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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Did you try swapping the EGT sensors, see if problem moves with the sensor?
  2. Agreed, the only thing extra the Garmin gives you I can think of is the ability to set it via GTN.
  3. IF the plane has 500 hours on it since the repair, then you know its been properly repaired, if it has only has 10, then I would suspect maybe it's not.
  4. It depends, if the gear up was 10 years ago or last year? First thing you need to figure out is what is your mission: local flying, short cross country trips, long cross country trips, how high do you need to go, IFR or VFR, and of course, how much?
  5. From http://sarasotaavionics.com/category/transponders The 330ES is $4389, the KT 74 is $2589, so actually it's $1800
  6. I'm going with KT74, I figure I have until 2020 to wait for the STC, if Garmin plays nasty, I am sure by then there will be other GPS units to select from. For $2000, I can wait. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. One option is to get a full airplane cover, would have to be padded on the top I guess. But I think their hangers are cheaper than south florida, so if you can afford the gas, I would think you could afford the hanger.
  8. Like OP, my gauges are not accurate, couple of follow up ?s: Because fuel gauges must be accurate (at least at empty), are these checked at annual? Are these consider an airworthiness issue? I've got the gang of six, I assume to replace this is expensive? Why are these a problem with mooneys, is it a instrument problem or sensor problem?
  9. I like to hear some more details about how these long flight times were accomplished, I don't plan on doing 12 hr flights times, but I might to stretch my flight times a bit.
  10. If you are storing gas for a long period of time, you should add some fuel stabilizer.
  11. I'm not sure yet, I don't have tickets, but I used live in the area and was a member of Pinehurst for few years, might go up to visit friends, but I'll be driving up. CCNC is nice, you'll enjoy it.
  12. I assume you are not flying into KSOP with $50 landing fee and $30/day to tie down
  13. Don't know about LOP, but I know if you ground run the engine without letting it get to normal operating temps, you will leave moisture in the muffler, as well as the oil.
  14. http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/M20J%20Evaluation/M20J_evaluation_report.html A in depth look at M20J, same site has other models as well.
  15. I have this mod on my J http://www.mooneymart.com/modifications/114MM.php Was thinking of replacing with Whelen LED lights. Anybody tried the 14V versions? I haven't double checked, but I believe they are the PAR36 size. The PAR46 versions have the word "Super" in their descriptions where the PAR36 don't, did the marketing folks get lazy, or is there a real difference? TIA
  16. Wrong question, who is more likely to be on the nightly news, and hence get more attention from those to want to legislate a solution.
  17. My STEC 50 GPSS switch lights are burnt out, both HDG and GPS lights, I've ask the avionics guys if they can fix, but they haven't gotten back to me yet...I better prepare myself.
  18. How can I tell which shock discs I have (Firestone, Lord, other?)
  19. Unfortunately they don't always have what you need, for example: It would be nice to connect the gdl88 to some uncertified MFD to display the WX,traffic, but it it only supports certified 430,650, etc Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. If you use an Ipad and garmin pilot, I would wait, they are bound to add bluetooth to the 88 soon. If you don't use garmin pilot, then you might want to look at http://www.freeflightsystems.com/products/ads-b/978, it already has ipad interface.
  21. Speaking of slowing down...the Va speeds (especially when weight is light), are so low (103), I don't think I could fly that slow :-)
  22. In my case, the CB is not tripping, I just use it to do a reset. So unless the CB is causing an open circuit, it's not the problem. I could use some electronic cleaner on it, I will try that first, thx.
  23. Starting to happen more frequently, pulling field CB resets it. Not really consistent, sometimes it works and sometimes it stops charging 3 times in 10 mins, there is probably a new VR in my future.
  24. Me too, just delivered it to PGD location to have the work done.
  25. The airgizmo flush mount I've seen only adjusts the vertical angle, does your flush mount allow you to turn the ipad towards you?
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