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Sooooo my airplane sold Sunday. Now I am completely able to find the Mooney of my dreams.lol.  I have been looking at several, and found one that I am rather interested in. Its a 65C, Clean interior, nice Panel, Avionics: 430W, secondary Nav Com, STEC 30 with GPS Steering and Alt Hold, Fuel Flow Monitor, Engine Monitor, Basically very well equipped. Here are my questions - - Engine is 1700ish SMOH, but has had the cylinders replaced within the last 100 hours. Oil filter was clean (we cut it open), good compressions, etc. Would anyone have any major concerns of buying an airplane fully equipped with the avionics they wanted WITH a higher time engine such as this. I understand TBO is just another number to us GA folk, but what kind of longevity would you all expect from an engine such as this? I KNOW its all guess work probably. lol.  What are other things to consider in deciding a fair offer amount, as well as MUST HAVE REPLACED. I saw where someone talked about the gear "pucks" and that they should be replaced every ten years? IS THIS true? This particular airplane has three pucks on the nose gear and four on the mains, they are dated 1999. I know these things are like 100 bucks a piece....I saw no signs of fuel leaks at the places that I looked. 


I am fully planning on having a prebuy, and probably will really try to work it out so Don Maxwell does it. 


Any opinions are greatly appreciated. THANKS!

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I wouldn't shy from an engine in great condition with those hours...just price it accordingly. It could fly another 500-1000 hours potentially, or not. Hopefully the 100 hours since the cylinder work was recent and not spread over 10 years. Pucks and other parts are replaced on condition...when it is jacked up during the PPI the condition can be easily checked. Good luck, sounds like a great candidate.

Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk


Thanks Mooniac - - Thats kind of what I was thinking as well. The cylinder work was 3 years ago I think??? I forgot to mention the cylinders are ECI cerminil which Don Maxwell says USED to not have great reports, but have gotten much better. 


46 minutes ago, Supercop0184 said:

Thanks Mooniac - - Thats kind of what I was thinking as well. The cylinder work was 3 years ago I think??? I forgot to mention the cylinders are ECI cerminil which Don Maxwell says USED to not have great reports, but have gotten much better. 


I have not heard bad things about the Cerminil process in well over 10 years (but I will defer to DMax).

One very positive thing about this is that they will only Cerminil/overhaul on first run cylinders.

Sounds like a very good candidate.  If you don't see any oil leaks from the case, my experience has been that the bottom end of an O-360 will go to 2500+ hours with little difficulty.


I'd rather buy an airplane with the avionics I wanted and a high time engine than one with a new engine but no avionics, so long as the price is right.  Remember, when you major the engine your airplane will be that much more valuable.  


Agree with steingar's comment- as long as it's appropriately priced for the time on the engine, the better avionics make it very appealing.  With new cylinders and a bottom end in good shape, it might even prove a great deal  if its near new cylinders (which do not add much market value) carry you way beyond TBO.  

As far as the pucks, mine were original ('68) when I bought my plane, and I so had them changed immediately.  I think the conventional advice on them is indeed ~10 years though, so it is a consideration - not a true urgency. Here's some nuanced considerations from Tom Rouch in The Mooney Flyer on the topic:




Thanks everyone for Y'alls help. With Y'alls input and assistance, I made an offer on a beautiful C which was accepted. Time for prebuy

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Congratulations on your Mooney deal.  You are the "Deal Man" for sure!  Sold your old plane and found a Mooney in just a few weeks.  I feel like such a "slacker", still looking!  I can't wait to hear all about your plane, please share the story when you are able.

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With fuel prices where they are, I'm beating the airlines prices, even flying solo. I did a round trip from Austin to Chattanooga a couple of weekends ago. My C used $292.00 in fuel for the round trip. That was 1440 nm.

The picture is at 12,500 coming home from Durango, CO at Christmas. It was -8 OAT but was quite comfortable in the cockpit despite my wife's outfit. She loves the freedom of going where we like when we like.


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Hank - - RIGHT ON, Wife loves flying so its imperative that she loves the plane!!! 

PAUL - - - Y'all looking GOOD! She looks bundled up!! HAHA!

Paul helped me get hooked hooked on the C model! A ride was all it took. ;P 

Flew in a <Maul 210C yesterday, had some impressive power, but will NEVER TOUCH the speed!!

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