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    M20K 252

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  1. Thank you all for your response. Very interesting! I have a very badly worn out turbo charger from my old BMW X5 3.0 diesel on my desk at home. The amount of play from the shaft is incredible. As soon as I have added all the features to the JPI, I’ll be back with some more engine data.
  2. I enabled public sharing now. Can you view it now? If not the link with all the flights should work. Date of flight was 03/08/2020
  3. It doesn’t show MAP because the option is not installed at this time. I am going to add MAP and TIT to the JPI this summer while my airplane is in the shop getting the “encore” upgrade. Yes 55% sound about right. That ist the power Setting I usually use when I am just doing a local flight. 25”, 2200rpm and 8,5GPH
  4. Sorry my mistake. This should be the correct one ( date: 2020-03-08) https://apps.savvyaviation.com/flights/3806889/658e2298-7384-451c-ad27-58c73c849deb
  5. Here is the link to the test flight I did. At 12:48 I did the big mixture Pull back to about 13GPH and at 25:52 I tried the same powerseeting again in cruise the the cowlflaps fully closed to get a feeling how hot the CHT would get at that power setting.
  6. My airspeed was 155 IAS in 8000 ft. That equals to about 180TAS wich I think is about average for a 252 or?
  7. Yes it is a separate EI indicator for a EI probe with a 1 degree accuracy. I contacted the APS guys and they told me that they generally don’t recommend 36” due to a smaller detonation margin, however due to the intercooler I could use that power setting with a watchful eye on the CHT. I also asked him how ICP would compare between full power, full rich and 85% 80 degrees LOP and he said the ICP should be roughly in the same ballpark.
  8. Jup, that was me good to hear that you also found a nice Mooney fitting your needs! Nice Performance, D-ELGA was not quite as fast due to the TKS system. I thought about installing finewire plugs but I am not sure I would benefit that much because I have no trouble operating at 80 degrees LOP...
  9. I will down and upload the data the next time I am at the airport. The probe from the JPI are only about 50h old so they should still be accurate, though the previous owner didn’t connect the RMP, MP, TIT and OAT for reasons I don’t understand . We are going to take care of that at the next 50h inspection. Currently I am using a digital Electronic International TIT. That said the TIT reads usually 20 degrees hotter than my hottest EGT. Does that make sense? I would of thought that TIT should be cooler than EGT because the probe ist further “down stream”... Until now I mostly flew M20J an never experimented with lop climbs because it didn’t have a very good climb rate at 110kt. Now in my new K things are very different. At full power I consistently see 1000 ft\min at 110-120kt and with my 85% lop setting I saw about 700 ft/min at the same speed...
  10. If you fly a 231 or take off power is 40 inches or? My take off power is only 36 inches for the same amount of power. The question is if your engine is lop at 40 inches and 13 gal. I would think so...
  11. I think you misunderstood me Jlunseth, I wanted to establish how many degrees LOP I was by finding peak form the lean side. I knew I was on the lean side because when I startet to enrich the mixture all EGT rose. Regarding the turbo I always thought that temp. is more of an enemy to longevity than boost pressure. Do the GAMI/APS guys have advice about WOT with big bore TC engine? The basic principal would apply to our small bore engine shouldn’t it?
  12. Thank you. So far I am very happy with my 252 How hot are your CHT at the ROP setting? I never really considered cruising ROP because as you know fuel is not quite as cheap on the other side of the pond :/ I pay around 11$/ gal at my home airport.
  13. I have the TSIO-360-MB that makes full power (210hp) at 36 inches and 2700 rpm. I have a JPI 930 engine monitor. I am pretty sure that I was LOP with that power setting. At full rich I was burning about 22 Gal and then I did the big mixture pull until I felt a loss of power at about 13 Gal. Then I focused on one the EGT of one cylinder ( Nr. 3) wich stabilised at about 1510 degrees and startet enriching the mixture. All EGT rose and the Nr.3 peaked at about 1590. Also the previous owner sometimes used a 75% ROP setting of about 13 Gal and reported CHT in the 400-410 region. That why I am pretty sure that I was LOP. Is there any hard evidence that using less MP is better for Turbocharger longevity as long as one operates within Temp. Limitations? OAT was 10 degrees Celsius at 8000ft. So not especially could..
  14. TIT was in the low 1500 area. My max TIT is 1650
  15. Hi there, I am a new owner of a beautiful 252 and am currently experimenting with all kinds of power settings. The engine is remarkably smooth at high power settings LOP. I can lean here to about 80 degrees LOP at WOT, 36 inches, and 2500rpm using about 13 Gal/h doing about 155kt IAS at 8000 feet and the hottest CHT 383 with closed cowl flaps. At that power setting I am outside of the “red box”. Is there a reason why I should not use this power settings for cruise climb oder cruise as long as the CHT don’t go above 390? Best regards form Germany Mikosch
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