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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. Didn't want to start a new thread so I'll add to this one seeing it is related. I read on MS that there was a possibility that the step servo seal (boot) was also used on a Beechcraft as a yaw dampner, I contacted Brittain and had them pull the drawing for part # 1551 and it WAS used on both the Mooneys and I believe he said the early King Airs. With that info in hand I set out to find a Beechcraft guru that might have one (same part# for Moonies and Beechrafts) in stock, with in a few hours I located a guy that had 2 in stock. I didn't call Beechcraft directly so I'm not sure if they have them or have another supplier other than Brittain, at $93.17 each + shipping I purchased both of them (few bucks more than sending mine in for repair, if the parts were available). One is going on my plane in the morning the other I'm going to take around to some of the injection molders I know and see if the would be willing to do something with it and get them back on the market. The other one will be available for sale if the mold makers don't bite.
  2. From the album: M20E

    Retractable Step Servo Seal, qty (2)
  3. ArmorAll leaches out the natural lubricants from rubber and actually ages it quicker. 40+ years isn't bad if you could get a replacement
  4. Wish mine would have been that easy, torn in several places and showing signs of dry rot.
  5. Read the can, says "DO NOT USE ON AIRCRAFT" . It causes Hydrogen Embritlement
  6. Most of the bigger body shops mix their own paint, be sure who ever mixes it that you want a single shot paint, all the new stuff is base coat clear coat which you will be able to see the touch up
  7. The Bellofram might be the way to go in the future. Will have to do some research and see what they offer that fits the bill. At a glance it seems they do, and I would think if you had to slightly modify it (ie....punch the hole in the bottom) it could fall under a customer manufactured part. Hopefully Belloframs prices are reasonable enough, we'll see. On a side note we're not alone, I have an alternator tension arm that I'm going to do for a guy with a twin, bracket is no longer available and the salvage yards want $170.00 plus shipping for a 10" x 1" x 0.1875" piece of steel with 1.500" long slot in one end and a hole in the other.
  8. Going to use basically the same process, but hand layup
  9. Looking at some of the post on MS it's more like 4 1/2 years. If it is a compound issue I would settle for a limited life seal of say 5 yrs if they would offer just the seal and have a local A&P sign it off with a parts cost of around $40.00 or so. I'll make one and see how it turns out, my mold is no way made for production but more of a once in a while type deal, rubber will require some trimming on the upper(open) end. With rapid machining available and a very simple mold as this one would be Brittain could have a new mold built for a couple grand and be back in business on this issue
  10. First I've heard about Beech using the same servo, thought the step was tide into the landing gear on the older Bonanzas
  11. Not to hijack the tread but when I had the headliner out I re-sealed (aluminum tape) the plenum because the factory tape wasn't sealing allowing air out between the headliner and the roof skins, also check the vent just inside the hat rack. The vent is the exit and has a screen in it, a buddies plane had the screen plugged with overspray from being painted twice.
  12. Spoke with Brittain this morning, they say the delay is do to the mold being dropped and damaged by the people that manufacture the seal for them. Brittain has a trip planned out to California to see what they can work out. I would really be surprised if they sell 100 of the seals a year so it's not cost effective on such a low production run. My guess Brittian pays less than $20.00 per unit and it isn't worth the trouble for $2000.00 order. I know several guys in S. Tx. that do injection molding for the auto industry that might be willing to spit some out, I'll talk to them and give the Brittain's info if they are interested
  13. Make one or have it made, if the knob looks original chances are no one will notice or question it. I have made several things for some of the local A&P's and IA's. Here's a the hold open I duplicated for my baggage door
  14. When I took mine apart that was the first thing I thought of, no evidence of ever having anything as a saftey strap. It will go back together with one.
  15. The paper work isn't really that hard, it's more of a hide and wait thing that drives me nuts. It's my understanding that Brittain owns the mold but farms out the actual manufacturing of the boot. Owner produced parts are legal, they just can't be sold, it's going to boil down to a material that is easily worked. The vacuum step is a very simple design, too bad the part that fails most often is also the hardest to duplicate
  16. The mold or actually a buck is all but done, this is a temp repair until Brittian decides to make another batch, a linear actuator might be a project in the future if the paperwork doesn't get too bad
  17. -a-, You say the bottom is "captured" but how? The Parts and MM that I have do not show a breakdown of the servo it self. My servo boot was in really bad shape there was only about 3/4" of rubber material holding the bottom to the top, if the boot tears completely in half(top to bottom) the bottom piston, pulley and cable will fall and did fall into the control tubes. As far as the wise research what are you trying to warn me about?
  18. Hank, Same on the step, was just wondering if there is suppose to be any saftey chain or cable between the cylinder and the piston.
  19. Ok, I've searched MS for options for replacing the servo seal, boot, diaphram or what you would like to call it. It looks like Brittain no longer sells the rebuild kit and only offers off the self rebuilds or send yours in for repair, $170.00, the price range is fine, the problem is Brittian has an issue with the mold or the material being used not sure which but from what I can gather it is a 4 yr old problem that has no priority. I have removed the servo assembly and taken it apart to get the measurements on the boot and machine my own mold. Does anyone have a parts diagram of the servo? It seems odd that the only thing that holds the piston(lower cup with pulley) to the cylinder(upper part where the vac line connect)is the rubber boot, if the boot becomes separated the lower portion would fall into the belly of the tail section and possibly jam the control tubes directly under it, or is mine missing a saftey chain, cable or something.
  20. Engine all looks good (476 smoh), shotgun panel (but I like steam gauges), wouldn't want to fly hard IFR, but the avionics will get me thru the layers.
  21. So far it's been 11 months.... Should get signed off in a few weeks. In my defense the plane was out of annual for 6yrs before I purchased it. Previous owner(s) did run it and taxi around just didn't fly it, So far I replaced all tires & tubes, brake rotors & pads, shock discs, engine mounts, all fuel & oil hoses, interior removed repaird and repainted, sound proof insulation installed, rudder pedal & J-bar boots replaced, new carpet, yokes wrapped with leather, alternator conversion and all the little stuff you find while doing something else, still looking for the retractable step servo (will plug and wire it up if not repaired by the time it's signed off). I have come to the conclusion that Al Mooney manufactured screws, rod end bearings and huck bolts and needed a customer so Mooney Aircraft was born. Almost forgot all work has been done by me with an IA close by.
  22. SEM recommends gray scotchbrite, I have used SEM products for 30+ years, great stuff holds up very well, follow the instructions to the T, use the complete system, soap prep paint. You can also get it mixed to use with a paint gun as I did, had an issue with it coming off( oil base toner in water base paint) SEM tech guys mixed me up a new batch and I was back in business ( bad batch was purched over the net, NOT FROM SEM), I used just over a pint of each color(2 tone) for all the plastics and the leather seats. Didn't feel like spending the money for new seats covers just because I didn't like the color.
  23. I heard it was practice not an actual air show, either way most of the time they clear the area to allow air carriers into the airport and besides that "Bingo Fuel" is a military term and I believe it's the point that you have enough fuel to RETURN to the departure point not that you are out of fuel.
  24. Get with Mooney tell them you want to manufacture shock disc, they might even hold the cert. paper work and you could built to their specs.....30~40 bucks a piece would be reasonable to me
  25. This past Saturday I was taking a break and took my lazar thermometer and poitnted it at the west wall of the hangar......127.4*, the plane was a cool 98 in the shade. I've considered a small 110v A/C unit on a cart with some flexible round ducting that I could move around as needed got the idea from a local avionics shop (they have several)
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