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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. Hey Ryan hope all is well I'm headed out to airport now. Going to shoot some approaches. As you know I have the IPad Air, I like it well enough but have also considered the Mini and may pick one up soon for the copilot side since I can run FlyQ on both without any extra cost. Your welcome to come fly with and try my Air anytime. Any chance you can join us in Yuma or Kerrville oe San Marcus? Lacee
  2. Here is Image of Star Filter! I was kindly Schooled way back on # of posts as to Status but this Does not appear to be connected to # of posts, nor amount of profile information provided.... Now to figure it means??? Come on U MS gurus!
  3. Looking around at members listing today I come across a search filter with one option of Stars! Curious I choose 4 Stars! A handful of members show up. My question is what these Stars represent & how are they obtained?
  4. 24000 service ceiling for Rocket
  5. You can use the KGCN, although I much perfer an airport 17NM south 4200 priviate airport open to the public with fuel at 5.74 compared to 7.20 at KGCN. The guys that owns the airport also has a World Class on field Aircraft Musuem.... worth the view if that intrests you. Not a real big deal on aircraft there are ususally a several but not a big deal the times I have flown it. Landing at 1 G4 and going out onthe Glass Walk was a big dissipointment.... Not something I recommend however this is where you and the only as far as I know ride a helicopter down into the canyon if that is something you want to do. NO FUEL at 1G4, also if you dont go out on thier Glass Walk there was a $100 landing fee. I am told they are not real strick on this, no one even asked us either time. You fly right over the Glass walk on your approach from the north... Great view and you see far more in your plane. Also the Glass Walk is only on a small tribituary of the acutal Grand Canyon and not the main canyon. The walk over to the view of the main canyon is worth the trip. This is where the US jets cut the mining car cable when they flew under it some years ago.... They serve food and drinks there too! Indian Reservation.
  6. Ned I have flown the Grand Canyon and it was great, an oppertunity to see the Grand Canyon like no other way. If we get together on your trip we can discuss. There is a fair amount to it, losts of restrictions, not to worry with proper planning it is a walk in the park!
  7. Flander recommend 5T6 VS KELP fuel usually over $1 cheaper. PM me I have some travel scheduled & one formation clinic in Yuma during that time. If I'm in town you and your wife have a place to stay in El Paso. You might want to check with Yvesg first.... lol. You won't need a snow shovel!
  8. Well we'll just looked over at AOPA for the 2015 flyin schedule and what do I see but my Ol ugly Mug standing at the tail of my Rocket talking to Keith aka Flynnup94 and another couple guys at the AOPA 2014 San Marcus Flyin, where Bucko and I were the token Moony Ambassadors! By the way Keith does a more than adequate job while sitting in a chair under a canopy WATCHING you wax your polish your airplane out in the Hot sun and letting you know when and where you MISSED a spot! This was where My Friend Kieth was also given me a hard time about my fuel burn rate in the Rocket..... Now look who's talking Mr K who I hear now has a Rocket!... Do I hear right... Well what do you have to say for yourself now?
  9. Yes I'm aware but I'm looking for download able and preferably searchable.
  10. Where exactly is the downloadable FAR you state?
  11. Clarence, Im not in charge of anything and have no authority but we had a Cirrus join and fly with us in 2014. The Mooney & the Piper folks have a special time set aside to fellowship with Wine & Cheese & the Piper Folks come to the big Mooney BBQ. So based on what little I know they sure would welcome you. To fly in the Caravan you would need to attend one of the Formation flight clinics and meet the aircraft performance criteria. I dont know about the Comanche but I know my Saratoga would fly well with the Mooney If you are seriously intrested I will reach out to the group and find out what is involved. If you do get a Formation clinic approval I would be honored to have you fly with me. It is a great time.
  12. 2012 version here, http://propilot.aero/Assets/FAR/FARAIM%202012.pdf I am also intrested in locating the latest searchable PDF version if anyone knows of one
  13. Good Times, Great People Hope to see everyone again this year... and some new Mooniacs as well!
  14. +1+2+3 My wife of over 30 years is certantly the better portion of my marriage & life by a measure beyond a majority!
  15. Well I guess I am one of those Pilots who has gone off the Deep End! I have the Garmin GTN 750, 650 with G500 with SVT their synthetic vision technology as Garmin refers to it as. I also fly with and have since it was in Beta Seattle Avionics(SA) FLYQ. I flew with SAs Window based program Voyager before that and still use it for flight planning. I have no interest in SA. I have more than a few complaints but overall it is the platform I have chosen at this point. Mainly because I have been with SA so long and one thing I wont do is go with a Software Program that severely limits my hardware options as does Foreflight. From what I know of Foreflight it is a great software and the company seems to be doing a great job of support with a stable program. As I said I fly with the IPAD Air and the Clarity SV AHARS / ADS-B always on as a hot backup and I have used it in a real world event twice now. I believe SA has had Synthetic vision longer than other company but could be wrong about that. Another reason I probably will stay with FLYQ unless something really better comes along is I have a lifetime subscription for the data and approach charts for both FLYQ & Voyager products. SA at least did offer a lifetime subscription purchase option from time to time, I don't know if they still or will offer it again. Never heard of Foreflight offering a lifetime subscription. I have had and use the iLevel, Clarity SV, Garmin portable GPS and a couple more I have laying around plus every Garmin portable from the 296 to the 696! I fly a lot in IMC and use the SVT as situation awareness mostly but have now used it twice in real world situations and was very glad to have it both times. Once landed on a unfamiliar runway when my landing lights decided to both go south about a second after I turn them on! Like watching a video came with the center line of the runway dead on. Another time in IMC in my previous plane that did not have the Glass Panel we hit ICE, all the Pitot tube instruments quit within a couple minutes even with Pitot heat on, later found the Pitot heater to be unreliable!!!. Both times it was good to have, the rest of the time it is just there in case! So I am a big fan of SV, sure we can fly without it but why not with the low cost of the portable solutions like FLYQ and Foreflight etc. Fly safe,
  16. My bet Bucko is Flying Formation with the Texas Wing! yep thats my bet! That boy like flying formaiton!
  17. congradulations welcome to the world of Mooniacs!
  18. -14c..@ 7500 MSL The C deffintly stands for COLD! I picked up my first light ice today in my Rocket on the way home from Dallas this morning! Now you have me going. Ive been kicking around joining Byron at one of his races sometime. I have flown my Rocket at 200 but the fuel consumption is not acceptable. I fly 185 TAS @ 16.5 @ 12 normal warm temps. Slightly faster in winter but not much.
  19. Once again Clarence you are the best, thanks for being so kind and helpfull to the rest of us!
  20. Where do you plan to have the fly in?
  21. Here is one I thought everyone might not be aware of in the GA world! A Mooney M20C up for auction in Houston February 11 at 12 noon.
  22. In aviation, an intersection is a virtual navigational fix that helps aircraft maintain their flight plan. It is usually defined as the intersection (in the geometrical sense) of two VOR radials.
  23. +1 on Dave Martin From my point I would highly recommend anyone who can take the opportunity to experience formation flight from a first hand view! Invaluable in my opinion. I'll take anyone who what's to ride along! Last I heard plans are for 5 or more Mooneys from the Texas Wing of the Caravan arriving Thursday.
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