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Everything posted by mike_elliott

  1. Mooney hasnt discounted prices for parts to the MSC's for at least 3 years that I know of. They dont publish a MSRP and havent for some time that I know of. They simply sell to the MSC's for their current price. Its their right to do this. I am not so sure of your accuracy when you state this Then whatever the discount was, which is gone, then Mooney has pushed through an across the board price increase on parts. If MSC's were getting a 20% discount previously, which is now gone, then Mooney has increased all parts prices 25% Are you aware of them having a MSRP and discount off list in the past when Mejeing group bought the company? I am not. Do you have any knowledge of them selling directly or discounting to anyone previously that I might be unaware of?
  2. I dont believe anyone can buy a part from Mooney. Mooney sells only to authorized service centers and they only have one price list. It is up to the Service center to put their markup on it as they see fit. I dont believe they publish the Mooney Service center price list either. If any of this has changed or will change, I am sure Clarence, Paul Maxwell or Jonny will correct me with authority, not speculation.
  3. There are a lot of very good people doing everything they can to continue the Mooney brand in very tough times for General Aviation. They have great plans and will do their best to execute and become a vibrant company once again. We would all be well served to do what we can to support their efforts and the efforts of the service centers to be able to be there for us when needed. Kevin, Stacey, Barry, Steve, Jonny, Misty, Paul and all of the team still working their butts off deserve our appreciation and support along with the great service centers that will continue to be able to support our fleet and needs.
  4. Maybe if he would smile I could check to see if he has all his teeth to be sure
  5. Dan, while I have never met Richard, I have had a bit of communication with him and found him to be humble and genuine as you state. He was scheduled to be one of the SME's at the Mooney Summit VIII and perhaps @Seth will install him in the agenda again, as he has a wealth of knowledge to share. Perhaps he came across a little pompous in the article, I am positive it wasn't his intent or his heart. I sure have in articles and presentations without meaning so while trying to emphasize and know how easy it is to misstep here. I have found you to be one of the more gifted people that can express yourself and never do it with a perception of judgement, a skill I constantly try to emulate.
  6. Gus, my dog taught me to leave the plane configured for TO so he could jump up on the wing walk easier. I discovered pax avoided stepping on the flap because if this, while in the past they would ignore verbal and written instructions not to. I do one thing different than you, prior to TO I'll cycle the flaps up then to full then back to TO to insure they and the limit switches work in all directions. There are no I'll effects to leaving the flaps in TO position in a hangar on the planes equipped with electric flaps. The older hydraulic flapped planes may have the seals leak in a shorter period of time, but that is only a guess of a possible detriment
  7. No it just shows the Ultra's backup instruments in case you lose your primary attitude heading and reference source or your PDF and MDF go BK on you.
  8. Again, I see your point, which is made moot with the new Ultra's and their redundancy. They still have a single point of AP failure, as they all do. The Sturn 55 was a great AP in "the day" and sure beats not having one. Today, the Garmin is just that much better and not subject to the electric TC spinning up/failures of the older tech. A shame Genesys doesnt make the 3100 available as a drop in replacement for the 55
  9. I get what you are saying, but you are not answering my question. Ill repeat it.. "Is there a second one that also drives the STEC? I was under the impression it was the SOLE driver of the Stec autopilot and why it is needed, albeit hidden. Please correct me if I am wrong" If there is not a second TC that also drives the STEC, your AP doesnt have redundancy, Agreed?
  10. Is there a second one that also drives the STEC? I was under the impression it was the SOLE driver of the Stec autopilot and why it is needed, albeit hidden. Please correct me if I am wrong.
  11. ...and you have a turn coordinator hidden behind all that glass to drive the stec that can fail
  12. Check your Alternator field wire for integrity. They have a nasty habit of busting at the connector going to the alternator.
  13. I have seen where an intake tube was not secure to the cylinder causing rough running. Simple to check, easy to fix, loctite blue is your friend along with new lock washers if your hangar elves have some handy.
  14. ..and very often a one piece belly and 3 blade prop are the sign of a previous gear up, often not recorded in the logs. Not that this in itself is bad if the repairs were properly done to the gear, etc. but often this is embellished as a feature, when it really could be a detriment.
  15. Sometimes, you find an engine with an inspection hole already...
  16. This is more what Don's about
  17. Probably in a self insured 231 would be my bet
  18. This was a plot by the American Bonanza Society to try to prove they have the better answer. By calling the Hiodontidae a Mooneye, it makes people think the Mooney airplane is a complete failure, eats gas and is worthless.
  19. These things about ruined the small mouth bass fishery of the Tippecanoe river in Northern Indiana back in the 70's. The have a voracious appetite for crawfish, minnows, helgramites and every other source of food. They wont be missed and a poor choice for an official fish for our beloved brand. The locals rightly called them shad. The flathead catfish would eat their guts
  20. Foreflight, flyQ, wingx and the like could easily add a 500' AGL check gear annunciation to their software also.
  21. Dr Ron sliced and diced a deer with his Bravo a few years ago landing at Middlesboro. Im not sure who arrived first, the NTSB or the local meat packers to smoke the kill.
  22. Will, thanks for your great work taking care of Larry!
  23. Here ya go.... wb Version 3.8.xls
  24. Fear is never boring
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