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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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What kind of long gun?

Anything not fully automatic. For example, those bolt action rifles, and the one dude with the AR-15.  Let me ask again, is openly carrying those weapons illegal in the state of Texas? 

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How much did the Koch brothers spend on costumes for the Tea Party crowd? 

Tea Party crowd clean up after themselves and don't go around burning down buildings. Big difference......maybe its the guns that deter the dumbasses that like to destroy things. Ask yourself this question, Which group of individuals would you rather have with the guns? Don't believe the media hype.....It's not the same, not even a little bit. As far as the Koch Bros. and Soros is concerned? who cares, it's their money. It's funny tho how the Koch Bros always seem to be on the headlines and not the other scary dude.







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Anything not fully automatic. For example, those bolt action rifles, and the one dude with the AR-15.  Let me ask again, is openly carrying those weapons illegal in the state of Texas? 


I'd have to check. They cannot be concealed, so one would have to understand transport laws. In some states, they are required to be in a case, in the trunk and not immediately accessible. In other states, the proverbial pick-up truck gun rack may still be allowed, although, I would now caution against the a pick-up truck gun rack being adorned by a Confederate flag. It tends to grab the attention of african american troopers.

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Tea Party crowd clean up after themselves and don't go around burning down buildings. Big difference......maybe its the guns that deter the dumbasses that like to destroy things. Ask yourself this question, Which group of individuals would you rather have with the guns? Don't believe the media hype.....It's not the same, not even a little bit. As far as the Koch Bros. and Soros is concerned? who cares, it's their money. It's funny tho how the Koch Bros always seem to be on the headlines and not the other scary dude.


Neither in city limits. I just hate guns in city limits. And no, not some kind of liberal anti-gun nutcase here. Picture of my fat ass, .44 on my hip, on the way to climb Gannett peak. Grizzly territory. Guns have their purpose. Political rallying is not one of them.



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The difference between this thread and the others...

The bad spelling thread won't go past page three, and will naturally fall off page one.

Spelling is a challenge for some mooney pilots. Some good will come out of the discussion...

MooneySpace is a community that is supporting it's members.

It isn't always perfect.

It isn't always understood.

Please, try to type like the gentlemen that you are.

You are part of the community and you are not alone or in a private room.

Consider a new title for timmy's thread. Call it what it is.

As for now, it is horribly mislabeled.

best regards,


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.44 mag, S&W 329PD, hard cast bullets from Garrett, made specifically for stopping large game, my gun collection would make a lot of NRA members jealous. Yes, this so called liberal.


Oh and I'll bet if you were confronted and had to take one down, the DNR in that state would have more questions about the protected species and your motives, than the value of your own life. Oh....and the forms to fill out. In Maryland, we cannot carry because of another species, mainly residing in PG County and Baltimore City.

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Oh and I'll bet if you were confronted and had to take one down, the DNR in that state would have more questions about the protected species and your motives, than the value of your own life. Oh....and the forms to fill out. In Maryland, we cannot carry because of another species, mainly residing in PG County and Baltimore City.


DNR? What's that :D  That picture was taken 2 days walk from the nearest road. DNR can kiss my ass...


Edit: It was Wyoming, BTW, so I highly doubt the DNR there would shed a tear over a grizzly. I might, though. Magnificent animal...Pepper spray on my other hip, would much rather use that.

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It is not self contained...

Alex has brought it over to the thread about spelling.

The inappropriate behavior by grown men is somewhat appalling.

Trying to promote it as free speech and that it is OK does not make sense.

best regards,


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Oh and I'll bet if you were confronted and had to take one down, the DNR in that state would have more questions about the protected species and your motives, than the value of your own life. Oh....and the forms to fill out. In Maryland, we cannot carry because of another species, mainly residing in PG County and Baltimore City.


Baltimore can be fun...Two friends of mine head departments at John Hopkins

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DNR? What's that :D  That picture was taken 2 days walk from the nearest road. DNR can kiss my ass...


Edit: It was Wyoming, BTW, so I highly doubt the DNR there would shed a tear over a grizzly. I might, though. Magnificent animal...Pepper spray on my other hip, would much rather use that.


In Montana, it would be an inqusition.

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Alex was just highlighting a point that was initially brought up as a problem for MS by carusoam. I beleive that thread was started by someone that was irked because a fellow mooneyspacer found their spelling offensively bad. No connection to piloting, airplane maintenance, FAA regulations, etc. Just grammar. Who knows it might even last more than 3 days...

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BTW, I have no problem with that thread and I am certainly not asking anyone not to read it or post on it. I am just asking that the same kind of deference be given to this thread. If anything we get to see how nutty the other side is or how out of touch we may be ourselves (not likely, but possible)

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No Alex, the profanity and the subjects covered in this thread are offensive to many of the people visiting MS.

Losing people from this thread because they don't agree, is not the same as losing somebody from MS because they accidently come upon this thread.

Even accidently insulting people keeps them from coming back.

Everybody has something to offer to make this community what it is.

It's a group of middle-age people looking to share some ideas.

- The OSHA specialist brings safety guidance that is pertinent to fly a Mooney.

- The lawyers here often bring points that are not obvious to the 'legal' untrained.

- Our beloved voice-over specialist demonstrates how to walk a narrow path flying a V-tail Bonanza on MS.

Let's try to keep everyone coming back.

Let's try to avoid people leaving thinking MS is harboring negativity under the guise of "poor Timmy".

Best regards,


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All good points, please join in more often. The posts here are the responsibility of each author and are forever a part of the data stream. An extensive Google search yielded no bomb throwing that would be detrimental to the Moonespace community. I searched "Mooneyspace" and "Mooney Aircraft" and I searched twelve pages deep on each. Not a negative or billigerant comment showed up anywhere and this thread did not show up once. Now, if someone searched "Little Timmy", that's a different story and proves exactly my point, nobody would. Come on...lighten up, join in. Or buy an A36 and run with the PhD's on the other site.

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I have lightened up.

I have requested what I thought would be beneficial to the community of MS and the small comunity of the people that like this thread.

(1) Change the name to not attract accidental viewers trying to help out a young man interested in flying.

(2) Get it off the front page for anyone that hits the View New Content button.

How hard can that be?

Does that work for you guys?

Best regards,


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I have lightened up.

I have requested what I thought would be beneficial to the community of MS and the small comunity of the people that like this thread.

(1) Change the name to not attract accidental viewers trying to help out a young man interested in flying.

(2) Get it off the front page for anyone that hits the View New Content button.

How hard can that be?

Does that work for you guys?

Best regards,




Maybe we can convince the Administrator to create a new Forum, something like "Non-aviation related". Pilot's of America has one and is quite popular. Interestingly enough it's called "The Spin Zone".

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Lots of liberals like and enjoy guns. Beautiful scenery on that pic Andy


Thanks. The wind river range is WY is stunning, too bad it's only really accessible 3 months of the year. And yes, lots of liberals like guns. I even have a carry permit. I just don't see a point of them being openly carried in city limits by conservatives, liberals or unaffiliated alike. Too many people, in too close of space, and especially at politically charged events. Just too much potential for misunderstanding.

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