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  1. I second Brian. He does my Bravo....
  2. I highly recommend Jerry Johnson. I have flown with him for 20+ years. (4 different Mooneys and others) Jerry is on the board of directors for the Mooney Safety Pilots Association. DMax will have a KGGG recommendation if call his shop.
  3. @donkaye Thanks for the reply. I really have not noticed but will pay more attention to see if it has a right turning tendency during taxi. You have me curious now. I do understand the connection between the rudder and nose wheel. I'm not sure I understand your statement "It's also a potential issue when landing from a strong crosswind". I trim for coordinated flight in cruise and so I land in that setting. I have lots of time in HP planes that the rudder trim was not so easily set so using a bit of right rudder on takeoff is just natural. Usually just a slight pressure unless a strong crosswind then maybe a bit more.
  4. @donkaye Please elaborate more on this. I set the trim on the left side of the takeoff marking bracket when warming the engine before I taxi out. It might need a touch of right rudder on take off but not much. Are there stresses on the gear happening during taxi?
  5. The important indicator is the gear status view window on the floor. It should be checked prior to landing.
  6. I've had work done at Lubbock Aero several times and my family has for many many years. Very good shop but still not Mooney experts. If you want a real prebuy goto to Maxwell or SWTA. Both are real Mooney experts. I would not care that Maxwell has touched the plane in the past. Not too many in the fleet he has not seen over his many years of experience. I bought a 201 in PA and had the best Mooney shop in that area prebuy it. Bought the plane and had DMax do the work recommended. Don looked at the plane, never seeing it before, and ask if I knew about the minor damage to one wing. I told him I did but asked how he knew. He showed me some rivet pattern that was not factory. Said the repair was nicely done but he noticed that level of detail. I have owned 4 Moonies and he will be my prebuy guy anytime the plane can get there.
  7. You are going to mixed answers regarding Broadie's. They were a top shop when Mr Broadie was alive and running the shop. I can't speak to their current state of business. Take the plane to Don Maxwell. It's only an 1.5 hour flight from FTW.
  8. Brian Kenrick @ KHYI (San Marcos) is a long body specialist. Highly recommend.
  9. DMax set mine at 36" FOT. I have never see it change regardless of the field elevation on take off. I thought there was a barometric/altitude compensating device in the system.
  10. My CHTs go way up if I don't position the baffling correctly. The front baffles on mine need to be pulled forward. They tend to move backward when reinstalling the lower cowling. The problem one is just below the alternator on the passenger side. Makes my CHTs go up by 25-30 degrees.
  11. I used Paul at Weep No More in MN on my 201 about 10 years ago. I was very happy with the service and scheduling. I highly recommend Weep No More.
  12. Dr. Bob had a special way of making complex medical issues understandable by the non medical types. He was a great contributor to the MAPA Log and community. My dad would always call me after we got our monthly MAPA Log and ask me if I read Bob's article yet. He will be missed. RIP Bob and thanks for all the great articles.
  13. About how many man hours to replace those mounts? I have an engine at TBO but running great and oil analysis is great. I'm not sure mine have ever been changed as I don't find a log book entry since bravo conversion in 1995.
  14. @JohnB Please post photos and updates on your progress. I have the same plane and layout. Looking to make some updates before too long. Thanks
  15. I have not ran a honda generator but run all my lawn mowers, other generators, etc for many years. I find they never require maintenance because the fuel is so clean compared to the crappy ethanol gas. I would not not think twice about it. I have a 1000 gal tank and use avgas in most everything that is not my automobile. I have a 30+ year powertow tug that has never had auto gas and it's never been tuned up. Starts on first pull most every time.
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