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Everything posted by jkhirsch

  1. https://www.aopa.org/asf/publications/inst_reports2.cfm?article=4457
  2. Those sounds like "low approach" situations to me that would not require touching down. If there's a question of runway conditions it didn't happen between the fence and the TDZ and I would be planning for a low approach to verify conditions.
  3. I tried so hard not to respond.
  4. I'm not currently aware of a situation that would cause me to execute a touch and go. It seems completely frivolous.
  5. If you have to discuss the measurements it's not big enough.
  6. Short bodies are just fine at carrying short bodies.
  7. "Be so transparent they don't know what the hell you are talking about." -Ben Bernanke
  8. They're sneaking over our very weak border in Vermont and they are penetrating our trees and they are sucking them dry.
  9. Canadian dairy subsidies are the devil D:
  10. I thought there was some 'local restriction' about landing or boating in the water where they were and I thought it was discussed in the prior thread? Because I remember thinking that I'd rather have the violation of being in the water at that location (if they caught you) and alive.
  11. I can feel the battery life getting longer as we speak
  12. Ignore the haters and naysayers, unfortunately that's rampant among this community.
  13. Thank you.
  14. There's a section of this website devoted to it. Also: https://www.mooneysummit.com/
  15. Just adding my name to the list now that the upgraded site burns my eyes to look at.
  16. At times I have had many struggles over the course of two different planes I have owned. I don't remember all of your posts, but everything with you and your plane has been very manic, as a young plane owner I learned very quickly that it requires a lot of tolerance for stuff we would all prefer not to tolerate. I'm sorry to see this post.
  17. I don't know if the forums have been upgraded, but there is so much whitespace now it is burning my eyes to look at the site and I keep brightness and contrast very low on my monitors.
  18. Fly there with your instructor. More importantly, thank you for making the correct decision to complete your training in your Mooney.
  19. Funny, I didn't know anyone here did anything with their eyes open.
  20. Are you a primary source for that travel log Phil!?
  21. Looks my "logical conspiracy" is taking "flight"
  22. For the sake of argument...maybe the Japanese purposefully dated the photo in order to further the cover-up. There's no way of knowing that the date attributed to that photo is correct, Japanese National Archive or not. I'm sure we could dig through the more familiar US archive and find things that were inadvertently or advertently dated incorrectly.
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