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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. But they recommend 65%, which for my J I am going to be at anyway at cruising altitude,so no big deal Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. The schematic I have from 1980 service manual M20 series, for the F show no such connection, it shows the gear warning lights on it's own circuit FWIW.
  3. Do all models use the same bulb for the landing light? I have taxi lights that I would like to replace someday as well Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. Not if you reduce power 1st, then you can LOP/ROP all you want.
  5. You definitely want to use flight following or if instrument rated, file IFR flight plan, that way ATC can help schedule you a slot. If IFR, brush up on your holding patterns, plan on getting there a bit early, with possibly of being put into a hold.
  6. If flying to an airport that only has gps approaches you have to file /G, yes? If flying local or vfr I agree that updating DB not necessary, but if flying x-country IFR, not knowing if you will need to deviate and to where, I would want my DB current. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. There seems to be a lot discussion on leaning technique, personally I will follow the engine manufacturers recommendations: For lycoming I found 2 documents, search for service instruction 1094D or part number SSP700.
  8. You could split the difference, go with a Garmin 430, color, more function
  9. I believe the GPS interface works both ways: It will give you mpg, fuel req to get to destination, etc on the 830 and the GPS will give you calculations as well depending on GPS(GTN-650, etc) 830 also includes fuel flow as standard obviously... If not interested in fuel flow and resulting data, then go with 730.
  10. Is the battery in the engine department? The alternator voltage should be close to voltage at the battery, otherwise the battery may not be properly charge. Sometimes there is sensor wires if alternator is some distance from battery to prevent this. The JPI probably giving the voltage it sees from it's own 12V power supply, in that case, smaller wires, longer runs, dirty switches/circuit breakers, there could be a voltage drop.
  11. Right, 13.6 is the float charging level, SOP is to start 14.1 unless you have a drain on the system like prop heat, etc, then when mostly charge it drops to 13.6, I stated 13.2 earlier, but 13.6 or 13.7 is the right float voltage. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. It should be ~14v when charging, if charged, it should be 13.2v to maintain it's full charge. You should check the voltage with a voltmeter, it could be there is a voltage drop on the sensor wires depending on how it is wired.
  13. I was there a month ago, a must for anybody who loves aviation.
  14. Is camguard the STP of aviation? Is there any proof it works?
  15. Has anybody created a custom checklist for M20J on fltplan.com, I see you can copy user checklists. I tried to edit and create my own, but was getting errors.
  16. I do (call briefer), when I submitted FP via Duats, it altered my routing,so I called 10 mins later to verify it modified it correctly, they still hadn't recv it, so redid it. I'm not sure if it got lost, or the duats computers have a slow connection to FAA computers.
  17. For planning purposes, nothing beats a paper chart for getting the big picture...for navigating in plane, electronics is way to go.
  18. With Firefox, you have to disable Ad blocking, not sure if chrome has this function
  19. Hey Trek, When are they going to add BlueTooth to the GDL-88, so it can interface with IPAD as well, I'd call it GDL-88B?
  20. In the real world, if you are making the mistake of stalling the plane, what do you think are the chances that you are doing it with the ball centered??
  21. Not quite, you will recover some of the cost of the airplane when you sell it, so you should only include the depreciation of the plane itself as a cost.
  22. There is already a precedent in the boat industry for this. Pacific Seacraft started doing this after the 2008 downturn, they will refit your boat, upgrade it or just make it like new again.
  23. Especially if it's used.
  24. <heat on> There is a lot of airports out there with only GPS approaches and I'll bet you your next plane with have IFS GPS <heat off>
  25. They don't seem to be going direct, maybe Brett is having 2nd thoughts and is taking it Canada
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