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  1. Hello All, looking at joining the Mooney family but I’m new to flying (still working on PPL). I was going to go with an M20G I found in Muscatine, IA, but it has a very basic panel. It’s super clean inside and out though On the other hand, I just saw an M20C pop up at KSFB (Sanford, FL) with a nice Dynon panel, but the rest of the interior is a bit beat. I’d like to get a thorough prebuy done in the area, does anyone have recommendations? It seems like a lot of the guys that I’ve found on other threads are enjoying retirement. it seems like the plane has normally been serviced by Posada Aviation https://www.barnstormers.com/classified-1939443-1967-Mooney-M20C.html?catid=20590 Also, if anyone wants to chime in, do you believe this to be a fair price? Id like to get this under contract I’m based out of Chicago (Schaumburg, 06C) if anyone knows good local mechanics as well. Looking forward to joining the family!
  2. 1967 Mooney M20C 3 blades prop. Well equipped airplane with Dynon Skyview HDX, Avidyne 440 GPS and Garmin 345 . No autopilot. Prop overhauled 07/22 New Alternator 04/22 Electric fuel pump 11/21 New Harness 08/21 Magnetos overhauled 03/21 Could use a paint job and new interior. Engine : 1475 SMOH Located in KSFB Price $74'500
  3. AirWerks llc, they are located at KSFB. Owners are Mooney drivers as well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Anyone have experience with Propellerheads in KSFB?
  5. AMI Aviation located in KSFB. Call and ask for Brad. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. AMI Aviation Services in Sanford (KSFB) did my G3X/GFC500 install
  7. Hi All I am new to the forum. My name is Dennis Pendergast and I own and fly a 1966 Cessna 150F. I will soon be looking to buy an M20C project in need of much attention. I noticed you all do meet ups in Florida. I am based at Sanford (KSFB), where I run my avionics shop. Would a future Mooney guy be able to join up with the rest of you on your next $100 hamburger run?
  8. I’d like to be added KSFB. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. So... new to this forum but have been thinking about buying a Mooney. Unfortunately, my taste in airplanes exceeds my willingness to part with my money. However, if I could find a like minded 2nd owner... it’s a win-win. Anyone out there interested in a J or K or maybe even a lower end Ovation at either KSFB or KORL?
  10. Had a chance encounter with a Antonov on Saturday. Those things are huge when viewed from the Mooney. We went out and flew around for a bit and got to see it again while we were on final.
  11. Propeller Head Aviation was located in Winter Haven, Florida and now has moved to the SE ramp at KSFB Sanford, Florida near Orlando. I have a 78 Mooney 201 and the owner Bill did an excellent job repairing fuel leaks in my Mooney. He is a pilot mechanic and is a very knowledgeable aviation mechanic. He will also install bladders if that is what you want.
  12. Propeller Head Aviation was in Winter Haven, Florida and have moved to the SE ramp at KSFB Sanford, Florida near Orlando. I have a 78 201 and the owner Bill did an excellent job of repairing the leaks in my Mooney. He is a pilot mechanic and is a very knowledgeable aviation mechanic. He will also install bladders if that's what you want.
  13. We're based at the South East Ramp KSFB and just got an M20C.
  14. Want to see people discussing KSFB? https://mooneyspace.com/search/?q=Ksfb Best regards, -a-
  15. Hello everyone, Just wondering if there are any Mooney owner in here base at KSFB? I recently move my Mooney to SFB and would like to meet some fellow Mooney owner.. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hello Florida flyers. I am contemplating a move back into the Orlando area and I used to live in Winter Park and fly out of Sanford KSFB. Things have changed a ton since I was there and I am now wondering where would be a good drome to park my two airplanes. I would prefer to put both in the same hangar but if I can only find a couple of Ts that would work short term. Any ideas on a new home that is GA friendly?
  17. Not a Mooney story, but on my solo long cross country I lost a mag on the first leg. My instructor sent a mechanic out with one and by the time he got to me and fixed the 172 I was off a bit late. Leg two took me to either Ft. Pierce or Stuart, I can't recall which one. Anyway, the one I was supposed to be at was untowered, but as I came down for my T&G I saw a tower and wondered what it was doing there. That also explained why no one was on the radio and it did seem like other planes were avoiding me. Because of the gators in Lake Okeechobee I decided to skirt it and that added a bit of time to my flight. I wound up landing in KVNC after nightfall. It was my first use of pilot controlled lighting, so cool. Anyway, I flew back the next morning and I think I overflew one of the MacDill restricted zones because an F15 flew right under me. When I landed back at KSFB my instructor ran up and said something like "Where the hell..." and I said "Has the FAA called yet?". Then I said, "You should have seen my night landing!" Then he said "But you don't know how to land at night." "I do now." We can add "student pilots" to the old saw: "God looks out for fools and babies."
  18. Look up Sanford Orlando KSFB. It's a quick trip up the beltway to UCF.
  19. My buddy flies a Citation Sovereign for a living. It is based in Tampa but was at the Cessna Service Center at Orlando International and was ready to be picked up. My Mooney was ready to be picked up from the avionics shop at Orlando-Sanford 21 nm north. So we drove a rental to KSFB to pick up my bird then I dropped him off at KMCO. Here is a picture of 88V in front of the Cessna Service Center and a ramp full of Citation Jets. Interior pics of the Sovereign. Golfing legend and fellow aviator gone west, Arnold Palmers Citation.
  20. Just picked up 88V from CE Avionics at KSFB. I'm very pleased with my Lynx install and the other work they performed. I was given an estimate before the work was started and they stuck to it. Some minor issues popped up like finding my speaker cone was deteriorated. I was notified and asked if I wanted it replaced and quoted a price. Robert Powell, the sales rep, is very knowledgeable in all things aviation and kept me posted on the progress with regular emails and photos. He is actually a CFII, ATP and A&P. Robert likes airplanes and enjoys his job. He spent quite a bit of time with me discussing my immediate as well as long term plans for my panel. The shop is spotless, my windscreen was protected with an adhesive film while they worked on the panel, my wing walk was covered in protective cloth. It is always a pleasure doing business with professionals and the folks at CE Avionics are the at the top of their profession.
  21. FWIW, My "F" is currently at CE Avionics @KSFB. I was the high bidder on the Lynx NGT 9000 at Mooney Summit and it is getting installed. I am also having my KLN 89B changed out to a KLN 94, my #2 radio moved to the right panel, my ADF and related accessories removed, vertical card compass and USB charging port installed and a lazy AI repaired. My experience so far has been a good one. Robert Powell is the salesman, a retired pilot and most professional. Their hourly rate is $105 but I have learned it is sometimes less expensive to pay for experience than to pay for someone to learn. I received a detailed estimate and will report back after the work is completed.
  22. John, I had my PPI done by Chris Reilly of Sanford-Aircraft based at KSFB. He maintains several Mooneys and a few for some guys on here. He has an RV and will most likely fly to you as he has flown to me in Ocala. Chris always treats me fair and is one of the most thorough mechanics I have worked with. http://www.sanford-aircraft.com/ Best, Steve
  23. Flew in to KSFB tues and back to KTYS yesterday and trust me you made the right choice, the trip was a continual chore of dodging build ups and by the time I made it to north Georgia I was thinking seriously about landing in Jasper Ga and waiting it out. Looked to be a good break towards KCHA so I just slipped through a few storms there and turned back east and made it home. I have to compliment "Starport" they were very accomodating and the guy on the line told me he was very aware of the turnng radius on Mooneys, they were all very friendly and I would definately go there again.
  24. I remember my 'Long XC' like it was yesterday. Needed to fly KSFB (home base) to KFPR, then on to KVNC. I flew down to KFPR and enroute I lost a mag. I was able to land and they called my CFI. After I waited an hour or few, he flew in with another Cessna (and a mag to fix the one I flew down in) for me to complete my XC. By the time all this happened it was getting late in the afternoon, but I took off anyway and headed across the great (narrow) State of Florida. As I neared Lake Okeechobee, my mind flashed to a newspaper article that had appeared the week before in the Orlando Sentinel about how alligators were making a comeback and that Lake O was full of them. At that point I decided not to cross over the middle of the lake as planned (keep in mind I was on my second A/C), even though it's average depth is 9', and skirted it instead. This put me into KVNC after dark and that was quite exciting until I remembered that you turn the lights on by keying the mike. I don't know where I stayed that night, but I got up bright and early to fly back. On the way, a fighter jet from MacDill AFB flew underneath me at high speed such that I could see the top of the jet with perfect clarity. When I landed back at KSFB my instructor came running up and I asked him, "Has the FAA called yet?" Then, "You should have seen my night landing," to which he exclaimed, "But you don't know how to land at night!" I do now
  25. If you don't mind going off the field, I've used Chris Reilly for years and always felt he did a great job at a fair price. He is located in Sanford, KSFB, and his phone number is 407-288-3215 and his web site is ksfbamc.com.
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