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Everything posted by ZuluZulu

  1. 1994 MSE, originally had the KAP 150.
  2. Finally got around to taking more of these for you, Skip @PT20J. Apologies for the nighttime lighting and the fact that my bird needs a bath.
  3. At least I’ll be failing in a different way! Progress! Thanks Skip.
  4. Got any tips for winning a callback to numerous voicemails? It’s almost as if they don’t want to sell parts.
  5. These are upgrades rather than stock replacements, but having just put LASAR's stainless steel kit on my own plane, I can say they look sharp!
  6. Was it a regular overhaul or one of their custom, proprietary options? I know a former M20C owner who went with a Victor engine and swears by it.
  7. Victor Aviation, but it's not the budget option.
  8. And until they do, they'll just keep slapping their name onto other companies' stuff.
  9. I don't read it that way, since it sure looks like she omitted the ADS-B aspect from the tale she fed that reporter. She knew the half-truth made her look more sympathetic so she went with that. I've enjoyed reading her columns and her antics are amusing, but she must also accept the consequences of those antics.
  10. What is the total capacity? I didn't know "long-range" bladders were an option.
  11. If you do, then at least own it instead of crying to a reporter that you're a victim of the big bad FAA bogeyman.
  12. Some small metal parts I recently needed were produced and shipped from the factory within about a month and change from my order, but I have heard nothing back about interior pieces for months.
  13. Here’s one more.
  14. I have looked at Vantage but they only have one of the parts I need for my serial number. The left-hand forward panel (to the pilot's left) is the only piece they have of any significant size. If I want the RH door panel or the LH and RH rear passenger panels, or a headliner, I'm out of luck. It's nowhere even close to the full interior replacement I'm looking for.
  15. Another vote for both, except I seem to be the only one so far to have the JPI display in C and the PFD (G5) show F. But as I’ve posted elsewhere on this site, the G5 OAT is reading 20°F hotter than the JPI and driving me crazy.
  16. I'm still on the fence as to whether I need new plastics before it goes to Hector. I have a lot of cracks, missing chunks, the front edge of the ceiling (visible from in front of the prop, looking through the windscreen) is in especially rough shape and is mostly missing. Last time I talked to Hector it sounded like he thought I would need new plastics but now I'm not sure.
  17. Wow that's a strange one. I've owned a lot of iPads and never seen that.
  18. We've been waiting months for an answer (from the factory) on interior plastics for my J so I wouldn't hold my breath. Maybe big-spending long-body owners can get a faster answer. @LANCECASPER - How bad were your plastics when you took them to Hector?
  19. I wonder if a four-blade MT prop would be any good on a stock M20J/MSE with stock IO-360 (no Missile conversion). I'm intrigued by the increased ground clearance, considering how hard I have to pucker every time I taxi over the rough parts of Catalina's Airport in the Sky.
  20. Since you mentioned it... I'm curious why you start most paragraphs with a quotation mark. Excel power user is my guess.
  21. Welcome and congrats on the J. Did you check the dates of the posts you're replying to?
  22. https://www.beechflyin.com (upcoming Beech fly-in at Ramona, but other types welcome) We're not going to let those Brand B weirdos have all the fun, are we?
  23. It can do things you wouldn’t think it can, and it can’t do things you would think it should. I suggest developing a good understanding of the capabilities before using it by referring to the manual, P/N 190-01007-50, linked below. As for mine it’s currently not responding to push-to-command button presses (aka the repurposed control wheel steering button from the King autopilot hardware) and will have to go back to the shop for fixing... again. http://www.naplesflyingclub.com/aircraft/Manuals/GTN 7XX Telligence Voice Command Guide.pdf
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