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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. Asked and answered. There is a photo earlier in thread of the perpetrator.
  2. I have been thinking about a Lynx 9000+ transponder/ADSB/Active Traffic/Waas GPS/Weather all in one upgrade. Stuff like this makes it seem worth the admission. R.I.P
  3. I bet Yetti would like that link...
  4. I read that line to my wife. She said "Time to find a new mechanic". Seriously I would turn in my man-card if I made that call...Especially if the plane was running when I received the plane. Troubleshoot. Diagnose. Git 'r done. I know "it" happens, but this is well a "non-starter" with me...
  5. Data Point: I bought a '66 that had 1,000 since overhaul...Not really. It had 1,000 since an AD to inspect the crankshaft. This was in 73 or 74. I bought a plane with 1850 total time on airframe and engine. At 1950 I Gupped the plane. Elected to overhaul. All accessories/hoses etc. at that time. The cylinders had NOT EVER been overhauled. I elected to oversize the cylinders vs. replacing. I am now 14 years and 700ish hours post overhaul on those cylinders. I am happy that I went the oversize vs. replace with new Lycoming route. I hope you have success. I would assume NOTHING on an overhaul. Especially one that does NOT have detail in logs. My logs on the engine overhaul are VERY detailed on what was replaced/re-built to include parts list with serial numbers. I too had "none of that" on the first "overhaul" that WAS NOT.
  6. Send the photo to Brittain. Kevin or Jerry will know what is going on. They build/repair/install and troubleshoot these systems. It appears to be a chain/servo position issue. Ring them up. They are GOOD people.
  7. Awesome airmanship. I practice slips into airports. A great tool to be proficient/comfortable. I highly question whether I would have pulled it off in such an emergency with circumstances as you listed them. Thank you for sharing. Nice to quarterback a success vs. an alternative outcome.
  8. Having ability to extend flaps over 100 MPH? That is nice improvement.
  9. Sooooo, NOT "before '68 Model year" on the flap revision...
  10. AND I want term limits...Every week a shovel poop in my yard. Throw it out before it stinks up the neighborhood... Washington needs same.
  11. I don't want a buddy in the white house. I don't want a "nice guy". I want a leader that will balance a budget, not stamp on the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I want to blow up the tax code. I want to stop nation-building. I see candidates that say they will do those things. What part of Carson is Horse and Dog poop? I see a "good/honorable man" there. Too good to be President.
  12. We are talking FLAPS here guys. Hank my White on ASI limit is 100 on my '66. No change there...? I think structure VFE was later...
  13. I hear folks in Canada like to fly airplanes, make good music, golf and enjoy the outdoors. Being born in Canada sounds alright with me...as opposed to say an island out in the ocean. In Iowa they gather thousands of people in a room. The National anthem is sung and you hear more people singing than the singer with the Mike...then the pledge is sung...by children and again they are nearly drowned out by the voices of those gathered...and then a prayer asking for peace and sound decision-making for our and the worlds leaders...and then Ted, Rand, Ivanka and Carli's husband, a Medal of Honor recipient and others got a few minutes to tell those gathered why they or the candidate that they believed in was the right choice. Precincts then gathered to elect a chair. A hat was passed. Each individual that had already presented his/her bonafides to their precinct to confirm registered put their hand written choice for the next President of the United States in a hat. Democrats? They gathered at their own location and no solid leader emerged as THE candidate. I like the process. I like that Iowa feeds and fuels the world. I like that Rockwell-Collins is in Iowa. Lastly, I like corn on the cob fresh picked and airplanes.
  14. Coming from a Michigan resident....Funny.
  15. Sorry, one more thing: Giggidy!
  16. A Conservative wins Iowa Caucus. Nice. That is all I have to say about that.
  17. It's actually Family Guy... Live a little.
  18. How's the Third Class Medical Reform Coming? Gee, we have to tie that to ALLLLLLLLLL of the funding for the FAA. WHY? This should already be approved by the Senate and on the President's desk for signature. Make sure and get 'r done after I need my medical renewed this year. THAT will be awesome. Not holding my breath. NOT blaming AOPA...just NOT holding my breath. Quagmire... Giggidy.
  19. Knew it must be a reference to Big G. NOBODY does it better...Doing LESS with MORE...than Big G. Everyone, rush out and update your airplane to ADSB compliant, 'cause you know BIG G will have everything ready by 2020. BIG G-"There is nothing that doesn't require more money that we can't make function more poorly" Because More is Less. Mandating MORE for LESS in a City or State near you! Get some! Feel the burn? That is MORE of your money providing LESS for you and your family.
  20. Yes. Ancient history now. Took on a newbie co-owner several years ago. Went up again, but divided by two was lower net. Now premium is where it should be. The CFI had same carrier. Can't/don't subrogate against themselves...We both did a check ride and were blessed as competent. My learning post GU was IT WILL happen when you are distracted/fatigued/out of the ordinary. I got the (in your headset) gear-alert. The alert likely saved a J-Bar GU as co-owner and I were improperly checking gear locked by pulling toward us vs. proper pulling down on collar to ensure locked down. A couple warnings in head-set for both of us. I land a lot in Class C towered airspace. Many times tower is "Keep your speed up"...Impossible to lower gear until closer to field. Nice to have checklist/multiple touching of light and pulling of J-Bar in addition to nanny to prevent a those that have scenario.
  21. +1. Save and cut the new fabric (I used Airtex and really like it) using the old as templates. Get a light color. It brightens things up and looks rich/bigger.
  22. O.K. Thanks for clarification. I think addition of the Prop control is much ado about nothing, don't you? You adjust the prop when you get in cruise and before you land. That's it unless you decide to increase decrease RPM in cruise. It just isn't a big deal. Gear. Now THAT is a BIG DEAL. Nanny's are cheap to buy/install and you generally shouldn't here them...They are available to give you a pre-stall alert which could be a life-saver OR a "You done good" if you are in the flare...
  23. I had one costly mistake in my Mooney. An instructor was on board. They are not infallible. My insurance paid not hers. An audible gear alert can save a lot of time and money... Touch and Go's with a Loooooong runway are a non-event. Nice to have another competent pilot type thinking flaps and trim. Once you are experienced in the airframe are they really necessary?
  24. Uh Oh...I am a lean (Big Pull) to rough and a couple of twists guy. My engine is then LOP and I fine tune to my desired flow. Is my engine going to blow up Whicks? Enlighten me. Full disclosure I am 650 hours into a major and all was well at just completed annual. I always welcome an education. My engine took a hundred hours to spew oil after purchase. That Pre-Buy thing is a good route to go down. Sounds like you upgraded nicely on avionics. Congrats on your IFR and on making good decisions on your X-Country with Commercial option...I wish I had your wallet for panel upgrades and on the 201 entry model. Have fun.
  25. Thoroughly enjoyed that. What a treat. To see his emotional reaction at being able to see himself executing that GU in a Spitfire 70 years later. Awesome. What a wonderful treat to show his children and friends. Nicely done by the crew. A nice tribute to their dad. Just hearing nice things about your parents after they are gone from someone that knew them. Very special. Thank you.
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