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Everything posted by Skates97

  1. Right now Amazon has that light for $162.47. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0102OHDNA?pf_rd_p=faa1d3e1-fadf-4279-ac2d-3096206e4690&pf_rd_r=V8EC1TWW0G8DWX3VKYE8
  2. Which brings up the question, how many runways actually have a 50' obstacle at the threshold? The airports I have landed at all seem to have nice open areas on approch, or if not they have a displaced threshold. I'm sure there are some with a fence very close to the threshold (but not 50' high). I landed at Skypark in Salt Lake last month and there are roads crossing at each end of the runway so you wouldn't want to come in too low in case there was a big truck going by, but 50' high right at the threshold? Where did that number come from? Why not 40' or 60'? Really, I've always wondered that from the first time I heard it in my flight lessons.
  3. I just had my flight review Saturday (currently writing up the experience). My CFI (85 yo and flying since he was 12) had the same advice. He is not a fan of coming in low and dragging it in for a normal landing, and if his students do that he will reach over and pull the power momentarily which gets their attention. But, for a short field landing he says get slow and drag it in under power so that you can cut it and touch down. He also wants you to hold it off and not plant it on. If you have your speed right and you pull the throttle you will touch down where you want followed with aerodynamic braking and full brakes. We stopped easily under 1000'. Funny, as we were taxiing back for the next trip around the pattern he said, "Don't be afraid to use your brakes, if they wear out it's about the cheapest damn thing you can replace on a plane."
  4. Congratulations, that's a bucket list item for me. I'm just getting started but checked off Hawaii last week. Flew a 172 from Maui Aviators around about the same path. Took a CFI with us the whole way for a couple reasons. Biggest reason, I have almost 300 hours in the last two years but have never flown a Cessna. Even if I was proficient in the Cessna having the CFI make the position calls and point out interesting things "tour guide style" allowed me to just fly and enjoy the ride. I need to get the pictures off my camera and upload them.
  5. But if you put bright enough lights on the disco ball will that eliminate the need for external strobes?
  6. Here's an old thread from the Vans forums. There was a debate about colors and this poster has some connections at the Air Force Night Vision Research Lab. He posted the results of a telecom with them discussing colors. The consensus was "cool white" dimmed down. http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showpost.php?p=479679&postcount=23
  7. Thanks for the report about the trip and the usb cable. I was going to ask about the temps figuring for Cedar City this time of year it could be icing conditions. Glad you were only stuck a couple of days. I have family that's lived there for 40+ years and there are times a storm will come in and stick around a lot longer than just a couple days. I don't mind sneaking out under the clouds, I do it from time to time heading from home to Phoenix because I know it's clear skies to the east, but I don't think I would have tried going down the pass towards St George. We fly it going to visit my wife's dad sometimes on our way back from Salt Lake. It's not a place I would want to find myself if the clouds closed in at all. Oh and beautiful pictures of the fall colors! Two weeks ago up in Provo we took my 14 yo son up American Fork Canyon to see the fall colors. He couldn't understand why we were going because he's never really seen the leaves changing. I think I heard him say "Wow!" 20-30 times on that drive.
  8. Yep, @gsxrpilot is the one that put the map together. Anyone that wants a link to it needs to have their location in their avatar, ask him to be included, and then he will add them and give them a link to it. For privacy reasons he hasn't made it a public link anywhere that I know of. I have the link saved in my bookmarks.
  9. Had a nice flight to Salt Lake a couple weeks ago for my niece's wedding. This is part one (the flight there) and I will get the return flight written up in the next day or two. Nice winds going there with ground speeds of 170mph+ most of the way. https://intothesky.us/2018/09/28/morning-weather-delay-corona-ca-kajo-to-salt-lake-ut-skypark-kbtf/ Haze over Lake Matthews Fuel stop in Delta Tumbleweeds growing up through the cracks in the taxiways at Delta, there were bigger ones growing up through the cracks on the sides of the runway.
  10. Not Signature, but we landed in St George Sunday to have lunch with my wife's dad on our way back home. We parked and got out and the line guy came over to see if we needed anything. Very nice kid and as we chatted he pointed to the still running Challenger which he had just fueled parked right in front of the door to the FBO. He said "I don't know why those guys always have to park right in front of the door." I said "Because they're cool." He rolled his eyes and said "They're not special, all you guys are the same to me. "
  11. Yes, I was taught most birds will drop a wing and head down. There are a lot of birds around some of the airports here and while I haven't been too close to any I have observed that behavior numerous times.
  12. Back in January I flew past a flock of geese at 8,500'. I was heading west and they were going east, fortunately they were about a mile off my wing. (I'm assuming they were geese, I don't know anything else that flies that high in a "v" formation.)
  13. These are not approved yet and they are saying Mid 2019, but I really like the look of them. https://aerovonics.com/av-30
  14. Flew to Phoenix a few weeks back to celebrate my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary. With all four seats filled, plus bags, plus the home-made AC (it was a hot weekend there) we had to get a little creative with the loading of the bags to stay away from the backside of the CG envelope. Ended up with bags between the kids and my wife's small bag under her legs in front of her seat, but we had cool air blowing from the AC! Most flights I guesstimate weights of bags and people because I know we are well within limits. For this flight everyone got on the scale before getting in the plane and all bags were weighed so I could calculate everything. Creative Weight and Balance Where we would have been with all the bags in the back vs where we were with two of the heavier bags between the kids and my wife's bag up front.
  15. Here's what I did, I took some duct tape and folded it to go through the grommet and then a couple strips to hold it to the end.
  16. I second this, very accurate and easy to use. I did add a remove before flight flag to the second one so it would stand out after I left the first one in the wing at the pump once... Easy to miss a clear plastic tube sitting on the wing next to the fuselage.
  17. I think he's talking about @Aerodon, that is who I got my 830 from along with an SL-40. Don has been great to work with.
  18. Yes, a $5 hole that would take about 1AMU to create. That's about what the shop said as well. From the pics I can find online here is where they are installed and looking at the new ones for sale there's a screw/plug there that you would remove to put the sensor in. I'll take a look when I'm at the hangar next but it don't recall anything there.
  19. Thanks, I'll take a look and see what I can see, but I'm not hopeful. They have installed a number of 830's so if they say the carb is missing the plug where the sensor would go I'm inclined to believe them.
  20. Maybe because it started its life as a M20D? I'm not sure. The carb is a Marvel Schebler MA-4-5, part # 10-3878. I have the sensor, when I get to the point I am going to overhaul the carb or replace it with an overhauled one I will have it installed.
  21. I was bummed when I had my EDM830 put in and learned that my carb did not have a plug where the sensor would go that could easily be removed to install the sensor. They would have had to drill and tap it to put them temp sensor in... I only have couple hundred hours in my plane (no IMC but some rain showers) and have not had any indications of Carb Ice.
  22. "Where much is given..." What a wonderful service you are giving. Happiness can be found through serving others, in doing so we forget our own wants and gain something greater.
  23. Just changed my oil last night. Let the oil drain while removing spark plugs, cleaning, reinstalling them Put rag under oil filter Remove safety wire from filter Loosen filter with wrench Put Aircraft Spruce bag around filter up against the case (I used to use gallon ziploc bags but this is big enough to get my hand inside) Spin filter off quickly and turn up so nothing leaks out Easy-peasy, usually get away with a few drops on the rag.
  24. Flew to Santa Maria for a birthday lunch. It was a beautiful flight and the food was pretty good (even if they only had Pepsi products...). We were given vectors for traffic four times as we passed through the Burbank area. Once was a vector and altitude restriction on descent for a 737 landing at Burbank that had to go around. The comment the pilot made to ATC was "We were too high and unstable," even the big guys go around. https://intothesky.us/2018/09/15/birthday-lunch-in-santa-maria/
  25. I drive past AS every time I go to the airport which saves the shipping charge.
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