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After all the hours I've been putting on my plane I noticed that the engine is starting to sag a little. The alternator housing is actually rubbing on the landing light housing now. I haven't had a chance to examine the mounts closely yet, but I'm assuming that I'm gonna find that they are in need of replacement. Spruce lists mounts from Barry and Lord, with about a $25 a piece price spread between them. Anyone have any experience with either or both? Any reason to not save $100 and go with the Barry pieces?


Just went through this...................


I went back with Barry mounts.....  Everyone I called only had new old stock for the bottom Lord mounts.  When I look at the mounts side by side the Barry mounts seem to be more robust. Two mechanics also requested the Barry mounts stating there were stronger and more resistant to sagging. When I was comparing prices the Barry mounts were $135.00 per mount and the Lords were less.


Changing the mounts made a great difference in vibration reduction.  I knew they needed changing based on how the spinner aligned to the cowl but did not realize it would make that much of a difference!  My thrust line was down and engine was tilted down and to the left.  The plane always had a left roll tendency....now gone!


Document your position of the shims when doing the removal.  This is an All day three person job!  The left lower mount is the most difficult.


Good Luck!




When you get a chance, make sure the C's engine mount welds are not broken.

Mine showed some interesting droop on its final days with me. One of the lower bolts was no longer connected to anything...

Best regards,



... good time to renew the sealing lip between the dog house and the cowling.

We have done the shimmies too, and well, its not a one mans job. Make sure the power controls are disconnected before lifting the engine, need to be readjusted anyway.

Take time to check the freedom and proper attachment of hoses and cables/wires in the gearbox area, grounding strap and so on ...


After that we got

-better cooling

-more speed

-roll tendency gone


I read Maxwells article a while back, and I'll be checking over everything today when I change the oil. I know the mounts have had the gussets welded on at some point in time. 


Any other comments on one mount vs the other?

  On 9/3/2015 at 4:41 PM, Yetti said:

One of the things on the maintenance program....  had already bought 2 of the Lord.... should I return and get Barry?


Is it normal to only do 2? I assumed all 4 would need replacing.


Ok that make sense then. I was looking at mine yesterday, and they don't look horrible, but there is some cracking in the rubber and they are certainly compressed. Actually the top ones are compressed in a pull direction, and the bottoms in a push. I wonder if any CB has ever decided to just rotate top to bottom since they are the same mount, but loaded in opposite directions. Probably too much work for even the cheapest of CBs to do though. 


In the article linked above they show photos of the alignment being off on the J cowling. On my C it's a little tougher, but the fact that the alternator is rubbing the cowl is probably a good indication. Also they mention an inch or so clearance on the starter, and I can barely get my index finger in there if I squeeze it.

  • 5 years later...
  On 3/9/2021 at 6:09 AM, lithium366 said:

Yep, this one, it’s no longer available


All of the DMax articles have probably been moved...

This came up recently...

Unfortunately, I don’t recall the answer...

You might try the new GMax entity... where the two finest businesses in aviation combined into one... 

We can always ask @Pmaxwell, Paul stops by every now and then...

Or email, call, or stop in...  https://www.gmaxamericanaircraft.com/default.htm

Best regards,


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