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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. Thanks for the reminder for why I am letting my membership lapse. The first time was when Boyer was running around saying how important it was he flew in a Citation. Pretty impressive salaries for an organization that reported $46M in revenues. To put things in perspective, a CEO for a company in the private sector that generates between $25M and $100M in revenues has a total annual compensation between $350k and $500k. Even if you applied the aviation markup… Blame this one on my former career: https://www.aopa.org/-/media/Files/AOPA/Home/About-AOPA/Governance/2020_AOPA_Form-990_Public-Inspection-Copy.pdf Take note of the reported travel expenses. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. How badly cracked is it? When Bruce Jaeger did my interior, he showed me how to repair the cracks. It’s not perfect but repaired, cleaned up and painted with a good SEM color, they look really good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Did he sell his Mooney or did one of us knuckleheads piss him off so bad he hasn’t been back? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  4. You can gobble up half of that or more just in the seats. I did the Spatial Designs interior and with the seats/rugs, I was in the $8k range. I don’t know what Aerocomfort gets but they have to be pushing $15k or more. Try to find an upholsterer who can provide the burn permits. Some of the car people might end up cheaper than a shop dealing with airplanes only. I got my seats done for $2k (in leather) primarily because I caught the shop at a slow time. No one in areas where we deal with winter weather wants their plane down during the summer. SCS sells nice carpets but they are pricey. I had custom ones made by Airtex in Trenton, NJ. I could buy 3 sets of them for the price of a high end SCS carpet set. Jaeger’s Spatial Design package includes new side panels and shows you how to refurbish cracked trim pieces. I priced out replacement trim pieces and I could easily have dropped over $3k on them alone - and to make things worse, you still need to trim the trim to get them to fit correctly. This is one of Bruce’s side panels with refurbished window trim. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  5. That’s exactly what I do with the STEC. Click the 20’ altitude correction button if I need to adjust altitude due to a new altimeter setting. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  6. How did it end? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  7. As Eric stated, the kit doesn’t contain the temp sensor. It’s on the charger. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  8. As far as I know, none of the King stuff is interfaced with the Aspen or the Garmin for controlling the autopilot. The only autopilots that interface with the Aspen are the STEC 55, 3100 (some airplanes), Avidyne’s DFC-90 and now the GFC 600 (Martin Pauly’s Bonanza was the test airplane). I have the STEC 60-2 and all the AP control is done through the STEC control head. I’m still holding out hope the GFC 500 will be certified. I use the Aspen to enter target altitude and minimums but it doesn’t do anything with the AP. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  9. I have a JPI and an EI FP-5L. They each provide fuel flow and pressure. I’ll have to look at the installation again but I know I have at least two flow transducers and perhaps two pressure transducers. Don’t know much about the Shadin capabilities but I wanted to have redundancy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  10. Mine is landscape mode as well. JPI did switch the display type on the 900. The original display seemed to have less resolution and an anti-glare covering on it. Mine failed twice and after the second failure, they provided the new style display. It has better resolution, but no anti-glare covering. I’ll be curious to see what the displays look like of those who bought a 900 within the past couple of years. Here are the two displays. The first picture shows the reason why the display was replaced. Biggest gripe I have with the new display is the lack of anti-glare and it looks like Alex’s 930 is using the same style display. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. Are you talking about the window trim that sits on top of the glass or you talking about a bead on the glass where it contacts the airframe? My 1975 F had a U piece on the window trim. It was replaced with a more flexible version that Bruce Jaeger provided when he did my interior. This is what the original trim piece looked like: You can see the new U trim piece on the door frame in this picture. This what you are talking about? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  12. Better view of it. And if you are interested in it, let me know. I think I still have a lot of it on the roll that I haven’t used since it was installed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Actually it is not a carpet. It is a fabric that is glued onto the panels. Came from Douglas Interior Products, Bellevue, WA. Item number 5586. https://douglassinteriorproducts.com/?s=5586 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. Technically a J is an F clone. [emoji6] The starting airframe that was used to make the first J models were in fact Fs that were heavily modified and introduced as the J model. If you sat in a late model F or an early J, you’d be hard pressed looking at the interior to tell the difference. Now if the owner here claimed it was an Ovation clone, well then, I’d be on the bandwagon to say that would be stretching it. Pun intended. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. I just got mine approved “FAT 1”. [emoji1787] I’m curious why this level anonymity is important to you guys? Afraid someone will see you flying while you should be working? Gives the mother-in-law time to work on her quips before your arrival? Let’s your neighbors know when it is safe to break into your house (in that case, probably best not to post “I’m in Cancun” on Facebook)? Or am I in the midst of a bunch of billionaires and celebrities? [emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. Oxygen is an oxidizer. It “combusts” readily when expose to a petroleum source. Any fast evaporating solvent is fine to clean the orifice with. Also, if you keep a cylinder without your cannula adapter attached, you’ll want make sure you keep a cap on it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. Not sure I understand your question. It has a Hobbs feature that begins counting as soon as the master is turned on. Are you talking about the ability to do like my Garmin Pilot app does, count it as time as soon as I exceed 20 knots or go vertical 200 feet? I’m not aware of any input for flight time although it does track GPS coordinates as well as speed & time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. JPI uses 800 RPM to start tach time counting and EI uses 1200. I have both and my tach times don’t line up between the two. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. But you have one helluva PTSD reaction when I light [emoji91]a cigar in front of you. [emoji13] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  20. What happens when you say “Hey Siri, take a picture”? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. Have you needed to refill one of your transfill cylinders this past year? I was a bit shocked that our 250 cu ft cylinders are now $40 per refill. It was $16 in 2021. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  22. Outside of the engine stuff being discussed, now is the time to make sure EVERYTHING on the plane is working. New buyers sometime get tunnel vision and will overlook things that will come back to bite them later. When the owner says, “Yeah, those factory gauges never worked right, I just use the JPI 830”, don’t be surprised at the annual your IA says those factory gauges are required to be working and the JPI 830 is an advisory gauge. And then you’re stuck with a $500 bill to fix them. I can’t tell you the number of times new owners have come back on this site shell shocked from getting their first annual bill. Turn the knobs, use the avionics, make sure ALL the lights work. If something isn’t working, you can either renegotiate the price, accept the issue or you walk. Just don’t ignore that some of this stuff can be very very expensive to fix afterwards. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  23. The way these batteries fail is a slow expansion of the battery without a fire or explosion or a rapid expansion leading to a fire and/or “explosion”. If you ever used magnesium as a fire starter, it behaves like this. Except in the case of a lithium battery, the lithium is contained in a sealed container that and depending on the size of the battery and ignition rate, will either cause an aggressive fire or an aggressive explosive fire. I think these bags are designed to contain the fire and to some extent the rapid expansion (“explosion”) without compromising of the case. If you think about it, having an airtight container that won’t let the smoke out would also create a situation where gas pressure would cause the protective container to rupture. That is why I don’t use the pouch kind. I use a slightly bigger one that allows more space for the smoke to accumulate. There is still a risk with an iPad or cell phone battery going off, but I am more worried about the larger battery bank I carry around. Especially those that are made by companies where you have no idea about their quality control. For your viewing pleasure: This is the style of bag I use: Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  24. Yes, roll it. Bring the seat back forward and then roll it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  25. My Lynx 9000+ with ATAS meets the requirements of C195b. I have an iPad that gets traffic from a GDL-52. My Aspens, GTN and Lynx all get traffic from the Lynx. What I have found is that I will get traffic warnings on the iPad not based on conflict but based on proximity to me. The stuff that is connected to the Lynx will all trigger at the same time when the ATAS triggers with the voice warning. The big difference is that it won’t trigger unless there is a conflict. What that means is my iPad won’t trigger on a plane that is 3 miles away and heading towards me, while the Lynx ATAS will. As I mentioned earlier, it has been 100% accurate over the past 5 years. I don’t get nuance warnings even if in the traffic pattern unless there truly is a conflict. An example of that was a warning on final when a plane entered the runway with me about a mile out. I just read through the TSO. There are a lot of requirements that need to be met to ensure any failure mode doesn’t compromise the integrity of the system. I doubt an iPad system can meet it but I am checking on the GDL-52 specs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
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