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Everything posted by jkhirsch

  1. I live in Tampa, depending on your budget there's really no option besides VDF. Plant city is feasible I suppose.
  2. Absolutely terrific outcome, very happy to thank Vivek, I expected nothing less after meeting him at the Mooney Summit. Which then requires a thank you to Mike Elliot, which then requires a thank you to MS for providing the internet venue for him to organize.
  3. Tom, I hope you included all of the details that you posted here in your email to Vivek. If the business is so damn poor, maybe they should charge a fee. The Elvis company seems to have a pretty good handle on how to make money doing that... Really a piss poor situation Tom and I'm very sorry to hear about it.
  4. Did you guys see the real TFR on the streets?
  5. I'm sure Chuck has you beat there...
  6. If the clubs are your best excuse that's easily remedied!
  7. I'm going to reiterate that any respectable social outing should involve a game of golf. I know the above agrees. So I'm speaking for him too.
  8. I will second that, I have been to PCW twice.
  9. Anyway, my mistake and I apologize because I was wrong in that I thought this took place in the pattern. (on the downwind leg)
  10. The quotes around my statements are intended to imply "sarcasm" that would be a narrative or phraseology that I did not create and don't necessarily believe to be true, or not completely accurate, or does not completely articulate what I actually want to say.
  11. It's obvious now that I misread the original post, I thought this happened on the downwind leg. That's why I was all jacked up, clearly it was for nought. And yes Yetti, I work very hard to avoid all mistakes--not just when flying--especially ones that can or will kill someone. You're alive so I assume you participate in the same practice.
  12. Procedures were created so that people work together for a "good" outcome. If you don't follow procedure and something goes "wrong" it's your fault.
  13. Unless you believe that people are supposed to die while flying airplanes, if someone dies it is wrong. The definition of blame is to assign responsibility for a fault or wrong. Someone is responsible when something goes wrong, especially when someone dies. There is nothing complicated about making correct radio calls or listening for others radio calls. If you don't make correct radio calls you are wrong, if you don't listen to others radio calls you are wrong. If you are wrong then you are to blame. Don't pitch me ADS-B as a cure for not following procedure. ADS-B does not make pilots more aware, it allows pilots be less aware and let the equipment think for them. (Nah...if there's traffic the "finder" will pick it up, plus I've got an audible alert that dings in my headset, plus now ADS-B is mandatory they'll see me, everything is A OK) If ADS-B was pitched with the equal requirement of automated avoidance systems then fine, I'm all for it.
  14. If two planes get that close together on accident [or without knowing they are that close] while "maneuvering" for a landing someone has done something wrong. If there are clear calls on the tape from both pilots and they didn't engage each other then they are both wrong. I could not careless about the guy in the tower at a Class D if I hear there's other traffic anywhere near me. The other plane and I are going to get on the same page as quickly as practicable. I could also not careless about "me having the right-of-way," doesn't matter how right you are if you're dead.
  15. If someone is not communicating and I later find out it wasn't an "Aviate, Navigate, Communicate" situation I would have a real problem with that. Communication is very simple and proper and accurate communication is life-saving as we have seen many times in safety discussions. I assume that some deaths and accidents deviate from proper and accurate communication due to the fear of "legal consequences" for "putting themselves into a jam" or taking a "risk" that they were comfortable with. I would begin the conversation as blunt as possible and try to avoid tone: "Hi this is ____ ____, I was flying the downwind yesterday at Lancaster and you ended up 100 feet above me and there was no radio communication." Then I would let them respond, and go from there.
  16. Yes interested, although unlikely to fly my F that far for "a couple days." I may be on a island but golf would be activity that I would be easily persuaded to participate in.
  17. The Catholic church teaches to give your "Time, Talent, or Treasure" and many, many people provided all three of these things for only the cost of your travel and accommodations to attend, in fact an actual structure that can provide a tax benefit and make it an entirely "free" trip. Therefore I take offense to a perceived slight to the amount of effort I know has been personally involved in the organization of this event. Keep up the good work Mike.
  18. Someone at work shared this with me today thought I would pass it along: https://earth.nullschool.net/ It's got some pretty cool functionality. Zero warranty on my part, I have no clue where they pull this data from.
  19. Thanks for the reply, until you're better paid!
  20. Here's maybe a dumb question: Can the 550 and 545 SV mimic the "in-trail" view from the 540 or is it only the "out the window view?"
  21. I know I don't remember correctly, but Ed was talking about something to do with Lycoming and that 'SB' or whatever and that he was working on being the official replacement for that--someone who wrote it down, or remembers better can weigh in. He was also talking about working on something and then his point of contact died and the project has subsequently started from scratch, I definitely cannot remember if this was the same thing, or two totally separate narratives.
  22. Right before everyone else started departing the tower guy said that one guy was out sick and [I think] he said the other guy was on vacation so he was there alone.
  23. I heard the FBO employees mention the number 41.
  24. Hey Dave you slightly lost me a bit, are you talking about the "LoPresti Cowl" or the stock "J model cowl?" I do understand that Roy was integral in the design process of the "stock" but it also varies significantly from his own "current" "LoPresti Cowl."
  25. "The NTSB collects and disseminates very little pilot biographical information, including type club participation for its accident reports, thus data collection and analysis of this accident-related data is often absent from its reports." http://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1115&context=jate
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