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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Is there a preference in the above treatments or an discussion you can point me to on the pros and cons of each? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. The question is "is it worth it". Only OP can make that decision.
  3. My flaps have starting retracting slowly, on the ground they sound tired, no problem deploying them, any ideas? TIA Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. BTW, Chinese like the color red, so that might have something to do with it
  5. BTW, y'all just use plain air? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Beautiful day for it, are you keeping in a t hanger or shade hanger? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. They don't mean much here either, I had a PPI, both landing gear and muffler passed inspection, both needed to be overhauled, which I found out during transition training Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. That was tried in another thread (re: ramp inspection), it didn't work out so well...I would go with Lasar
  9. I can't imagine the frustration you are feeling...very sorry. These might be stupid ?s, How much would it cost to repair, if possible? What is your recourse against the A&P? I would get a second opinion as well...
  10. About 5%, here in Florida where there is no hail! but tropical storms and hurricanes Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Orlando is a pretty busy airport, no?
  12. The OP's Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. In south Florida the difference between tie-down and t-hanger is $550, which changes the math a bit, that's a paint job every 2 years. Or enough money saved you could buy a new plane every 6 years. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. On a related topic, where did they put the oil pressure prob?
  15. I didn't notice any difference in vibration, but thought it was quieter at lower RPM (2300).
  16. Just called, they are 99% done, they have to fabricate one more piece...almost, yet so far away
  17. I'm at Bradley Aviation in KFPR, the muffler assembly from Ft. Lauderdale, they were moving their shop so apparently fell behind. I got an rough estimate for all of it, the big question was going to be the landing gear motor, apparently there is some expensive parts that may be involved
  18. Thanks, I'll call the shop today to see what's up...I'll get back to you...the problem was discovered when we tried the cabin heat and got exhaust instead, no CO detector was needed. So I don't know what all is involved, if it's the shroud, the muffler, or both.
  19. You do realize the extra 2-3 knots on the longest of trips is only saving you a few minutes? So really there is no practical reason except to satisfy your obsession for more speed. :-) Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. My plane is currently being repaired, they sent the the landing gear motor and the muffler out for repairs. The gear motor came back after 3 weeks, we're at 6 weeks for the muffler? Is this normal? This is my first plane. I assume sending parts out to specialists is normal, but is the J muffler especially complicated? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. From lycoming: Longer engine life may be expected from most engines when the operator is willing to sacrifice maximum performance for conservative cruise operation in the 60% to 65% power range If you want to make TBO, yes it's designed for max power, you want to go past TBO and save some fuel, drop down to 60-65% Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. If they converted to composite airframe, which would be lighter and stronger, they could fix your 1st four items.
  23. I do that too, the problem with it is if you do T&Gs or a miss approach, you'll need to trim back to takeoff or you'll have your hands full.
  24. For those who are cheap, search for flightgear, it's a free flight simulator. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. http://www.gami.com/gamijectors/leantest.php
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