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Everything posted by peevee

  1. I don't have an answer yet, but I think I can get it from honeywell. I have no idea how many types it was used on, I get the impression it's a one size fits many part. I'll update if/when I get a price from BK
  2. nvm, was given the part number- 088-01091-0004
  3. Looks like this Anyone know a part number or what to call it?
  4. for a king system. Something is broken in our plastic thing that holds all the various switches on our yoke, PTT, AP D/C, trim, etc. All that's good but the holder thing is broken and loose. Any idea what that's called? I don't even know where to begin looking for a replacement because I don't know what to call the thing.
  5. Noob bumped a nearly 2 year old thread.
  6. bought a switch, used our white cover instead of this black one. Brand new. Cover the shipping and it's yours.
  7. well, crap. bought 2 shapeways red klixon switches, only to find out the new plane has the other switches. One guy on shapeways prints the ETA style, but doesn't print in color. I'm going to ask if he can print in red nylon, the klixon switch I got looks pretty good.
  8. this just gets weirder and weirder.
  9. I feel like terrain at gnb is closer departing east. There used to be a sign advising pilots to depart west Either way in normal conditions that airport poses no challenge to a turbo Mooney.
  10. thanks for the tip. I'll probably give it a shot.
  11. Personally my plan is to drive the AP via the Aspen and get a digital standby but hopefully not for a long time. Someone mentioned a rumor that Garmin was going to announce the g5 certified with autopilots at Oshkosh. Maybe something like that will come along that can drive your 150.
  12. Wait, what nav update for the 500?
  13. if you need dual to get it home my partner on this plane and I are both cfis here on the front range. Not sure if he'd be interested but I would.
  14. P08 could always hear you on the ground there, getting a clearance never was too hard. It's been a busy little airport since the training at hillsboro ramped up I guess.
  15. I like the idea of having something we can remove if we want. I'll pick some up.
  16. how is it since they opened the tower? I haven't been in a couple years. Got my private at KMMV down the road and have family close so I still go back once in awhile.
  17. hey, that's in KUAO. Been there a bunch.
  18. Dunno how you take the heat. I flat refuse to fly after about noon around here, partly heat, partly storms.
  19. Never been to fat cat, I always take the beat up loaner SUV to lava java cafe. It's a pretty good drive out to grand lake from the airport, and I like lava java for no real reason. The food isn't anything special. Reminds me I haven't had the new plane up there yet. I'll have to fix that ASAP.
  20. When you live in an area with icing all winter and thunderstorms and ice in the summer it's a challenge in a non fiki airplane. Usually hood and simulator. We had some good IFR weather this week but the plane was down for MX.
  21. yeah, seems like they weren't turning when they struck doesn't it. Tips aren't curled either.
  22. cirrus crashed there couple years ago - minor injuries but the plane sure got destroyed. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/local-news/2-people-walk-away-from-plane-crash-near-granby-airport08292014
  23. possibly. more pics here but not one of the tail http://www.9news.com/news/granby-plane/439402577 I don't know if there's a mechanic on field at GNB, might be interesting to get it fixed and out of there.
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