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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. My E and my buddies C both had fiberglass insulation shoved inside the door, replaced with closed cell adhesive back foam which is a pain to get in the door. The adhesive on the door seal is ok getting it to stck depends on how well you clean the aluminum surface. Do not pull or stretch the seal as you install it, especially when going around the corners and start at the bottom so there are no seams on top that water could wick thru
  2. Everyone has done something in Aviation that they look back on as a learning experiences, I was a safety pilot in a "C" during some approaches, shot one from the right seat and decided to go back to our home base and take out the 172 and stretch its wings as well. After jockeying around 3 different aircraft we were back in the air, an ILS, DME Arc and VOR approach it was time to land at home base, 10:00 or so in the evening, and the saftey pilot could see the shadow of the tow bar still attached after over an hour and half of flying. Not my finest hour but it was my best landing ever, tow bar has been added several more times to the checklist, I got lucky once and didn't damage anything but the ego.
  3. $500.00 seems cheap for all the gains, keep me posted on your results.
  4. Which cowl mod is that? Lasar claims cooler and faster, anyone have a prep on them?
  5. It's a fine line on the verbiage, some entries are too brief while others look like step by step instructions. The FAA likes to see details as to what was done, with part#'s and in accordance with what ever. The other thing that gets left out of the logbook is the "Return to Service" flight (which is a SOLO flight). Record keeping, some are to be kept as a permanent record for the life of the aircraft, others are only required to be kept until it is repeated...ie annuals, oil & filter, spark plugs...etc. Some are real sticklers as far as record keeping / logs go and some are not. I'll give you an example, when I purchased my "E" I was handed 2 boxes of records, receipts, logs...etc., while digging through all the crap I ran across the side of a styrofoam coffee cup that had been torn off and had "6.00x6 - 6 ply". I assume they needed a main tire. The coffee cup was pitched after I purchased it.
  6. I have the parts manual...get a little more detail as far what line is that, under the belly, left or right of center? Maybe even a photo zoomed out, now that we know what the clamp looks like
  7. My 65 "E" has the long bolts, pinch tube and the doublers, there are 2 AD's on the oil coolers that I am aware of.
  8. I purchased both tools (mains & nose gear), they wouldn't be hard to make but they are reasonably priced and probably cheaper to buy depending on what your time is worth.
  9. The pre-cut kit didn't come with a diagram? Should be able to hold the new up and find the spot it fits, I cut my own, won't be hard to figure out which piece goes where
  10. I replaced all the fasteners with S/S when I put the plastics back in, purchased them from a local hardware store fairly cheap, maybe 20 bucks or so
  11. Good idea Hank, "necessity is the mother of invention" now if we can convince the FAA that not everything needs a mountain of paper work to be functional. I consider sun visors as a "Safety" item and have no problem bolting them on my plane.
  12. Hows that sketch coming Hank? Always good to look at different ideas
  13. Nice work, getting back side of the leather damp helps with the stretching plus as it drys it tightens up a little
  14. Aluminum would be too pricey, fiberglass or a plastic/poly-carb could be cut by water-jetting which are everywhere now. Laser cutters aren't as easy to find but they are around and can do wood as well. Just seeing photos of the travel boards, I would think you could get 20 sets if nested correctly from a 48"x96" piece of material.
  15. After departing VFR I contact ATC and ask for "Local IFR", tell ATC what approachs and/or holds I want, get the clearance and go. At a towered field I do the same but file local IFR with the tower.
  16. I know you can fly day VFR with a failed vac. system, but I don't think you can legally fly night VFR with it in-op. As far as flying with the stand-by (electric driven) pump , I woulld say that it's a no go, there should be a supplement to you POH/AFM about the stand-by sytem. Poh, congrats on your purchase
  17. I'm a little confused, are you just making a new center piece so you can mount a camera or are the visors going to mount there as well?
  18. Leather to beverage ratio might need correcting, just say'n.
  19. Skyjump did a set for the newer birds and uploaded the scans Travel Boards
  20. I've been in a couple of 421's with Rosen visors that adjust nine ways from sunday, the arms are extruded channel that slide into each other. I can visualize the 2 shade idea, just cant get it to paper, might be one of things you just have to do then draw it up...lol
  21. shade tree engineering is some of the best in my opinion, all that "BOOK" stuff doesn't get in the way of the design.....
  22. Don The tube behind the headliner is structural but an adel clamp on the ends should hold everything just fine. When my wife asked about my lathe I told her it was to make square things round, then she asked about the mill which I replied to make round thing square, she just gave me that look and walk away...lol Hank I really want two separate visors, flip the first one down (amber) for hazy days which we have a bunch of here due to the fires in Mexico, then flip both (1 amber, 1 grey) down for sunny days, I haven't given up on the idea yet, just going to be a pain to machine them...
  23. Don, I haven't worked on my visors in a while now due to the fact I don't really want to remove the headliner and fab a mount for them yet (but I will). My plan is to finish the clamp mount that goes around the center tube (windscreen post) which will support a 3/16" or 1/4" rod that runs along the top arc of windscreen, the visors will mount out on the ends of the rod but I want to remove the headliner and tie it into something for more rigidity. The center mount will also incorporate a clip of sorts to help support the visor when they are rotated up or down in the forward position. I am lucky in the fact that I have a small lathe & a 3 axis CNC milling machine along with CAD/CAM design software. While I tend to make things too complicated, feel free to have a look, I'm open to suggestions "Articulating Sun Visors"
  24. Do you have the part# for the one that is missing?
  25. Congrats on your new aircraft, MooneySpace is a great source for info. If you do not have the parts & service manuals already let me know, I have the PDFs I can send you. Keep us to date on it
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