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Everything posted by MikeOH

  1. No, my cooler is in its original location, up front, vertically mounted with both inlet/outlet fittings at the bottom.
  2. UGH! I wonder if that could be it. It sure fits the symptoms. My oil filter is NOT remote but I did note there are two different oil filter adapters and I THOUGHT I was careful picking the correct gasket. But I really only checked that the new gasket matched the OLD one when I was stopping an oil leak. Gawd that was a pain to R&R the adapter... I think I'm going to try the thermocouple on the oil cooler tank to see if it is even getting hot. If not, you may be onto the problem!
  3. Thanks for that link! Mine is hooked up like that OP's. So, I guess it's okay (like my A&Ps have told me) I do wonder, because I have an oil cooler with fittings at the bottom, If I have entrapped air in the cooler?? It appears to be a 'cross flow' design so I guess that could happen. I'd just think, long term, the air would eventually work its way out.
  4. The cooler itself has BOTH fittings at the bottom of the cooler, so I don't think that's it. There seems to be several ways to hook up the to/from oil cooler lines to the accessory case and I've always wondered if mine is hooked up right; several A&Ps have said it's okay. But, I believe both hoses go to ports near the top of the case; I would have thought one would be towards the bottom. BWTHDIK?
  5. BTDT Oil cooler overhauled. Oil cooler sealed around edges. New baffles. New oil lines to/from cooler.
  6. Hmm, a good suggestion. In my case, I've had the high oil temp issue since I purchased the plane over 7 years ago and have had the mags overhauled since then. Further, I had the left mag off when replacing the oil filter adaptor gasket (can't get to the mounting nut with the mag installed, UGH!). So, unless all of those removals/installs set the timing too far advanced...
  7. Would some kind of low viscosity solvent wick into the crack and 'weld' the plastic?
  8. If I'm cruising at or above 8,000 feet, I'm running at peak EGT.
  9. @A64Pilot So, I thought the idea was to ADD alcohol to fuel to absorb water when operating at high/cold altitudes??? Why are you then concerned with E85's affinity for water? Seems contradictory.
  10. It still looks to me like it was on fire on the way down. Once that is proven false I would entertain the disorientation theory.
  11. If you are really at 25"MP, then 50 ROP would be bad at 85% power. 25"MP does seem high for 6500 feet for non-turbo. If you are WOT, I don't think a 'leak' in the MP line is going to matter; at WOT I'd think you'll read pretty close to ambient pressure anyway.
  12. Sorry, mine's working just fine! I can't believe there is much to the 'box' behind the panel; I suspect it's pretty much just the switches (maybe an audio amp??). What problems are you having?
  13. Chiming in another, "looks about right to me". Fuel burn is a LOT less, cooler CHTs, and I can live with around 5 kts less....more time in the logbook
  14. Here are photos of mine. It is an F so could be different.
  15. I will try that. The only verification is that my thermocouple/thermometer reads ambient temp and agrees with my Insight G3 ambient temp readings before startup/flight.
  16. Hmm, I can't say for certain without looking at mine, but my 'visual memory' is that yours is pointing down way too much; might just be your camera angle. I'll try and get out to the hangar today and take a couple of pictures of mine.
  17. In my now over 7 year saga to determine why my oil temp is high, like the OP, I tried this. By the time I taxi back to my hangar and have someone point an IR thermometer at my oil cooler the oil temps have already dropped. I also tried to instrument the oil cooler inlet and outlet fittings with thermocouples but the temps were too low to be believable unless there is no flow through the cooler...but, I had the oil cooler overhauled and new lines installed, along with a new vernatherm! Looking at engine monitor data the vernatherm opens and oil temp stabilizes at 180 degrees after 5-10 minutes at idle, so the vernatherm must be opening. Once I go to take-off power the temp climbs to as much as 230 during climb on a hot day, then decreases and stabilizes at around 200-220 depending upon OAT and power setting once in cruise. Now that I've overhauled cylinder #2 oil consumption has gone down to 7-8 hours/quart, so I don't think it's blow-by. Very frustrating, but I just continue to live with it
  18. What actually gets replaced in a starter overhaul? I can't imagine that they get rewound; more like brushes and bearings replaced and commutator turned, I would guess. BWTHDIK?
  19. @201Steve That's the original thread, NOT the same thread that's diappeared.
  20. I hope this information is admissible in the Consent Agreement hearing in Kalifornia.
  21. @Marc_B or others that may know: Any word on what happened to the court motion yesterday?
  22. If it turns out the damage IS due to unleaded fuel I suspect the insurance industry is going to list unleaded fuel usage as a policy exclusion for any damage caused thereby.
  23. How long at 1100C? Do you have a cite for the specs?
  24. Can't help with how common as I don't go outside when it's that cold From the photos it sure looks like it was water/slush thrown back by the wheel while taxiing. As someone else mentioned, not that much on the underside of the wing in a pretty limited swath, but the buildup on the gear would be concerning during retraction.
  25. Pretty sure @EricJ knows that. That’s as close to a ‘black’ box as I’ve seen; the ability of the media to withstand not only the impact but the temperature is definitely impressive engineering!
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