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Everything posted by 0TreeLemur

  1. The AV-20 has NORSEE approval, which means that it may be installed as a minor modification provided that (... see FAA letter at Aerovonics). I installed it during the annual under supervision of my A&P, who inspected the work and signed off on it.
  2. Having a clock/timer that can help save 'yer arse in the event of a vacuum failure is pretty darn cool lagniappe.
  3. Aerovonics AV-20. A really cool 2-1/2" clock/timer that has a bunch of other features, including a backup AHRS attitude indicator. For less than 1 amu.
  4. Learned a new word today: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/lagniappe
  5. Any aircraft slows if you pull power and hold the nose up. Imagine getting in a high drag configuration with power just above the MP-triggered alert with the gear up. You could then put the flaps down and forget all about the gear... It happens. Knock on wood. When I first started flying the M20 a little over a year ago I was shocked at how hard it was to slow down. No problem now. You can't slow it down in much of a descent. Slowing involves level flight or climbing for a bit with the power out.
  6. Here's what the 900 looks like on the right-hand side of the radio stack flying over the Grand Canyon I put it over there because it doesn't need to be part of the scan.
  7. I find the gear up warning alert extremely annoying. It creates a level of anxiety in me kind of like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cVlTeIATBsI cannot wait to put the gear down to make it stop. Does anyone make a device wherein a hand comes out of the panel and smacks the pilot?
  8. Interesting discussion here from April of this year by @Igor_U and what those numbers entail.
  9. Haven't checked this thread since I started it because I'm at a conference. When I replied I thought there were three replies not a whole bunch. This is really cool. There is factory rep. here at the AGU conference- I visited with him briefly today- tomorrow I'll ask about curves for the short body.
  10. I think seeing the data would be great 'cause I really like that stuff.
  11. In the Sept. issue of MAPA Log Trey Hughes asserted that Mooneys were "built by engineers for engineers". As one of those, I proudly wear my nautical mile wide nerd streak on my sleeve. When re-designing the panel in our M20C earlier this year, a spare 2-1/2" diameter hole was created for a small accessory. I found that the good old Davtron 811B served great as a clock/timer and bagel toaster/watt waster, but not much else. Then I read about the AV-20-S from Aerovonics, which includes engine run time based on bus voltage, flight time based on V>40 kts from pitot-static, count-down and count-up timers, GMT, local time, density altitude, true airspeed, plus AHARS standby artificial horizon, and sensorless AOA, all in a tiny 2-1/2" package. The sensorless AOA display requires calibration. I've spent some time looking for lift and drag (Cl and Cd vs. alpha) coefficient curves for the M20 series, but have not been able to find it yet. Does anyone have such info? Old design reports? Would it be worthwhile to contact the company? Of course I want it for the C, but would take it for the E or F. Thanks.
  12. Interested if a Friday or Saturday.
  13. I've been to Jack Edwards, but not the other two. What are the relative merits of each? I know JKA will likely be 5-10F warmer than Culman, with seafood at Lulu's. Let's here some reasons (in the livestock or destination judging context).
  14. Ned, you can't stop me from dreaming. That famous W.C. Fields quote is still true, but I'm not holding my breath.
  15. We used one of these, and it works fine. It uses pulse-width modulation rather than resistive loading to vary the power delivered at constant voltage, so it dims both LEDs and incandescent bulbs. The lack of a large resistive load makes it lighter, considerably more efficient, and cooler running when dimming than a rheostat. The only thing I don't like it is the price. There are $30 alternatives that do the exactly the same thing, but they are not STC'd.
  16. To be clear, I don't want a 3-blade prop. I want a real deal on a 2-blade scimitar from someone else who 'upgrades' to a 3-blade prop.
  17. When I first learned that my "new" M20C had this recurring AD I was concerned. The prior owner flew with me to a prop shop that will do it on the a/c, and it went exactly as @skydvrboy said. In fact just had it done the second time recently. It is a pain once every 100 hours and adds about $2.00 per hour to the cost of flight. No biggie. The cost of a new prop without the AD will pay for a lot of ECI inspections. According to the person who recently tested mine, there have been very few failures or detection of cracked hubs in the past few years. In his opinion, all the hubs that were going to fail have all pretty much failed. But once an AD is inacted, they don't go away thanks to bureaucratic inertia. So, I'm waiting for somebody with a really awesome 2-blade scimitar Hartzell to upgrade to a reeeally awesome 3- or 4-blade prop, and sell me their 2-blade scimitar reeeeal cheap.
  18. So, my A&P wrapped up the annual today after bleeding the brakes, dressing the prop, and replacing a leaky fuel sender gasket. She flies great. Thanks to everyone for the help, advice, and general support!!!! I can only imagine how lonely Mooney owners must have felt before the advent of places like MS.
  19. Here is a photo of the fuel flow sensor we installed in my '67 C. Sensor is inside the big firesleeve, about 6" downstream from the elbow. Seems to work fine. The hose coming down from the engine-driven fuel pump was spec'd a bit long to make sure that the run through the meter slopes upwards towards the carb.
  20. Not having a dog in that fight, I guess it more likely that 'Little Sister' will watch the War Eagle Flyer disappear into the distance at 4 kts.
  21. One of these day's we'll have to have a race around Alabama.
  22. That's cool. What other speed mods do you have Hank? I suppose you have the cowl intake mod that eliminates the drag-inducing 'open mouth to nowhere' below the prop. What else? 201 windshield? We re-assembled the doghouse very carefully sealing up any gaps and holes last year. Also the carb heat box and hose are in good shape. My Mooney looks like it should cruise at 160, but 143 is all I get
  23. Thanks- I guess I had the misfortune of selecting several people who had not entered anything there. It would be GREAT if MS members would make it a point to at least put something there about themselves... Is this info visible to people who aren't logged in? Maybe that would be one requirement?
  24. Howdy, When I click on a users' icon, I see their personal page. On that page, two tabs "Activity" and "Albums" show. However, when I click on my personal page, I see a tab called "About Me". Why can one user not see another user's "About Me" page? Am I missing something, is there a way presently to see other user's "About Me" page? If not, there should be because it will might help us learn about each other, background, interests, etc. I suggest that when you click on another user's icon, three tabs should appear "Activity" "Albums" and "About". No reply expected, do with what you will. Thanks, Fred
  25. Hi Bill, It is probably not a big deal, but I'm not 100% positive. I have noticed this annual that when the gear are up in my '67 C, the tire is not exactly flush with the belly. Rather. the brake disk and aft portion of the tire hang out into the slipstream, which probably pushes the gear up into the wheel well and helps to close the gear door gap in flight. That's one theory. If true, then the gap is not an issue. My A&P wanted to close that gap by adjusting the gear door. It only took two turns of the front turnbuckle to mostly eliminate the 1/2" gap. If true, then this also suggest very little effect on cruising speed. My cruising true air speed at mid-altitudes (5 - 8kft) 24square is about 143 kt, which by all indications I've seen is ballpark. YMMV. IANA&P. Good luck, Fred
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