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Everything posted by 0TreeLemur

  1. Na gah do it. Returning to eBay seller as inop. Tested in a second machine. Same problem. Won't show post. It's dead.
  2. I think we need another feedback category, and this would win it- a little emoticon of a trophy for making an award-quality contribution.
  3. @Michael thanks for looking into your setup. I tried running the stock 172SP that comes with XP-11 and it still causes my machine to chug along at about 10 fps. The "new" graphics card I bought on ebay arrived today. GXT 970. Removed the nVidia 730 and plugged it in eagerly. Booted to VGA bios and told me to plug in the PCI-E power cables. Did that. Of course it doesn't seem to work right. I get mobo beep code saying problem with graphics card. Funny thing is, when I have no discrete GPU installed in the PCI-E slot, the onboard vga doesn't work, and I get the same beep code. The only thing that will work is the 730. Bios is ok. Card is compatible with my mobo according to several posts. My PS is big enough according to recommended by nVidia. Can't for the life of me figure this one out- played around with bios vga settings. Uninstalled nVidia driver from Win10 and rebooted with new card in, still get the mobo beep code for graphics card error. Funny thing is, after that error beep code, in all cases, it seems to boot, I just don't get anything on my screen. Sigh. I guess reflash the bios is next. I don't want to do that... -Fred
  4. Cool. We didn't have one of those.
  5. When the gov. in our C acted up in mid 2018, my A&P removed the left magneto which made access to the gov. much easier. It came right off after removing the left mag., oil filter, and vacuum pump vent. He had to sacrifice the box end of a wrench and do some grinding to get the 1/2" (IIRC) open end wrench to fit. When he replaced it with the PCU5000, the engine studs had to be swapped out because the PCU5000 has a thicker base plate. I helped with that- what a pain. It finally took triple-nutting the existing studs to get them out and to put the new ones in. <read the instructions first>. YMMV. PPSEL advice only, not an A&P. Good luck.
  6. No problems after 10 months and about 100 h on the JPI 900. Lovin' it.
  7. I'm glad you asked. That is a Turbo Encabulator. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&amp;rct=j&amp;q=&amp;esrc=s&amp;source=web&amp;cd=1&amp;cad=rja&amp;uact=8&amp;ved=2ahUKEwjv1L-HkfHfAhXwRt8KHbC7BwYQwqsBMAB6BAgDEAQ&amp;url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DAc7G7xOG2Ag&amp;usg=AOvVaw2fgJikev-sbCrgwuvTTX_N
  8. -a- Maybe your Mooney. Those are the really close to the ASI arcs for a pre-68 C.
  9. Fly-in for lunch at the airport restaurant, meet & greet, and socialize around our aircraft. They say that the Cullman airport restaurant is ok. I've never been, just passing on the word. I plan to attend if wx allows.
  10. Thanks- I am guessing that the issue with lack of ability to get the inner knob on the radios or xpdr to turn is related to latency caused by my slow graphix card. The program has multiple problems when it is waiting on rendering it seems.
  11. Au contraire- despite your proclaimed status as a lowly PP, you seem to have an almost otherworldly grasp of organic chemistry- and I'm talking about the butyl rubber membranes on the Brittain PC system vacuum servos, not electrical components. Will the corrosionX begin to immediately dissolve the rubber? If so, then what can be done to stop it? Hypothetically of course.
  12. So, @carusoam let me ask a <hypothetical> question of you. If a relatively new M20C owner during the recent annual inspection of his aircraft fumigated the wing and tail with corrosionX and didn't bag up the rubber membranes on the vacuum servos, are they going to (a) disintegrate quickly, (b) disintegrate slowly, or (c) spontaneously combust? What is the remedy?
  13. @Marauder I value your aviation-related contributions to this forum, but for GOD SAKE we don't need this. Pleeeeze stop. You can use the little "options" thing to delete that.
  14. @Michael I added a livery, the M20J became red striped, but the small knobs on the radio still don't work. When I put the mouse over them, I see the ( ) , but when I rotate the mouse wheel, the screen just zooms in/out. Am I not doing something else? I can't fly the ILS if I can't tune the NAV. Anybody else have this problem and solve it? Thanks in advance.
  15. Those were the days! That and "Gato" and "Leisure Suit Larry"!!! Don't forget my favorite DOS simulation: TRACON. I could vector planes around the LAX airspace for hours. It is pretty amazing that X-Plane 11 drags so much on the XEON E3-1230 Windoze machine I'm running. It is no slouch with about half the compute power (FLOPS) of the i7-7700 I use for my main Linux work machine. They've got so much graphics detail that the program requires a tremendously powerful graphics card. Seems like there could be a happy medium option between what you show from the old DOS world and photo-realism that the developers seem to be striving towards... Especially if you are going to simulate low visibility IFR conditions.
  16. Thanks @Michael I'll give that a try.
  17. I tried that, but the screen zooms in/out.
  18. I just got a GTX 970 for $110 on the ultimate garage sale (eBay). Thanks for the advice! That Game Debate site indicates that this configuration should work with X-Plane.
  19. Regarding the M20J in X-Plane, I went into the .acf file and deleted the pilot. I kept seeing eyeglass frames moving randomly in front of my eyes! Really distracting. Ejected him. Much more pleasant now. BUT- the inner knobs on the NAV/COM radios won't rotate! Makes it impossible to change frequencies. Also, knob to turn transponder to ALT skips from "ON" to "TEST". Have you had these problems? Any hints on how to solve them?
  20. Hi @autopatch the cpu in my machine is an Intel Xeon 1230 Sandy Bridge. Not the hot new thing, but not a slouch either. 2Gflop class. <whine> Still- a I've got graphics detail and number of objects turned down to the minimum. Is their graphics engine that much of a hog? </whine> So, the Game Debate link you included tells me that my CPU and memory are good enough, but that the GeForce 730 graphics card is a no-go. Man, I used to run flight simulators that looked ok with much less graphics power. I guess they are asking them to do a lot more. Any recommended high bang/buck cards?
  21. I'm in the midst of IFR training, and am trying to use X-Plane to work on my multi-tasking without having to burn avgas poking holes in the sky and boring my instructor to death while improving my information management skills while flying an airplane. I used X-Plane over 1 decade ago, and it was pretty decent. So I bought X-Plane version 11 last month (Ho Ho Ho) and the Carenado M20J, and installed on a Windoze 10 machine that has a decent graphics card in it. Running X-Plane version 11.30r3 (updated today), on a 64-bit, 4-core, Intel Xeon-based computer with 16 GB Ram. NVidia GEforce 730 graphics card with 4GB of graphics ram, and with driver version 391.35 (updated today). Here's the problem: even with graphics detail and number of objects displayed turned way down to their minimum slider values in the graphics setup menu, I still only get 10 fps when the target is 20. That means that simulation time passes at half speed. Not very realistic. Anybody else dealt with this issue? Thanks in advance. Fred
  22. I find the video credible and incredibly scary. In couple of decades ago the pilot of a Vari-eze was on a cross-country with his wife. During a fuel stop he incorrectly installed the gas cap. Just after takeoff it came off and struck the wooden propeller, causing the propeller to shatter. This caused severe vibration and control issues. They didn't survive. I think if a gas cap can do it, so could a drone. There is lots to fear from drones. With their MEMS based programmable flight directors and large power/weight ratio- some of them could fly up through the rotor downwash of a helicopter. I've boarded hovering helicopters before, the downwash in a hover is not that great.
  23. Hey @DXB , just curious- is this documented somewhere? Particularly interested in Vno of 175 mph.
  24. The problems described by @wpbarnar and @pwhicks are: (1) indicative of old wiring, which means high potential for poor contact due to oxidation, poor/loose connections, and may indicate wiring mistakes; (2) tricky to diagnose; and (3) a symptom that your aircraft's wiring is not working correctly should be looked at before flight. When we re-did the panel in our '67C last year, we replaced all the breakers and re-did all the electrical connections. That cleared up some strange behaviors. We did install an engine monitor which allowed us to simplify the wiring some. The anti-vibration lugs used to hold the pilot's side panel on have a tendency to sag over time, which may cause grounding straps to fail. Lots can go wrong. Best to get it looked at. By analogy, your aircraft's nervous system is suffering from a serious malady, and nothing good can ever come from it. It doesn't get better on its own- it can only get worse. Get it looked at ASAP. My PPSEL non A&P advice is worth the bits it is encoded in.
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