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Everything posted by peevee

  1. oh, we're posting panel pics?
  2. with the monroy tanks, god only knows.
  3. we already have a 1500, wish there was a deal for a 1000 only. Buh Bye vac system.
  4. Why would I replace it with another adsb out only transponder? Probably a lynx 9000
  5. Yeah, agreed. it's just dumb not having one.
  6. Title says all
  7. And yet his instructions say nothing of cleaning out old sealant. There are people here that have done this and suggest it. Do you have any actual input on the subject?
  8. Other threads here suggest you should in order to get in there and clean out the sealant from the nut plates. Not sure I want fuel dripping in my eye while I'm working
  9. No, the bottom ones.
  10. I'm guessing I should drain the tank to be able to accomplish that successfully?
  11. I used to be able to do all the multiplication and other stuff an e6b can do. I've long since forgotten and haven't used one in 15+ years probably.
  12. Figured they were all the same. It's a K
  13. How much play is there? Bad bearing?
  14. We got some that are leaking and rusty, I'm going to reseal them per dons instructions but I'd like to put new hardware in. Does anyone know what size they are? Search turns up lots of sealing advice but no screw size.
  15. I think most teach 30, at least for me 20-25 is serious reconsideration time, 30+ is a nogo
  16. It does, like out of a toy car. Problem is the stupid thing is riveted on so it's hard to just take it off and sneak a peak, since the plane will be down it might be faster just to send it in
  17. interesting that there aren't more people trying it. I'm tempted.
  18. Already have the STC. Ours is a little flaky. I'm betting the little motor they use is giving up the ghost.
  19. They love to route over some of the worst wave out there. One particular fix that should be avoided and they run right over it. Mountain wave is even more complex to forecast than you describe. It's an interesting phenomenon
  20. Looks like they still sell aeroseal, anyone still use it?
  21. Wonder if they do repairs or if we just have to buy a new kit.
  22. Dang that was easy, thanks
  23. We have one, I'm curious who made it, where it came from etc. I lucked across it googling rudder trim, so maybe it's a really common part? http://motoplaneparts.com/listing.php?pid=96376
  24. The red tail mtn wave routes and wave forecasts are still around, just with a different company stamped on them. They aren't very good. I see their forecast data every day.
  25. the dynon unit is STC'd for the m20 as a backup, if I remember correctly.
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