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Everything posted by Skates97

  1. @Fly_M20R, nice video, I like the editing. Very true, and useful for us short body Mooneys. Enroute to Osh we did just that at Ogden (KOGD). Coming in from the southwest we were almost on a 29nm straight in for runway 03. The winds were variable and they were advertising 17 on the ATIS. As we approached there were a number of planes shooting practice approaches to 17 so I didn’t bother asking for something different. Besides, it would let me enter a regular pattern and put us right near the FBO. Tower instructed us to report entering a right downwind for 17 so we continued on, staring at the long stretch of 03 out in front of us. Just under 2 miles from the end of 03, at 5,400’ MSL (KOGD sits at 4,473’) and slowing down to make a left turn onto the downwind tower called up. Tower: “Mooney 1015 Echo, winds are calm, do you want runway three?” Me: (After a quick glance at my location and the 8,000’+ length of 03) “Sure, we can do whatever is easiest for you.” Tower: “Mooney 1015 Echo, runway three, cleared to land.” Me: “Runway three, cleared to land, 15 Echo.” I am sure that he figured it was easier for me to come straight in and it also kept me out of the area that he had two guys on practice approaches. I pulled the power, slowed to 120 mph, threw out the gear, put the left rudder to the floor, and began an elevator ride down in a full sideslip. The VSI was pegged but Flight Aware showed my last two hits at 1,273 fpm and 1,676 fpm. With 8,170’ of runway to work with I wasn’t concerned, and we touched down about halfway down and rolled out to the end. I didn't have my cameras going but my wife took this on her phone.
  2. myflightbook.com (free) tracks all of the airports you have landed at and puts them in a little map. You can also export the list and stick it into Google Maps which will give you not only pins where you have landed, but also the number of visits along with the date of your first and last visit. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1Vg_6O475W3LgVVMpedf0gYLAO8xpIcE&usp=sharing
  3. I'm glad I gave up and shelled out the money for the GFC500. I've been happily flying with it since May 2021.
  4. Yes, that's where I got mine. I had the link in my post but it's embeded so I guess not noticable. If you do their chat on the website and ask about a discount they have a "Limited Time Manager Special" for $1895 that I am guessing is an ongoing thing. Another thing to consider is their Lifetime Warranty/Service/Maintenance which is an additional $995. I am not typically one for extended warranty purchases, but this is lifetime and once a year they will send you a FedEx label to send it back for annual software updates and all the filters and tubes to be replaced free of charge. It also adds the drop coverage. At first I wasn't thinking I needed drop coverage, but then I considered the times I have had things go airborne, and figured I was one bad air pocket from it going airbone and dropping back down and breaking.
  5. I recently picked up an Inogen G5 after reading some threads over on Beechtalk and have been very pleased with the results. On a recent flight at 11,000' it kept my O2 sats in the upper 90's, the return trip at 8,500' I was at 98-99. I don't think I would trust it for above 12,500', but in my plane I don't fly that high. I got it mainly for my wife who feels wiped out after 3-4 hours above 10k, but I felt much fresher than when not using it and plan to continue using it at night and on anything above about 7k. They require either a prescription for oxygen or if you are a pilot and using it for flying then they just require a copy of your pilot's license.
  6. I am at about 2,200 hours and it is still running strong, excellent compressions, 1 qt every 8-10 hours, not making metal. However, having had a friend with their plane down about 8 months for their overhaul because of parts and shop delays, I started looking for a core that I could buy, have overhauled, and then swap out on my timeline. I looked for months with no success so checked with Airpower. In June it was a 12-14 month timeline and the prices I felt were reasonable considering what comes with the engine when I compare it to the total price I saw my friend pay. In June the prices were the following: O-360-A1D Factory New: $72,790 Factory Rebuilt: $40,401 Factory Overhaul: $36,024 https://www.airpowerinc.com/renpl-rt8042 I put the order for a Factory Rebuilt along with the $8k deposit. By the time it is ready I should be somewhere between 2,300-2,400 hours on my current pace of flying and ready to swap it out.
  7. I agree, if I were to do this I would use a strap and connect it to the rear seat belt.
  8. A thin washer or two under the nut can help with fine tuning if lining up the hole for the cotter pin won't work.
  9. Over the years I have found that if I take the expected time and then double it, that it is a good approximation for the amount of time it will take me. I've had the same experience. My first owner assist was me removing panels and lubricating everything. Over the years as I built rapport with my AP I have done more and more on the plane under his supervision and inspection of work performed. Installed my G5's, GNC355, EDM900, alternator conversion, Powerflow Exhaust, rebuilt the flap pump and a brake cylinder, upgraded yokes, to name a few. More than once I have asked him when he could get to something to have him say, "You can do that, it's in your wheelhouse." He's kind enough to answer all my questions and let's me borrow tools if there's something I need but don't have. Don't expect that relationship and trust right away, it took years to build.
  10. Very sensitive might be an understatement. The difference between too fast and not moving at all is miniscule.
  11. Solid advice. You can likely go higher than you think. The insurance company may ask for proof of avionics, etc... if you are going higher than they expect. Ask your broker to give you quotes at a few different levels. Last year when I renewed I looked at the difference between $100k and $150k. It was an additional $500 for the added $50k in hull coverage. $500 is a drop in the bucket compared to what I spend the rest of the year on this amazing hobby. So, I have a 1965 D insured at $150k. It's a nice plane, I know it inside and out, G'5s, GFC 500, EDM900, GNC355, new paint, etc... Could I sell it for $150k? Doutbful, but I know for that I could find something to replace it with. Just another shoutout to @Parker_Woodruff for all his help sorting through the insurance.
  12. As Eric suggests, all the more reason to keep it in a standard 6 pack configuration. I have dual G'5's, and while I don't look at my old altimeter much, and I use my VSI so little that I put a chart of approach speeds over it, I do find myself frequently looking at my ASI instead of the speed tape on the G5. My current setup, someday I'll get around to cutting a new panel and flush mounting the G5's and the EDM900.
  13. There can be quite a bit that goes into changing them. As Scott mentioned above you may need to change the actual yoke (behind the panel). I wrote up a post when I changed mine. I was able to buy them from a plane that was being salvaged. They don't come up for sale very often and usually go quickly when they do come up for sale. They are pricy, but the difference in how they feel....
  14. I bought my D (essentially a C) with I think about 60 hours total time. Flew it for almost five years all over the SW and once coast to coast without an instrument rating. Our regular trips areSoCal to AZ, CO, or UT. Just flew CA to OSH and back VFR the whole way. I did finally get my IFR rating. Having the IFR ticket has been helpful with the marine layer here on the coast the past couple of years as I didn't have to adjust arrival and departure times but the only trips I canceled completely before the rating are ones I couldn't have made with it because of either convection or icing. If you aren't too heavy you can still get a C off the ground in high DA. We have a house right by KPSO and have departed there more than once when the DA was over 10k.
  15. John, I have always admired the restoration/modifications you have done to your plane. It is beautiful. My wife and I were planning to do something different next year for a flying vacation but we might head back to Osh for a couple days. We'll see.
  16. A friend bought a C that was mid-time but had only been flown some in the previous years. About a year in an oil change showed metal, the lifters were spalling among other things, had to have the engine overhauled and the plane was down 6+ months. Agree 100%, you can at least negotiate the price with a run-out engine and likely get well past TBO if it has been regularly flown.
  17. Just went past Sedona, didn't land on this trip. Fly it in the morning and it isn't a big deal. The afternoon flight from SoCal to Ogden was bumpy as it always is in the summer. We left Ogden in the morning and the flight across eastern Utah and Wyoming was smooth. Happy to chat about it if you would like. I'll send you my cell number in a PM. Forgot to update that on MS when I changed the tail number. Yep, used to be 78878 which got butchered by ATC constantly. Too many 7's and 8's. Met my wife on 10/15 and coincidentally took my PPL check ride on 10/15 seven years later. Then I just had to find a letter to stick on the end of N1015. It took them almost 7 months from the time they received my paperwork to get me the forms to change the number. I submitted that back to them about 5 months ago so maybe they will complete it soon. Flight aware still has the N-Number as a 1966 Beech 58. Not sure what the 1965 scheme looked like. The stripes are close to what it was when I bought it, but it may have been changed along the way. I had the same thinking. I wanted to keep the feel of the older straight stripes, add color to the leading edge, and put the logo on the tail. I like the straight stripes on the short bodies.
  18. Thanks, started up to OGD to see my wife's daughter and granddaughter. Then had to land in KRAP to check that off the list. Detour to fly the Chicago skyline and then spend a couple of days in Illinois at some church history sites before turning west towards home. Further details on the trip in coming posts in the next couple weeks.
  19. My wife and I had a great time at Air Venture. After having the plane painted I decided to have it judged this time around and we came away with the Lindy Award for Outstanding Mooney in the Contemporary (1956-1970) Category! More pics over on the (newly redesigned )blog. https://intothesky.com/2023/07/30/oshkosh-2023-in-the-books-with-an-award/
  20. Grateful you and your kids are okay, one of those small miracles in life that you decided to take a different bus. We walked past your plane many times.
  21. When we bought our house there was a feral cat that roamed the back yards on our street. We never saw rats or even squirrels. Ten years later the cat is gone and the squirrels and rats moved in. There's a neighborhood that shares a brick wall to the end of the taxiway in front of my hangar. I see cats on the wall all the time. I have had glue traps in my hangar for years, never had a single mouse. When I was based at a different airport surrounded by fields I had mice in the glue traps on a regular basis.
  22. It's just the standard Costco Citi Visa card. 4% on the first $7k in fuel. Our Amex does 3%. Works at the self serve but not off the truck billed through the FBO.
  23. My Citi Visa treats the self-serve pumps like a fuel purchase and gives me 4% back. If it is full service from the truck it doesn't count but swiping at the self-serve pump it doesn't seem to know the difference from that and a regular gas station. If you have a card that offers cash back on fuel give it a try at the self-serve.
  24. Exactly, it doesn't need to cool down the whole cabin. A stream of cool air blowing on the back of your neck and head does wonders for comfort. Seeing the prices of those things makes me love my homemade one even more. Add the static cling tint to your rear windows to help with the heat. Then take a few spare squares of the static cling, fold them up, and keep them in your seat back. You can pull them out and put them wherever you want on the front windows and up high on the windscreen in flight to block sun. When you need to just peel them back off in descent. If you put them on top of the dash for a couple minutes they become soft and easy to smooth out on the windows. Homemade AC DIY Window Tinting
  25. I don't have a turbo, so can't comment to any diminished performance, but you will have diminished performance from your prop. That combined with the diminished performance of the wing will contribute to a longer ground roll to get the required IAS to lift off. Something that sometimes catches people off guard if they have not landed at a high DA airport is the visual difference flying at the same IAS but a higher TAS and ground speed than they are used to seeing in the pattern and they can get slow. Easy enough to overcome by just paying attention to the airspeed indicator but something to keep in mind.
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