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Everything posted by A64Pilot

  1. Any decent SCUBA shop should be able to give you the number of a local shop to hydro your steel tank, once hydro tested, a hydro is good for 5 years. unfortunately I don’t believe kevlar tanks can be recertified, once they hit expiration date, they are no good. In other words don’t buy new tanks every 5 years. ‘Cost of hydro ought to be about $50.
  2. Hesitant to post as I’m the new guy, but you shouldn’t shoot an approach with a lot of up trim, the reason is the reaction you’ll get on a go-around. I learned this on my Maule, a STOL airplane that full up trim makes for a nice slow approach with little force on the yoke, but with over 20 feet of 48 degree flaps and an IO-540 in the nose when you go to full throttle for a go around, it takes both hands to keep the nose down, or you will stall. The biggest reason it’s so bad on a go around is the force of the airflow from the engine at full throttle adding to the elevator force, an aircraft on a slow approach the airflow over the elevator is much less than it will be when the motor is at full throttle. So I now shoot an approach having to hold some back pressure, that way when the dog or whatever runs out on the runway in front of me, I can go to full throttle without it being so much of an effort. Now while not applicable to a Mooney, but in a normal airplane with an elevator trim tab, going full up actually reduces the total up elevator available, the reason is your driving that tab full down, and that reduces the surface area of the elevator.
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