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    New England
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    1967 M20F

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  1. The rivets in the kit are 3/16 x 1 3/8. I have 1.27" from top of washer to top of washer. I think they messed up.
  2. Dugosh in Kerrville is responsive.
  3. Should be pretty cheap to replace for peace of mind.
  4. Yep, pre-bent aluminum window flashing from Home Depot or Lowe's.
  5. Does this help? PC schematic 31-Jul-2016 16-06-43 Page 1.pdf
  6. I think the one mod that gives me the best peace of mind is the JPI-900 I installed last year.
  7. Here is a video of one:
  8. Are marker beacon receivers considered passe these days?
  9. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
  10. If you do check the filter on the fuel selector valve, be sure to note the following: https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/4147179/technical_documents/service_bulletins/sbm20-200-1.pdf
  11. Check out this Mike Busch article on the subject: https://www.savvyaviation.com/wp-content/uploads/articles_aopa/AOPA_2019-12_hostage-situation.pdf
  12. I had a similar long-term issue with my Inter-Av acting up. I replaced the regulator, overhauled the alternator, and replaced circuit breakers. The only thing left was the over-voltage relay, which Inter-av told me never goes bad. I even tested the over-voltage relay with a variable power supply, and it cut out at 16VDC as it should. Finally I replaced the over-voltage relay and the problem was solved. I believe the contacts of the relay were chattering during flight due to vibration since it was mounted on the interior firewall. Perhaps as a test you could remove the OV relay from the firewall to isolate it from vibrations and see if that cleans up your electric. I got rid of the Inter-Av several years ago and went with Plane Power after the Motorola alternator began to eat brushes, I have been happy ever since.
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