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fantom last won the day on February 8 2016

fantom had the most liked content!

About fantom

  • Birthday 01/05/1995

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    Davie, Florida
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  • Model
    '94 MSE 'J'

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  1. Amen to that, Parker! I've had the same experience, sitting in Don's office many times. "Contribute" --- ain't that like charity. Note that us Mooney folk aren't know as "big spenders". Stay working on the planes, mechanics, not holding hands with freeloaders
  2. With the broad array of questions you have, I suggest our search feature is your best option. Be aware that hangers are few, and very costly in SoFL. Good luck!
  3. Fliers with " funky opinions"..... I'm shocked
  4. Sweet....very sweet. Congrats!
  5. Starting up soon...keep checking back. Good choice of airplane
  6. If you want to fly supersonic, join the USAF. If you flunk the entrance exams....try the Navy
  7. The good news is flyboy knows what he's doing.....
  8. Warning, Xtrmedia.... Flyboy will most likely put on foggles, and turn you into a safety pilot. Trust you're 'comfortable' with that.
  9. If the plane has been sitting, and out of annual for a while, expect the PPI to find lots of stuff, and the annual to be more than a simple sign off.
  10. A very common ailment. Good luck finding both an acceptable partnership and a like minded partner. Not easy tasks.
  11. Without that plate, he's asking $22,000
  12. Strong stainless steel, or stronger John 3:16 Looking fine...congrats!
  13. Whatever you do, DON"T trust those young volunteer's with follow me flags. "There be danger there, Will Robinson."
  14. +++2 on Phil Jimenez. Down to earth, very competent, knows Mooney, and is fair.
  15. An excellent choice....good fortune with her
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