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Baker Avionics

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Everything posted by Baker Avionics

  1. And here you go Skip #2: Rev. 7; Dated 02/06/2020 Added GI 275 standby App F, clarified standby requirements, updated GDU configurations, thermocouple wire specs, software loading information, & wig-wag wiring diagram Fig B-54.
  2. Here you go Skip!!!! Installation Manual, G3X Touch EFIS Part 23 AML STC 190-02472-01 9 April 1, 2021
  3. I agree and for a dual GI275 (and everything else) we were less than the $44,100.00 USD estimate.
  4. Tony, replied to your email with the estimate per your request.
  5. Do me a favor, shoot me this in an email and send pics of the panel as well and I will quote it out and let you know if it seems fair or in line with us. If that will help.
  6. Understand that the pic I just posted is for a certain type of intercom so ignore the pin numbers on the LH side. Use the labels on the LH side to match up with what you have and you should be golden.
  7. Bryan and Skip, see below from Garmin: Smart Glide support with a variety of Garmin systems In certified aircraft, Smart Glide will become available with a GTN Xi series navigator paired with a compatible Garmin flight display including the G500 TXiâ„¢/G600 TXi, GI 275 electronic flight instrument, the G3X Touchâ„¢, or G5 electronic flight instrument, with others to be added later4. Compatible Garmin autopilots such as GFC 500 or GFC 600 can be automatically engaged when Smart Glide is activated5. For aircraft without a compatible Garmin autopilot, Smart Glide will still provide critical information and features to help manage engine emergencies and help to reduce pilot workload. Further, experimental aircraft with G3X Touch and a G3X autopilot can also enable Smart Glide technology when appropriately equipped.
  8. I agree with Skip! We currently have a V-Tail customer here that is worried about his fuel gauges that seem to "bounce" during flight and when we installed a different engine monitor with digital readout of fuel levels, he chose to not get new senders. That causes an issue most of the time due to the age of them and the speed in which the newer readouts react to changes. It is a common issue and if you are spending the large amount for the display, what is feeding it should be newer and "higher end" as well for accuracy. The cost is relatively moot as it is going to give you more accurate readings for a longer period of time.
  9. Shoot me an email and let me see what we can do for
  10. @bmcconnaha are you guys feelin it?
  11. Thank you Mark! QUite simply THE best Audio Panels on the market!!!! Keep it brother!!!!
  12. Let me know a layout and we can get it designed and cut for you if you need.
  13. We do a similar thing. We design the panels, have them waterjet cut, powder coat and silkscreen accordingly.
  14. Kelly, shoot me an email when you are at your desk. I need to bring something to light for you and Avidyne please.
  15. Well I don't believe I posted anything political. Just stated facts about the supply chain issues and how it is effecting this industry.
  16. Absolutely! Has some remodeling needing done and we are taking care of her. You're in good hands brother!
  17. No, we have installed them with zero modifications. We send the existing floats in for a template for them and they come out pretty much spot on.
  18. He is spot on. As far as a FF sender is concerned, get the EI sender. FT60 is what we usually recommend and it works very well. The CIES senders are phenomenal and their service is out of this world. Personally, I like the EI systems versus any other engine monitor as that is what they do and their graduations on the readings are more precise and easier to read. Installation is all the same, no change, just makes more sense. However, if you are still going to an all in one, be sure, no matter what to get the aforementioned FF Sender and the Fuel Probes. They are the only way to go. Avionics Repair Station Owner only, not a PP.....that's for you @carusoam LOL
  19. What's going on with your system Anthony? Shoot me a message or email and let me know so we can get it fixed for you.
  20. Let us know what you have and we can help. This forum is amazing and there is a ton of experience here!!!!
  21. Skip, do you want to bring it here for us to take a quick look at it? We wouldn't charge you to see if we can find something. We have done a lot of these and haven't had any issues as well. We are just in Oregon. Also, did you look at the setups in the controlling G5, 275 or G3x to be sure the settings are all correct? Sorry, just had to ask.
  22. Well, it has happened! We have received a letter from Garmin that there are several units on the hit list for delays. Most notably, the GTN Series, GTR, GNC and others are on a 6 month Lead Time Delay!!!! Just dropping a note to all folks that if you are looking and have been waiting for the right time to get your units on ordr, it's time to line up! We ordered some of these units last month and not the estimated ship date is May 10th. Contact your Avionics Shop if you have recently gotten an estimate form them and ask about it. Also, we received a letter form them that prices are going up as well as of January 3, 2022 so if you are purchasing, get your orders in soon! This has been a PSA from Baker Avionics, "Your Premier Avionics Repair Station of the Northwest". Take care all!
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