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Everything posted by peevee

  1. about half the angel flight missions I've run it's about the same. usually they're annoyed it isn't a better airplane like they see in the movies.
  2. only goofy thing about it is right pattern to 27, if you didn't notice that on the chart and flew LP to 27 there's a big hill in the way, perhaps he flew left traffic and ended up high/fast/pushed the nose over and bounced. Never know but they mentioned runway damage. Prop strike maybe? What's funny about GNB is it's about 38NM from my home airport but about a 3 hour drive around the rocks to get there. It blows people's minds when you take them there for breakfast and back in an hour.
  3. http://www.skyhinews.com/news/plane-crashes-at-emily-warner-field-no-injuries-reported/ KGNB is a pretty long runway and not terribly challenging, I go there for breakfast quite often. http://www.airnav.com/airport/KGNB
  4. I can't remember the last time I flew an approach because I needed to. Usually it's up and over and clear when I get to where I'm going
  5. similar to me, except it was mechanical engineering and I had a neighbor in the dorms that had his PPL, we went flying once. When I sold my books back that spring I used the money for my first lesson and left the school to eventually attend a collegiate program. Finished right after 9/11 when you couldn't even get a CFI job and my path diverged rapidly from professional pilot. first lesson was out of here: http://www.funplacestofly.com/Airport-Info-Flying-Y-Ranch-Montana https://www.airnav.com/airport/MT48 it's been for sale for quite some time, lots of pics here - http://www.flying-y.com/ the old guy that owned it back in the day was a retired engineer and spotter pilot in korea. The runway is an old railroad bed he threw some gravel on, back in the day it had a home made lighting system (baby food jars on top of PVC pipes) It appears to not be very well maintained these days, it was better 20 years ago.
  6. that's a good gig there.
  7. southpark called it years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DZ9XLNKBH8
  8. my own stupidity I guess.
  9. Once they get the stc worked out to be a backup I'd consider it also
  10. The part number is in the directions in the PDF above, for future searchers
  11. I researched that a little and my impression was it wasn't approved to replace the stall warning system. Am I incorrect?
  12. Sure. It didn't look bad to install to me. I didn't take pics of the doubler and stuff 940065_B.pdf
  13. I like mine at 10.5, or rather our engine likes 10.5
  14. Sounds like it's a group of guys from or and they're basically hands off.
  15. Hope so! It'll be huge for the non autopilot guys.
  16. It sounds like he staff are excited about the new owners, so that could be great.
  17. All I need to do is replace our Aspen mfd500 with a mfd1k and I can run revisionary and have a backup ahrs. Why the previous owner out in a 500 I'll never know
  18. Morbid curiosity, if you have a g5 hsi and ai and the ai fails can the hsi run revisionary and display the ai?
  19. I ordered a stall switch kit yesterday, in my hands today but the factory didn't put the complete directions in. No big deal, they'll email their factory contact and have them to me in about 20 minutes. They are fantastic. I have only talked to Dan and he's great. Few months ago our lasar tie downs went missing. Called at like 4pm their time and they overnighted them in time for a trip.
  20. If you want the old one send me your address.
  21. It's not about no and NC, it's about the arm moving the wrong way relative to the stall vane and being unable to actuate the switch. I already bought the Mooney replacement kit for 500 bucks. It'll be here tomorrow
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