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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I don't remember any mooneys either, Cessna, Cirrus, Bonanzas, a jet of some type I forget, some other STOL plane for the UN. The best show if you are interested in small airplanes, I cannot believe how they temp rig fuel tanks to make the long crossings.
  2. And the 262? Who did the marketing testing for that?
  3. Ok, so if you are careful with the throttle, you don't need the wastegate and if you don't fly higher altitudes you don't need intercooler, the problem is, when you buy any plane, you don't know how the owner flew it? I guess this is where the prebuy comes in.
  4. I guess it depends on what % of the value of the plane is the premium, if 1%, maybe worth it, if 10% no way, so where is the break even point? 3% 5%??
  5. I would hope so, the seller is claiming the plane is airworthy, so if its not, shouldn't they pay. And if they won't, it's their plane. If I was a seller I wouldn't hesitate to agree with those terms.
  6. FWIW, I did a NTSB query for landing gear collapse for Mooneys, 6 records, only 1 seems a structural failure when plane landing after taking 12G loads in extremely severe turbulence.
  7. No, I was referring to STEC and found the answer, the STEC 60 (using SA-200 or ST-360) can do it but not the 50.
  8. It autotrim if necessary, it was great for shooting shotgun approaches, once on heading for the MAP, I could set the altitude and start briefing the next approach, when it got close (~100') , it would level out, which I would feel even if I wasn't looking. Nice feature to have, I wouldn't pay a lot for it, which is why I ask the questions. It sounds like atl-hold can do the same thing except it won't level out at the selected alt.
  9. KAP 140 Two-axis Autopilot with Altitude Preselect
  10. I'm used to an AP where you set the altitude and adjust the rate of climb/descent, can this function be added easily (relatively inexpensively)? For a AP with alt hold, I assume that doesn't prevent it from doing couple approaches (both ILS and GPS)?
  11. GA is expanding in developing countries (China & Brazil), so we may just have to import new aircraft in the future...like we do with TVs.
  12. That's insane!?! I'm sure he included the parachute system as part of that cost, but still.....
  13. Totally agree....also, is there a FAQ somewhere?
  14. That link didn't work for me
  15. Dave. etc I wouldn't use cost/hour when comparing turbos vs non-turbos, I would use cost/mile, since the turbo will give you a speed advantage (assuming you fly at high altitudes and if you have a turbo you should), seems this is a more fair way to do a comparison.
  16. Is that what you did?
  17. Is there any non-invasive way of checking the state of the corrosion protection when I'm doing my "kicking the tires" inspection or better yet, any particular area that I can request a picture of? M20J model in particular if it matters
  18. if you go to google.com and search on mooney service centers, then select cache, text only, you will get the info: Here you are Minnesota WILLMAR AIR SERVICE Brian Negen 6600 Hwy 40 West Willmar, MN 56201 Phone: 320.235.4844 service@willmarairservice.com www.willmarairservice.com MODERN AERO Joe Frisolone 14801 Pioneer Trail Eden Prairie, MN 55347 Phone: 952.941.2595 joefriz@modernaero.com
  19. I was on it yesterday....but now have same problem, down for the holidays?
  20. Because they were general questions, so doesn't matter if its a F, J, or K I got attitude because only 1 of the responses up to that point actually answered any of the questions. And I may be a new at this, but even I know that if a service wasn't documented, it never happen, and would not take the word of the seller. I recommend you keep invoices of all service on your plane, whether it ends up in the logs or not. Just a newbies opinion.
  21. But that cuts both ways
  22. I disagree, life is short, if you have the cash, buy what you want...a lot of people buy sports cars capable of going 150mph but never go above 80, but they love their cars.
  23. Of course I would have a pre-buy and expect the AP to check the logs. But long before I get to that step, I wanted to know what things I should be looking for to narrow down selected candidates. Really!?! So if the salesman/owner said they complied with all SBs, you would take he word for it? Did you all just walk up to a plane, kick it's tires and say "yep, that's a plane alright, I'll buy it" Again... For those who have had corrosion-x treatments, are they listed in your logs? How often do you do corrosion treatments? How many of you never have taken your plane to a MSC?
  24. If looking at plane's Aircraft logs, should I see the SBs that were complied with? I've seen AD list but not a SB list Should I be concern it's never been serviced by a MSC? If corrosion-x treatment was done, would this show up in the logs? If 208B was complied with, how often would you expect some type of corrosion preventive treatment? Any other things to look for?
  25. I think those were options, there is a 262 listed on controller with neither of those
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