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Everything posted by MikeOH

  1. Another "THANK YOU" to everyone that's responded. Need to get her up on jacks and check those doors!
  2. Very interesting. Did you FA the coils to determine if was insulation failing (shorted winding) or wire breakage? The relays I've dissected have all been contact failures. I wonder if you are experiencing lower quality from aftermarket relays? Maybe crap insulation, or undersize copper windings? I had that happen once with a fuel pump relay that I stupidly replaced with an aftermarket one. It quickly failed but was due to undersize/inferior contacts...but outside it looked identical to the OEM one.
  3. Well, it started with this, "You wont get me to scribble squat in your book until I am satisfied...". which is a pretty snarky comment, if not a snipe in itself. So, yeah, I agree "There's no reason for (those) type of posts..."
  4. I'm pretty sure that you have your answers, but I'll be redundant anyway! I would NOT go with AVEMCO because their sublimit applies to persons OUTSIDE the aircraft. While the odds of major damage and injuries to property and others on the ground is low (that's why liability ONLY policies for $1 million are so cheap) limiting that to $100K vs. the full $1 million does not seem a risk worth taking for $50-$100 difference in premium. The hull and injury to passengers is where the financial risk lies. While I'll make the rare exception, I do NOT fly non family members as I do NOT have smooth coverage and $100K per seat is not going to protect my assets for squat...and my general umbrella policy SPECIFICALLY excludes GA flying! And, yes most medical insurance is going to cover your, and others', injuries so the $3K medical seems rather trivial unless you think, as Parker pointed out, there is some psychological value in minimizing your chances of being sued...I'm too cynical to think that, however!
  5. I'm not sure how you could tell, visually, as common high-current contact platings are microinches of various silver alloys; silver-cadmium-oxide (becoming less common thanks to European RoHS requirements), and silver-tin-oxide are common and would appear no different than zinc plated bolts (which used to be cad plated). I was only responding to your comment about welded contacts which are typically caused by excessive switched current due to undersizing/improper application of the relay, or a failure in the circuit being switched....or, they just plain wear out! (Loss of plating with wear eventually results in excessive resistance which causes excessive heating leading to failure of the contacts). I am not aware of how coil winding failures would induce contact welding, nor do I have failure mode/rate data to offer a factual basis to establish whether coil or contacts are the most prevalent relay failure mode. My seasoned opinion based on my personal experience as an EE is that moving mechanical parts, such as contacts, are much less reliable that coils of wire in transformers, inductors, and relay coils which have no moving parts.
  6. Ah, got it! Thanks
  7. Then what was the point of your comment, "I'll take humble OVER safe" if you can have both?
  8. Who says you can't have both in a CFI?
  9. Yes, replacement is the correct action. What many may not know is that relay contacts are typically plated with a thin layer of specialty metal depending upon application requirements (many silver alloys, sometimes tungsten, or gold). As you can imagine, after they weld themselves together, this plating is long gone! Cleaning/filing is a temporary fix, at best.
  10. Do you know where I can find that SB? My rather vague understanding of this is that the STC I need to install the KT74 in a Mooney has not been updated to reflect that SB and, thus, would still require the use of the switch even though it's really no longer required. But, as I say, I'm not certain about any of this....which is why I haven't purchased the KT74 just yet; I want to make sure I've got ALL the details figured out.
  11. I think you are spot on regarding installers not being able to make much on a 'slide-in.' Yup, will need another static system check. Thanks.
  12. Another data point: '70F, insured for $70K, instrument rated, $1056/year.
  13. YOWZER! I've got some decisions to make....hopefully, I can work out installing the KT74 myself and getting my A&P to sign off, because paying to get it installed is sounding excessive! As an EE, wiring up a harness from the GNS430W won't be an issue, and it's a slide in replacement, but it's just not clear whether an airspeed switch is required...more research. Of course if uAvionix gets the TailBeacon certified, I may just go that route.
  14. Thanks for the update! But, I had a bad experience at Affordable...went in for a static system check and altitude encoder being off 100 feet...ended up with nearly a $2000 bill and they screwed up my gear warning system. They tore my whole panel apart looking for static system leak when it turned out to be the alternate air valve sticking! Frankly, I doubt the encoder needed replacing...probably just needed calibration. I'd run, not walk, across the tarmac to Advantage Aviation. I managed to wreck both of my G430W data cards just before a long planned family trip and went to Mark at Advantage...he'd never met me and, without charge, loaned me two good data cards for my trip. Guess where I'm going to have avionics work done?
  15. Sorry, I do not. Maybe contact the reporter at the Phoenix TV station? I just provided links to some of the news reports and Kathryn's Report. I got an acknowledgement from Carnegie Hero Foundation saying they are considering his nomination.
  16. Thanks! I'm getting pretty close to dealing with ADS-B, so any update posts on how the order/installation goes would be most appreciated. I'm out of Brackett and fly to French Valley frequently, so if the shop there works out, I'd love to hear.
  17. I've been thinking of going this route since I have a KT76A and uAvionix doesn't seem to be certifying the TailBeacon anytime soon. I couldn't tell from Pacific's website if they have stock; I know some vendors are back ordered. Did you get a ship date when you ordered, or some indication of if they have stock on hand? Thanks!
  18. I completed the online nomination for Thomas Hunnicutt. I'd like to think many others have already done so, but I wasn't going to assume that. If they don't award this guy, I sure don't know what it would take!
  19. Got it! Thomas Hunnicutt Thanks!
  20. Yeah, me too! Honestly, I think a lot of piston singles are rotting on ramps because people who flinch at dropping $1,000 on maintenance bought them
  21. WOW! $92 to change a light bulb???
  22. My GoogleFu is failing me... Does someone have the hero's full name so I can nominate him?
  23. How did you measure speed? Did you perform a careful 3 or 4 way check, or just looked at the GPS groundspeed? Also, it looks like your book numbers for 10,000 wouldn't apply since you were at 11,275 DA.
  24. Did the controls reverse?
  25. You are correct. It's just 70% power. Thing is, at that setting, and weight, book is 172 mph for stock; I was only seeing 168...and I've got all the mods!
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