if you reduce the ratio of air to fuel and still generate the heat, your increasing the amount of gas to expand when compared to the amount of fuel it takes to expand it. Fuel enrichment at high power isn’t so much to do with being required to make the power, it’s required to make the power without overheating the engine ‘Those of you that are bumping the timing up are playing with fire, I disagree with the plus or minus 5 degrees of timing won’t make much difference, it will make big differences, increasing timing will certainly increase power, but your reducing your margin for detonation.
  12. Many Ag aircraft will use roads or fertilize trees etc.,but they are most often old and or abandoned farm roads. Fertilizing trees means you empty the hopper in a very short time, so if you can cut ferry time you can get a lot more work done
  13. OK, I deleted the Screen shot. However if any think having their personal data freely posted by the US Government is an invasion of privacy, they ought to complain. ‘I know many did in IA conferences to the FAA,but they pretty much laughed at us when we did, one even told me that if I didn’t want Flight Aware posting my current whereabouts to hire a Lawyer and have him petition each agency to not do so. That’s how I learned how the wealthy and celebrities do it.
  14. Original owner, not sure how long it takes the FAA to change their records? Title company was supposed to have it changed the day the aircraft was sold. I’ve tried unsuccessfully to get the address changed for the 140, but it’s not posted either, and the FAA wonders why their registration database is still a mess. ‘For those that are interested, I was offered the LLC along with the aircraft, PO had done that, if you purchase the LLC and the assets of the LLC are the aircraft, apparently there is no tax due. Dosent sound right, but apparently it’s true and legal, but I didn’t want a Ga. LLC
  15. This web site is moderated I’m sure they all are, I’m a moderator in a huge one called Cruisers Forum. ‘The Mods whoever they are can of course take the post down or moderate it. But without posting his name etc, how do you ask the question of does anyone know this guy?
  16. Then they are breaking the law, don’t believe me, look it up, I too was breaking the law and got away with it until we opened an account for the Wife, that’s when they caught it. ‘I’m going to guess some kind of list exists that has mail forwarding address that gets checked now, that didn’t get checked originally, or maybe it’s just new accounts that get checked? Cause my accounts had existed for decades, since I was Military, who knows? Here is the law, it’s in there somewhere among all the legalese https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/terrorist-illicit-finance/Terrorist-Finance-Tracking/Documents/staterule.pdf Ai a glance it seems new accounts will trip them looking, existing accounts prior to the law, maybe not.
  17. yes, but your not required to have your AIS on, and there is even a way to turn the transmit off, plus it’s not tied to you in an easy to search government database for all to see. Commercial vessels are required or have it on, but often don’t. Fishermen don’t want to advertise where they are fishing for example. There are places cruisers go that your speed, direction vessel type and location you don’t want broadcasted, even in the America’s. Many things come to boats first then aviation later, EPIRBS is one and as you note AIS is the other, you don’t get weather on AIS though.
  18. I don’t think it’s better, I was showing it’s not as you say it still has my name on it. ‘We have sold the boat and are dirt dwellers again, and I bought the Mooney with a Montana LLC, which would be tough to tie to me. Government can of course, but some criminal can’t look at flight aware and know I’m not home, out of State etc. which would be real easy for one to do if I had my house address on the registration, there are other reasons of course that’s just one. ‘I got away with SBI as an address for USAA, but when we went to open an account for my Wife, they “caught on”. USAA was going to cancel my accounts that I’ve had with them for decades, the statement of domicile didn’t satisfy the requirement, nor did voter registration cards, law says you MUST have a physical address. a Quick Google brought this up along with the law of course which is real hard to read so I didn’t link to it. https://www.fcnbank.com/patriot-act/
  19. Depends on where you are, in Alaska and the NWT it’s common and normal. there are even restaurants on the side of the Alaska Highway as you fly by that will have aircraft in the parking lot, and a few gas stations with extra long hoses that you land and taxi in and fill up with car gas. ‘There used to be a Marina in the Panhandle of Fl that was out on the end of a causeway, you would call them on the VHF and a VW van would run out and place a saw horse across the road and you would land and taxi in and park to eat, when you went to leave the process worked in reverse. ‘I’ve stopped and stayed here several times, you don’t land on the road but you do taxi down it to park the airplane in the grass just across the street from the Motel, be sure to stop at the stop sign before you cross the main street. https://www.funplacestofly.com/funflydetails.asp?id=411. But most other places the local LEO will ticket you for operating a motor vehicle in an unsafe manner and the FAA will get you for being reckless and dangerous. In flight school in the Army we had a classmate that just disappeared one day, turns out he had run his Piper out of fuel and landed successfully in the parking lot of the Super Bowl. The FAA apparently got upset when he got some car gas in a can and flew it out of there. At least that was the story that was going around.
  20. Book speeds for any aircraft don’t mean much, Book speed for my M20J is 175 kts and on my pre purchase test flight I did get 168 out of it full throttle and 2,000 MSL at 2600 RPM, and burning 19 GPH. ‘But who will ever fly like that? I can get 150 kts LOP at altitude, burning 8 GPH, or 160 not LOP and burning 11 GPH. I assume the airplane your looking at will achieve similar results, with slightly different numbers, but if your expecting “book” numbers you won’t be happy, and if you run it that hard, it’s likely you won’t be happy either
  21. I would do this, but it’s going to take a structures DER and your going to spend some money determining load paths and stresses etc., and even then in truth it’s going to be an educated guess, so a good DER will leave good margin. But he’s going to need some measurements of course, unlikely he will travel to the airplane. 10% is a generic answer for anything, like 4130 tubing for example and takes nothing into consideration. ‘If you had bought an annual and not a pre-buy then you would have some recourse for them missing it, but as a pre buy isn’t a defined term, it has no standards that a shop can be held to.
  22. There are separate, independent bladders that are connected to each other in each wing. I have three in each wing and I believe on a J model that there could be four.
  23. Surely people realize that Amazon does not sell aircraft parts?
  24. Still has your name on it. ‘This is my C-140. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of people with 411 Walnut St Green Cove springs address. ‘It’s a mail forwarding agency that’s used by people who live on a boat and cruise and have no address, Also many RV’s and quite a few traveling contract Nurses etc. ‘It gives you a legal address, and will establish you as a Florida resident, and allows you to vote etc. Fl has this figured out, for example the address on my Fl drivers license was the Coast Guard registration number for my boat, I had on file at the Clay County Courthouse a “document of domicile” that named my boat as my domicile. ‘However since 911 the Patriot act doesn’t allow you not have a physical land address, and they know about the mail forwarding agencies, so I was not allowed to have a bank account etc., so we were forced to lie and use a family members address, USAA knows all about this, that address was not used to send any mail to etc., it was only to satisfy the Federal Government. ’Funny thing is, your allowed to live in a box under the main street bridge, but your not allowed by the US Govenment to live in an RV or on a boat. This combats terrorism?
  25. Very few actually. ‘My Company made the power levers that are used in the Predator B or “reaper” which uses a Honeywell G10 turbine, the old piston predator is pretty much retired, my be all gone I don’t know. So I could infer about how many Predator B’s were being built by how many power levers we sold, and it’s a lot more than I thought. Lycoming did build a spark ignition jet fuel engine for some kind of drone as the Military has been one fuel forever, the last use of gasoline in the Army was the cook stove, and it went away in the 90’s? Replaced by I’m sure one that burns JP-8, which is Jet-A. The Lycoming motor is some kind of small motor I think. https://www.lycoming.com/engines/el-005 ‘Mercury outboards also built a spark ignition outboard that burns jet fuel, likely JP5 for special ops, as gasoline is not at all what the navy wants onboard, http://www.marineenginedigest.com/profiles/mercury/Mercury-Optimax-Military-Motor.htm in fact before I could conduct carrier quals in an AH-64 long ago we had to burn three tanks of JP5 through the aircraft before we were allowed aboard, even Jet-A is too explosive for them, gasoline is an absolute no-no
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