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Everything posted by mike_elliott

  1. She had to be taken apart to transport her to Longview a couple months ago when Mooney sent it to Don. Im not sure she was flyable even with a ferry permit. I eyeballed her many times in the sales hangar, plotting the opportunity to take her for a lap around the patch
  2. I had him do mine 10 years before the first Summit. At the time, my choices were Midwest M20 Urethane, Edison, and Paul. A phone interview with each and my decision was made. Im glad i didnt go with the urethane, as there is another thread on it and maintenance issues here recently posted. Bladders were an option at a loss of GW and loss of capacity (only 52 gal back in the day) for a greater cost. Pauls work was done 16 years ago and to my understanding, the new owner of 9427V hasnt seen any issues
  3. I was the caretaker for about 3 years of this one, perhaps one of my favorite J's ever. She's a fast one, as I have documented here before.
  4. One supports the Summit, The Mooney Flyer, Mooneyspace, the West Coast Mooney Club and other Mooney community. Hopefully, this enters into the decision process, not just proximity and bottom line.
  5. Paul developed a chemical strip process that eliminates the scraping needed that can damage the Alcalde coating. Are you sure they all use Pauls' method? I understand he was licensing the system for a while. If your saying they all use sealant then yes, they all use the same method. I guess its like all engine rebuilders use wrenches. Personally, I would want the best to do mine, as well as the tanks.
  6. here are a couple of oldies that date me somewhat.... 1961 Mooney - all metal.pdf 1961 Mooney brochure.pdf 1961 Mooney Mark 21 Price list.pdf
  7. Paul is the best. He has forgotten more about tank care than the factory knows. Full disclosure: Weep no More, LLC is one of the founding sponsors of the Mooney Summit. Please consider patronizing a business that supports the Mooney Community. I have personal experience with Weep no More and while I live a short hop from KFXE, If I had a Mooney that needed the tanks resealed, it would be in line to go to Willmar, MN.
  8. If your falling from the sky hanging from a parachute, the gear helps dissipate energy. If your doing an emergency landing, the energy needed to mitigate is probably on the order of 10/ft/minute vertical and a BUNCH horizontal. Rolling might be less than desirable, especially in a bean field.
  9. Today is your lucky day, you just found it. Take a trip over to Longview, speak with DMAX, he owns this only example now.
  10. Maybe a letter from the local hospital concerning contract tracing of an STD
  11. Glad to hear it was just a sick attempt at humor. Such a shame it has to happen at the potential expense of the MAPA SF's reputation. Thanks for letting the community know, Jeff.
  12. Unless you KNOW you are making an emergency landing on a well groomed, off airport field suitable for a normal gear down landing, Error on the side of caution and keep the gear up and get the door opened, push the door lock forward while open. This will make sure your not trapped by a stuck door, possibly upside down in the weeds on fire (UWOF). First step in any emergency is to say "this belongs to the insurance company" then save all human life.
  13. Jerry, We have a couple of people here on Mooneyspace capable of forensic investigation of the email to determine its' source if that would help the MAPA SF clear themselves if you are interested. Im glad to hear the board was unaware of the solicitation.
  14. Thanks Anthony, perhaps speculating a cause based on an emergency landing field, effects on insurance and pilots skills are a bit premature. Thankfully, I dont have to have my wife spend her Christmas writing "the letter".
  15. I am excluded from responding as while I am old, I am not yet grizzled....
  16. Alan has a couple of huskies, an Extra, a Cessna Mustang and his Robinson 66 all painted the same, all ending in 6AG. His hangar lobby is nicer than most Signature's... Yea, thats one of Walter Dodge's Kelly aerospace AC vents you see...
  17. A couple of years ago, I thought I had to have mine replaced when I got a call from DMAX who said it was bad and was a 2500 "experience" then. Fortunately, Don was wrong about it being bad and he called back later. I think he might have just been using a softening up tactic for the rest.....
  18. That electric standby is worth about the same as a bitcoin right now.
  19. I think 70# of that gain was from the Sandel wiring and plunder
  20. Walter Dodge of Kelly Aerospace (wdodge AT Kellyaerospace.com) was involved with the original STC and licensed it to Midwest M20 to apply on Mooney's. He may have some info that could be of help. I am curious, did it develop a leak, or are you just cleaning it up and getting some UL back? Kevin Surrell (RIP) was emphatic that it would never leak back in the day when he was doing this sealant.
  21. When I had the Bravo, I would back it down a couple of inches prior to beginning initial decent, not because of the DA controller holding MP, but to keep her out of the yellow and begin a gradual cooling. While not a big shock cooling evangelist, as an engineer I know rapid heating or cooling doesnt do anything any favors.
  22. I look at you and see beauty, Mimi
  23. Thats operation warp speed for the FAA.
  24. It is my understanding MAPA is not the MAPA safety foundation, they are 2 separate organizations. One is a not for profit based in MA, one is a for profit based in Texas. Their relationship has been unclear and needs some transparency
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